NetBackup™ for Oracle Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- NetBackup for Oracle QuickStart
- Installing NetBackup for Oracle
- About linking Oracle RMAN with NetBackup for UNIX
- Configuring RBAC for the Oracle administrator
- Managing Oracle instances and databases
- Managing Oracle credentials
- Configuring Oracle policies
- Preparing for NetBackup for Oracle configuration
- About Oracle Intelligent Policies (OIP)
- About script-based Oracle policies
- Managing Oracle RAC
- Performing backups and restores of Oracle
- About NetBackup for Oracle backups
- Managing expired backup images
- About NetBackup for Oracle restores
- Using NetBackup for Oracle in a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC)
- Oracle cloning
- NetBackup Copilot for Oracle
- Configuring an OIP using universal shares (Oracle Copilot)
- Oracle Copilot with instant access
- Prerequisites when you configure an instant access Oracle database
- NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- About NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- How NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client works
- About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for Oracle
- Restoring NetBackup for Oracle from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for Oracle block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- About Snapshot Client effects
- About Oracle support for Replication Director
- NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle
- Using NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle plug-in
- Other Oracle configuration
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting RMAN backup or restore errors
- Appendix A. Deduplication best practices
- Appendix B. Snapshot Client support of SFRAC
- Appendix C. Script-based Block-Level Incremental (BLI) Backups without RMAN on UNIX and Linux systems
- Verifying installation requirements for BLI backups without RMAN
- Creating NetBackup policies for script-based BLI backup
- Creating notify scripts for BLI backups
- Performing backups and restores
- About troubleshooting backup or restore errors
- Appendix D. XML Archiver
- NetBackup for Oracle XML export and XML import
- About XML export shell scripts
- Performing an XML export archive
- Restoring an XML export archive
- Troubleshooting XML export or XML import errors
- Appendix E. Register authorized locations
Restoring BLI backup images
Restoring the backup images that a BLI backup creates is no different than restoring the backup images that are created using the default NetBackup configuration. Restoring to any of the incremental backup images requires NetBackup to restore the last full backup image and all the subsequent incremental backups until the specified incremental backup image is restored. NetBackup does this automatically. The media that stored the last full and the subsequent incrementals must be available, or the restore cannot proceed.
You can start the restore operations from the NetBackup client by using the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface. To restore the latest copy of each file, select either the files or parent directories with the latest backup date, and click NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore Getting Started Guide.
. For more information on restoring, see theIf the operation is to restore files from an incremental backup image, NetBackup issues multiple restore operations beginning from the last full backup image and the subsequent incremental backup images until the selected date. The activity of multiple restores is logged in the Progress Log.
If you plan to restore files backed up by another client or to direct a restore to another client, start the restore from the NetBackup server using the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface. Before you initiate a restore, a backup must have successfully completed or an error occurs during the execution.
For Solaris, the restore destination can be a VxFS or UFS file system. The destination file system does not need to support the Storage Checkpoint feature, but to be able to perform BLI backups of the restored data, a VxFS file system with the Storage Checkpoint feature is required.
For HP-UX, the restore destination can be a VxFS or HFS file system. The destination file system does not need to support the Storage Checkpoint feature to restore files. However, a VxFS file system with the Storage Checkpoint feature is required to perform BLI backups of the restored data.
For AIX, the restore destination can be a VxFS or JFS file system. The destination file system does not need to support the Storage Checkpoint feature to restore files. However, a VxFS file system with the Storage Checkpoint feature is required to perform BLI backups of the restored data.
Note that restoring a file causes all blocks in that file to be rewritten. Thus, all the blocks in the file are considered to have been modified. Thus, the first subsequent differential incremental backup and all subsequent cumulative incremental backups back up all of the blocks in the restored file. If you are restoring an entire database or a file system, the first subsequent backup backs up all blocks that are restored.
To restore a Quick I/O file, if both the symbolic link and the hidden file already exist, NetBackup restores both components from the backup image. If either one of the two components is missing, or both components are missing, NetBackup creates or overwrites as needed.
Oracle database recovery might be necessary after restoring the files. See the Oracle documentation for more information on doing database recovery.