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Help for Enterprise Vault Search
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.2)
- Getting started with Enterprise Vault Search
- Searching for archived items
- Working with search results
- Customizing Enterprise Vault Search
- Dialog box descriptions
Viewing items
You can view the contents of an item and its attachments.
To view an item in the reading pane
- Click the item in the results pane.
The item contents appear in the reading pane. You can also click the attachments in the reading pane header to view their contents.
To view an item in a new window
- Double-click the item.
The item opens in a new window if you are using Internet Explorer.
If you are using other browsers, one of the following may happen depending on your browser settings:
The item is saved to the download location that is specified in the browser.
You can view the item by opening it from the download location.
The File Download dialog box opens.
Click either Open or Save.
You can view the item by selecting Open.