Release Notes
- Release Overview
- System requirements
- Known issues
- General known issues
- Known issues: Recovery from physical environment to virtual machines
- Known issues: Recovery to Azure
- Known issues: Recovery to vCloud
- Known issues: Resiliency Platform Data Mover
- Known issues: Resiliency Platform Data Mover used for recovery to on-premises data center
- Known issues: Recovery from physical environment to virtual machines
- Known issues: Recovery using third-party replication
- Known issues: NetBackup integration
- Known issues: Upgrade
- General known issues
- Limitations
Limitations: Windows hosts for Resiliency Platform Data Mover replication
Following limitations are applicable only for hosts on Windows platform and the replication is Resiliency Platform Data Mover:
To perform the Initialize Disk operation, consistency group must be in PAUSED or STOPPED state.
If the consistency group is not in PAUSED or STOPPED state then you need to perform the following steps before initializing the disk:
Move the consistency group in maintenance mode.
Verify that the consistency group is in PAUSED | FLOW CONTROL state on the Windows hosts running the following command on the host:
%PROGRAMFILES%\Veritas\VRTSitrptap\cli\vxtapinfo status
If system recovery is done manually, then you need to first stop the replication and then start the replication using the CLI.
"C:\Program Files\Veritas\VRTSitrptap\cli\vxtapaction.exe" stop - cg <CGID>
"C:\Program Files\Veritas\VRTSitrptap\cli\vxtapaction.exe" start - cg <CGID>
where CGID is the consistency group ID.