Enterprise Vault™ Troubleshooting Operations Manager
- About this document
- Troubleshooting the installation and configuration of Operations Manager
- Configuring Operations Manager manually
- Troubleshooting accessing Operations Manager
- Troubleshooting problems when using Operations Manager
Performance counters not shown for a new vault store
Problem: Operations Manager does not display vault store performance counter values for a new vault store.
Cause: Operations Manager does not begin displaying performance counter values until the monitoring start time has been reached. The monitoring start time and monitoring frequency for the vault store performance counters is set on the Monitoring tab of the Site Properties dialog in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console. Monitoring begins at the "Start At" time (default 09:00) and occurs at the specified "Frequency" setting (default 1 day).
This means that, for example, if you create a vault store after the monitoring "Start At" time on a given day, and the Frequency is set to 1 day, the server does not monitor the new vault store performance counters until the monitoring "Start At" time on the following day.
Operations Manager displays the data for the new vault store following the first time the Enterprise Vault Monitoring agent monitors the server after the "Start At" time has passed.
Resolution: As a workaround for this known issue, change the performance counter monitoring "Start At" time or Frequency on the Monitoring tab of the Site Properties dialog so that the Vault store performance counters are monitored immediately. Ensure that the check box is selected, and then restart the Enterprise Vault Admin service. The data for the new Vault store should appear in Operations Manager within a few minutes.
Note that once monitoring has started, the vault store performance counter values get updated at the Operations Manager monitoring frequency, regardless of the frequency set on the Administration Console's site Monitoring tab. However, any threshold level breaches generate event logs at the site monitoring frequency. For example, suppose that the site monitoring frequency is set to 1 day and starts at 09:00, and the Operations Manager monitoring frequency is 15 minutes. In this case, the performance counters are sampled every 15 minutes and their updated values are displayed by Operations Manager. However, any threshold breaches as specified by the threshold value in the Site Monitoring dialog in Administration Console are reported in the event log at 09:00 each day.