Veritas™ System Recovery 21 Management Solution Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): System Recovery (21)
  1. Introducing Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
      About Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution
      Components of Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution
      How Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution works
      What you can do with Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution
  2. Installing Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
      About upgrading to Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution
  3. Getting started with Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
      About the Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution Home page
      Starting Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution
      Sending feedback to Veritas
      Preparing to manage the backups of client computers
      Discovering client computers on the network
      Installing the Symantec Management Agent on client computers
      Installing the Veritas System Recovery Plug-in on computers
      Uninstalling the Veritas System Recovery Plug-in on computers
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 21 and later or Veritas System Recovery 21 and later Linux Edition on client computers
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 18 or 16 on client computers
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 18 or 16 Linux Edition on client computers
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery-related products and components from client computers
      Generating the LightsOut Restore package in Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution
      Generating the LightsOut Restore 18 and 16 package
      Configuring and installing LightsOut Restore 21, 18, or 16 on client computers
      Uninstalling LightsOut Restore from client computers
      Updating the settings of a package
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery-related products from the Symantec Management Platform
      Adding or removing recovery point passwords
    20. About managing recovery point destinations
        Creating default recovery point destinations
        Editing network credentials for a recovery point destination
        Deleting recovery point destinations
      Configuring a Dedicated Offsite Copy task
    22. About viewing filters
        Viewing Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution filters
        Viewing the filters and policies that are assigned to a client computer
        Adding a filtered results path in the Manage Tasks tab to Favorites
    23. About organizational views
        Filtering the list of client computers using organizational views
    24. About managing Veritas System Recovery license policies
        Adding Veritas System Recovery license policies
        Deleting Veritas System Recovery license policies
        Assigning Veritas System Recovery licenses to client computers
        Unassigning Veritas System Recovery licenses from client computers
        Checking the license status of Veritas System Recovery on client computers
  4. Managing backups
    1. About backup policies
        Recovery point sets and independent recovery points in backup policies
        Tips for creating recovery points
        About backing up dual-boot systems
    2. Creating a basic backup policy
        About recovery points stored on a network destination
        About recovery points stored in a local folder on the client computer
        About recovery points stored on an OpenStorage destination
        About Offsite Copy
    3. Creating an advanced backup policy
        About running command files during a backup
        Deploying the command files package to client computers for use during a backup
      Creating an independent backup task
      Deploying a backup policy
      Deploying an existing backup policy as soon as possible
      Viewing the status of computers within a backup policy
      Editing a backup policy
      Editing the schedule of a backup policy
      Renaming a backup policy
      Disabling a backup policy
      Disabling a backup schedule
      Deleting a backup policy
      Viewing Veritas System Recovery details for a client computer
  5. Managing recovery points
      Best practices for creating recovery points
      Best practices for managing recovery points
    3. About deleting recovery points
        Deleting a recovery point set
        Deleting recovery points within a set
  6. Managing the conversion of recovery points to virtual disks
      About converting recovery points to virtual disks
      Configuring a Convert to Virtual by Computer task
      Configuring a Convert to Virtual by Destination task
      Configuring a one-time convert to virtual task
      Editing a convert to virtual task
      Deleting a convert to virtual task
  7. Managing Cloud Storage
      Direct to cloud
    2. Providing the OpenStorage destination path
        OpenStorage destination options for backups
        OpenStorage destination options for recovery
      How Offsite Copy works for cloud storage
  8. Remote recovery of drives and computers
    1. About recovering a drive remotely
      1. Using LightsOut Restore to remotely recover client computers
          Setting up and using LightsOut Restore
      Recovering a drive
      Recovering a remote computer
      Performing an express recovery
  9. Local recovery of files, folders, drives, and computers
    1. About recovering lost data locally
        Recovering files and folders locally by using file and folder backup data
        Recovering files and folders locally by using a recovery point
      Recovering a computer locally
    3. Starting a computer locally by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Configuring a computer locally to start from a USB device or DVD
      Checking a hard disk for errors
      Recovering a computer locally by using a Veritas System Recovery Disk
      About using Restore Anyware to recover locally to a computer with different hardware
    7. Recovering files and folders locally by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Exploring files and folders locally on a computer by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
    8. About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Starting networking services
        Mapping a network drive from within Veritas System Recovery Disk
      3. Configuring network connection settings
          Getting a static IP address
      Viewing the properties of a recovery point
      Viewing the properties of a drive within a recovery point
      About the Support Utilities on Veritas System Recovery Disk
  10. Monitoring computers and processes
      Viewing reports
      Configuring a client option policy for computers
  11. Appendix A. About backing up databases
      About backing up VSS-aware databases
    2. About backing up non-VSS-aware databases
        Creating the cold, warm, and hot recovery points
      Backing up Notification Server and the database
  12. Appendix B. About Active Directory
      About the role of Active Directory
  13. Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
      About backing up Microsoft virtual hard disks
      About backing up and restoring Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
  14. Appendix D. About Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution and Windows Server 2008 Core
      About Veritas System Recovery 21 and Windows Server Core
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 21 on Windows Server Core using commands

