Veritas NetBackup™ WebSocket Service (NBWSS) Reference Guide
- Using the NetBackup WebSocket Service (NBWSS) for communication with a cloud application
- Examples of NBWSS messages
- Configuring WebSocket endpoints for NBWSS
- Troubleshooting NBWSS
- NBWSS issues
WebSocket endpoint details and their formatting
To communicate with a cloud-based application, NetBackup uses the WebSocket protocol to establish a secure connection to the cloud application. NetBackup connects to a cloud application interface that is called a WebSocket endpoint. To connect, NetBackup needs certain details about the endpoint.
Table: Entries that define a WebSocket endpoint describes the information that is required for a WebSocket endpoint.
Table: Entries that define a WebSocket endpoint
Endpoint details | Description |
| The cloud application's security token. When NetBackup initiates a connection to the cloud application, it sends the token to the application. The application then validates the token. If the application accepts the token, a secure connection is established between NetBackup and the application. If the application does not accept the token, the connection is not established. |
| The endpoint's priority within its group. A lower number has higher priority. The priority allows NetBackup to decide in which order to attempt connections for that server group. Only one connection can be active per server group. |
| A unique identifier of the group that the endpoint belongs to. |
| The host name or IP address of the cloud server that contains the endpoint. |
| The full URL of the WebSocket endpoint that NetBackup connects to. The WebSocket URL begins with wss:// Note: ws:// is not supported. |
IMPORTANT: You may need to work with the cloud service provider to obtain the endpoint details. The endpoint details must be available to NetBackup in either of the following ways:
In a file that is formatted in JavaScript Object Notation (a JSON file). If the service provider does not provide the endpoint details in a JSON file, you can format the information in a JSON file yourself.
The endpoint details must include a security token for access to the cloud application. The service provider should be careful to send you the application token in a secure manner.
By means of a URL. NetBackup uses the URL to request the endpoint details from the cloud application.
NetBackup does not support an apostrophe (') anywhere in the endpoint details.
The following shows the WebSocket endpoint details in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON):
{ "token": "security_token ....", "priority": numeric_value, "groupId": "group_ID", "hostName": "host_name.domain", "url": "wss://host_name.domain:port/uri" }
Note the following:
In this version of NetBackup, each JSON file must specify a single endpoint, not multiple endpoints.
The file begins with a left curly bracket ({) and ends with a right curly bracket (}).
The entries consist of
pairs that are comma-separated.Each string is enclosed in double quotes ("") except for the priority value.
The five
pairs (token
) can appear in any order.NetBackup does not support an apostrophe (') anywhere in the file.
Save the JSON-formatted information as a text file in a location that the NetBackup master server can access.
For background on JSON formatting, see the Network Working Group memo on JavaScript Object Notation:
The following is an example of a JSON-formatted file that defines a WebSocket endpoint:
{ "token": "MIID4TCCAsmgAwIBAgIEBZCDRzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBxMQs DVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCQ0ExFjAUBgNVBAcTDU1vdW50YWluIFZpZXcx vzu0n2rWon48ncp6jMjOFiWqMRXnV8Q0vOEpAzUV7Qml92EMV6z0PinAgMBAA GjgYAwfjBdBgNVHREEVjBUgiJ2b21yaGVsNnU1LXZtMDQuZW5nYmEuc3ltYW G7IsZ2fTDWKLGxbAG5NNKwEfD11LFhKGwaHkOXYkVi+HVnFEFKK0gxVWg==", "priority": 1, "groupId": "GROUPID1", "hostName": "", "url": "wss://" }
Notes on the JSON file example:
This example begins with the token. The token is a string that the cloud application uses to authenticate NetBackup when NetBackup requests a connection.
When you obtain the endpoint information from the service provider, make sure that the token is provided in a secure manner.
The next entry in the file is the
, followed by thegroupId
, and the cloud server'surl
When you have the JSON formatted file, use the WebSocket Server dialog to specify that file. NetBackup extracts the endpoint details from the file. Use the following procedure:
option on the NetBackupSee Saving NetBackup credentials for a WebSocket server endpoint.
The cloud application can generate a URL that NetBackup can use to request the WebSocket endpoint details. Use the following procedure to enter the URL in the NetBackup WebSocket Server dialog:
See Saving NetBackup credentials for a WebSocket server endpoint.