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Release Notes
Last Published:
Resiliency Platform & CloudMobility (3.4)
- Release Overview
- System requirements
- Known issues
- General known issues
- Known issues: Recovery from physical environment to virtual machines
- Known issues: Recovery to Azure
- Known issues: Recovery to vCloud
- Known issues: Resiliency Platform Data Mover
- Known issues: Resiliency Platform Data Mover used for recovery to on-premises data center
- Known issues: Recovery from physical environment to virtual machines
- Known issues: Recovery using third-party replication
- Known issues: NetBackup integration
- Known issues: Upgrade
- General known issues
- Limitations
Replace gateway configuration may not get updated in virtual machine's configuration after Veritas Resiliency Platform is upgraded from 3.3.2 to 3.4 (VRP-25508)
Replace gateway configuration may not get updated in virtual machine's configuration after Veritas Resiliency Platform is upgraded to 3.4
This occurs in the following scenarios:
Environment is on prior to 3.4
Virtual Machine or workloads are migrated or taken-over to target datacenter
Upgrade to 3.4 is successful as per the upgrade matrix
Replace gateway is done before taking-over or migrating to the source
Migrate the virtual machine/workload back to the source after upgrading to 3.4. After that you can perform the replace gateway operation.