Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 2 User's Guide
- Introducing Veritas System Recovery
- Installing Veritas System Recovery
- Installing Veritas System Recovery
- Ensuring the recovery of your computer
- Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Creation Options
- Storage and Network Drivers Options
- Customizing an existing Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About restoring a computer from a remote location by using LightsOut Restore
- Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Getting Started
- Setting up default general backup options
- File types and file extension
- Best practices for backing up your data
- Backing up entire drives
- Backing up files and folders
- Running and managing backup jobs
- Running an existing backup job immediately
- Backing up remote computers from your computer
- Monitoring the status of your backups
- About monitoring backups
- Monitoring the backup status of remote computers using Veritas System Recovery Monitor
- Adding a remote computer to the Computer List
- Exploring the contents of a recovery point
- Managing backup destinations
- About managing file and folder backup data
- Managing virtual conversions
- Managing cloud storage
- Direct to cloud
- About creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in Amazon from Veritas System Recovery backups
- About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
- About Veritas System Recovery supporting Veritas Access
- Recovering files, folders, or entire drives
- Recovering a computer
- Booting a computer by using the Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Copying a hard drive
- Using the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
- Best practices when you create recovery points for use with the Granular Restore Option
- Appendix A. Backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
- Appendix B. Backing up Active Directory
- Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
- Appendix D. Using Veritas System Recovery 18 and Windows Server Core
Logging Veritas System Recovery messages
You can specify which product messages (errors, warnings, and information) are logged as they occur, and where the log file is stored. Product messages can provide useful information about the status of backups or related events. They can also provide helpful information when you need to troubleshoot.
Two logging methods are available: Veritas System Recovery logging and the Windows application log.
To log Veritas System Recovery messages
- On the Tasks menu, click Options.
- Under Notifications, click Log File.
- Select the appropriate log file options.
Select the priority and type of messages
Lets you select the priority level at which messages should be logged. You can choose to log all or no messages regardless of priority levels.
Select one of the following options:
All messages
Medium and high priority messages
High priority messages
No messages
Logs the error messages as they occur.
Logs the warning messages as they occur.
Logs the information messages as they occur.
Log file location
Lets you specify a path where you want to create and store the log file.
If you do not know the path, you can browse to the location.
Maximum file size
Lets you specify the maximum size (in kilobytes) that the log file is allowed to grow.
The file is kept within the limit you set by replacing the oldest logged items in the file with new items as they occur.
- Click OK.
To configure which product events are written to a Windows event log
- On the Tasks menu, click Options.
- Under Notifications, click Event Log.
- Select the appropriate event log options.
Select the priority and type of messages
Lets you select the priority level at which messages should be logged. You can choose to log all or no messages regardless of priority levels.
Select one of the following options:
All messages
Medium and high priority messages
High priority messages
No messages
Logs the error messages as they occur.
Logs the warning messages as they occur.
Logs the information messages as they occur.
- Click OK.