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Help for Enterprise Vault Search
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.2)
- Getting started with Enterprise Vault Search
- Searching for archived items
- Working with search results
- Customizing Enterprise Vault Search
- Dialog box descriptions
Showing, hiding, and positioning the reading pane
The reading pane shows a preview of the item that you select in the results pane. You may not be able to see the reading pane unless you specify the option in the Preferences dialog box to display it. You can customize the reading pane using either the button or the Preferences dialog box.
Depending on how your administrator has configured Enterprise Vault Search, you may be unable to change the options in this pane.
To show, hide, and position the reading pane using the Actions list
- Click the Actions button at the top right of Enterprise Vault Search.
- Select from the options that either position the reading pane or turn it on or off.
To show, hide, and position the reading pane using the Preferences dialog box
- Click your user name at the top right of Enterprise Vault Search.
- Click Preferences.
- At the left of the Preferences dialog box, click Reading Pane.
The reading pane options appear.
- Select from the options that either position the reading pane or turn it on or off.
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