Veritas NetBackup™ WebSocket Service (NBWSS) Reference Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.2, 8.1.2, 8.1.1)

The cloud application asks to make a REST API call

A. The cloud application asks to add information to NetBackup about a vCenter server (POST)
      "version": "1.0",
      "id": "99B9BD8C-9E3E-406A-A7EE-33B88531C7D9",
      "type": "COMMAND",
      "subType": "REQUEST",
      "timeStamp": 1444856264,
      "payload": {  
            "uri": "/netbackup/config/servers/vmservers",
            "method": "POST",
            "headers": {  
                  "Content-Type": "application/vnd.netbackup+json;version=1.0"
                  "Authorization": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1N"
            "parameters": "{\"serverName\": \"vcenterServer1\",
            \"proxyServerName\": \"\",\"vmType\": \"VMWARE_VIRTUAL_
            CENTER_SERVER\",\"userId\": \"administrator\",
            \"password\": \"password@123\",\"port\": 0 }"

Notes: The request and its response should always have the same value for "id".

The "type" field is "COMMAND" and the "subType" field is "REQUEST". The "payload" "method" is "POST", which adds the vcenterServer1 information into NetBackup.

For "subType" "REQUEST", the "headers": must contain the following:

  • "Content-Type": "application/vnd.netbackup+json;version=1.0" is the form of the request.

  • "Authorization" is the JSON web token (JWT) that was received in a previous response.

The "parameters" field is a JSON-escaped string: the double quotes around each value (such as "serverName") are escaped with a backslash (\).

B. The cloud application asks to read information about a vCenter server (GET)
      "version": "1.0",
      "id": "9CD2B89F-0BBF-4F60-974D-C1F3EF39B872",
      "type": "COMMAND",
      "subType": "REQUEST",
      "timeStamp": 1444806222,
      "payload": {
            "uri": "/netbackup/config/servers/vmservers/vCenter2
            "method": "GET",
            "headers": {
                  "Content-Type": "application/vnd.netbackup+json;version=1.0"
                  "Authorization": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1N"

Notes: The "type" field is "COMMAND" and the "subType" field is "REQUEST". The "payload" "method" is "GET", which reads information about that is stored in NetBackup.

C. NetBackup responds to the endpoint request
      "version": "1.0",
      "id": "9CD2B89F-0BBF-4F60-974D-C1F3EF39B872",
      "type": "COMMAND",
      "subType": "RESPONSE",
      "timeStamp": 1444806444,
      "payload": {  
            "headers": {  
                  "date": "Thu, 14 Jan 2016 20:58:11 GMT",
                  "cache-control": "private",
                  "server": "Apache-Coyote/1.1",
                  "content-type": "application/vnd.netbackup+json;version=1.0",
                  "transfer-encoding": "chunked",
                  "expires": "Wed, 31 Dec 1969 16:00:00 PST"
            "responseCode": 200,
            "body": "{\"vmServer\":{\"serverName\":\"vCenter2.domain


The "payload" contains the HTTP response ("headers", "response code", and "body") that NetBackup received from the API.