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Help for Enterprise Vault Search
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.2)
- Getting started with Enterprise Vault Search
- Searching for archived items
- Working with search results
- Customizing Enterprise Vault Search
- Dialog box descriptions
Sorting items in the results pane
You can arrange the items in the results pane according to various properties.
To sort items in the results pane
- Run a search or select a folder to populate the results pane with some items.
- Do one of the following:
If the results pane shows the items in columns, click the header of the column by which to sort the items.
For example, to display items by size, click Size.
The default sorting is in ascending order. Click the column header to change to descending.
If the results pane shows the items in a list, click Arrange by, and then select the property by which to sort the items.