Installing Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution

Veritas System Recovery 21 is already included as a software delivery policy with Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution.

See the product documentation for Veritas System Recovery 21 or Veritas System Recovery 21 Linux Edition for complete system requirements.

Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution supports up to 10,000 installations of Veritas System Recovery for each installation of the solution on a Notification Server. However, network performance varies greatly among organizations. The total number of supported installations of Veritas System Recovery may be more or less for your network. Network performance should be monitored to ensure that installations of Veritas System Recovery are not extended beyond the capacity and capability of your network.

You use the Symantec Installation Manager to install Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution on the Notification Server computer. The Symantec Installation Manager checks for the required software and hardware resources, updates registry settings, and then copies the required files to the hard disk.

For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the Symantec Management Platform Installation Guide.

System requirements for Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution

The computer on which you install and use Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution must meet the following minimum system requirements.

Table: Minimum system requirements for 64-bit operating systems




Dual Processor Dual Core with 2.53 GHz or faster


An Intel Itanium 2 processor is required for Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-Based Systems.


4 GB

Available disk space

20 GB or more

Operating system

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016, Enterprise Edition, or Standard Edition


Express, Standard, and Enterprise editions of the following SQL servers are supported:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016


Veritas recommends that you install Microsoft SQL Server and Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution on separate computers to avoid computer performance issues.


The following must be installed on the computer on which you want to install Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution:

  • Symantec Installation Manager 8.5

  • Symantec Management Platform 8.5


Installation of Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution is not supported on encrypted file systems.

Internet access

High-speed Internet access is recommended at the computer where you install Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution.

You need to first install the Symantec Installation Manager.

To install the Symantec Installation Manager

  1. Go to
  2. Click FREE TRIAL.
  3. On the Symantec IT Management Suite Trial page, enter the required fields to access the trial and click Submit.
  4. On the Product Download page, download and run Symantec_sim_x_x_xxx_win_en.exe.
  5. On the Symantec Installation Manager Setup page, depending on your operating system, you may need to download and install Microsoft SQL Server database.

    The SQL Server database can be installed on the same computer as the Symantec Management Platform or on a remote computer. Veritas recommends that you install the SQL Server database on a remote computer to avoid computer performance issues.

    The Symantec Installation Manager Setup Wizard Welcome page is displayed.

  6. Click Next.
  7. On the End-User License Agreement page, select the I accept the terms and conditions in the license agreement check box and then click Next
  8. Select the Destination folder to install the Symantec Installation Manager and then click Next.
  9. On the Ready to install Symantec Installation Manager page, click Install.
  10. After the installation is complete, click Finish.

Veritas also recommends that you familiarize yourself with the Symantec Management Platform by reviewing the Symantec Management Platform Installation Guide.

The Symantec Management Platform requires a Microsoft SQL Server database. The SQL Server database can be installed on the same computer as the Symantec Management Platform or on a remote computer. Veritas recommends that you install the SQL Server database on a remote computer to avoid computer performance issues.

See Preparing to manage the backups of client computers.

Before you install Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution, you must install the Symantec Management Platform from the Global Product List of the Symantec Installation Manager and then select the file.

Refer to the Software Compatibility List (SCL) to see the Symantec Management Platform version that you need to install for the latest Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution version.

For more information on Symantec Management Platform, refer to the Symantec Management Platform Support Matrix and the Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution support for Symantec Management Platform versions:

To install Symantec Management Platform

  1. Log on to your Symantec Management Platform Server computer by using either the Administrator account or an account with administrator privileges.
  2. Click Start > All Programs > Symantec > Symantec Installation Manager > Symantec Installation Manager.


    Ensure that the file is selected in the Manage Product Listings, by default.

  3. Click Install New Products.
  4. On the Install New Products panel, in the Filter drop-down list, select None.
  5. Select the Symantec Management Platform <version number> check box.


    The Symantec Installation Manager can automatically select additional software components to complete the installation.

  6. Click Review selected products.
  7. In the Selected Products and Features panel, review the list of selected products, and then click Next.
  8. On the End User License Agreement panel, read the End User License Agreement , and then click I accept the terms in the license agreements, and then click Next.

    The Symantec Installation Manager runs an installation readiness check to make sure that your computer meets all requirements. The results of the installation readiness check appear in the Install Readiness Check panel.

  9. On the Install Readiness Check panel, install any required software before you continue the installation.

    Where applicable, a link appears in the Install Readiness Check panel that lets you install the missing software from within the Symantec Installation Manager panel. If a link does not appear, you must exit the installation. Then you must install the missing software component, and then start the Symantec Management Platform installation again.

    The following options appear in the Install Readiness Check panel.

    Check mark

    The requirements and the recommendations are met.

    Exclamation point

    The requirement is met. You can continue with the installation. However, there are some recommendations to consider.


    The requirement is not met. You cannot continue with the installation until the requirement is met.

    Click the associated link for additional information or to install the required product. After you make changes to your computer, click Check install readiness again to recheck your system.

    You may be required to restart your computer after the required software is installed.

    When all the requirements are met in the Install Readiness Check panel, you can continue with the installation.

  10. Click Next.
  11. On the Notification Server Configuration panel, type the appropriate information to complete the panel, and then click Next.
  12. On the Contact Information panel, type the appropriate information to complete the panel, and then click Next.
  13. On the Review Installation Details panel, review the installation information, and then click Begin install.

    After the installation is completed, the Installation panel is displayed.

  14. On the Installation panel, click Finish to launch the Symantec Management Console.

After you install the Symantec Management Platform, download and install Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution.

To upgrade to the latest version of Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution, perform the steps given in the download and install procedure.

To download and install the Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution

  1. On the following path, sign in with your Veritas account, download, and extract the Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution package (zip file).

    If you do not have a Veritas account, contact customer support.

  2. After the download is complete, log on to your Symantec Management Platform Server computer by using either the Administrator account or an account with administrator privileges.
  3. Click Start > All Programs > Symantec > Symantec Installation Manager > Symantec Installation Manager.
  4. Click Settings > Change product listing.
  5. In the Manage Product Listings dialog box, click Add.
  6. In the Add New Product Listing dialog box, browse and select the file from the Veritas System Recovery Management Solution folder that you downloaded, and then click OK.

    The file appears in the Manage Product Listings table.

    Symantec Installation Manager validates if the selected pl.xml file is valid. After the validation is complete, a pop-up is displayed.

  7. Click Accept to continue.
  8. Ensure that the new file is selected and then click OK.

    The file appears in Settings > Product listing.

  9. In the Settings dialog box, click OK.
  10. Click Install new products.


    If you are upgrading to the latest version of Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution, click Installed products.

  11. On the Install New Products panel, in the Filter drop-down list, select None.
  12. Select the following products:
    • Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution

    • Veritas System Recovery 21 Installer

    • Veritas System Recovery 21 Linux Management Solution (only required if you intend to back up Linux-based computers) (Version 21.0)

    The Symantec Installation Manager may automatically select additional software components to complete the installation.

  13. Click Next.
  14. Perform steps 6 to 14 from the earlier procedure of installing Symantec Management Platform.

    See About upgrading to Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution.

See About the Veritas System Recovery 21 Management Solution Home page.

See Installing the Veritas System Recovery Plug-in on computers.

See Creating a basic backup policy.