NetBackup™ for Oracle Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- NetBackup for Oracle QuickStart
- Installing NetBackup for Oracle
- About linking Oracle RMAN with NetBackup for UNIX
- Configuring RBAC for the Oracle administrator
- Managing Oracle instances and databases
- Managing Oracle credentials
- Configuring Oracle policies
- Preparing for NetBackup for Oracle configuration
- About Oracle Intelligent Policies (OIP)
- About script-based Oracle policies
- Managing Oracle RAC
- Performing backups and restores of Oracle
- About NetBackup for Oracle backups
- Managing expired backup images
- About NetBackup for Oracle restores
- Using NetBackup for Oracle in a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC)
- Oracle cloning
- NetBackup Copilot for Oracle
- Configuring an OIP using universal shares (Oracle Copilot)
- Oracle Copilot with instant access
- Prerequisites when you configure an instant access Oracle database
- NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- About NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- How NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client works
- About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for Oracle
- Restoring NetBackup for Oracle from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for Oracle block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- About Snapshot Client effects
- About Oracle support for Replication Director
- NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle
- Using NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle plug-in
- Other Oracle configuration
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting RMAN backup or restore errors
- Appendix A. Deduplication best practices
- Appendix B. Snapshot Client support of SFRAC
- Appendix C. Script-based Block-Level Incremental (BLI) Backups without RMAN on UNIX and Linux systems
- Verifying installation requirements for BLI backups without RMAN
- Creating NetBackup policies for script-based BLI backup
- Creating notify scripts for BLI backups
- Performing backups and restores
- About troubleshooting backup or restore errors
- Appendix D. XML Archiver
- NetBackup for Oracle XML export and XML import
- About XML export shell scripts
- Performing an XML export archive
- Restoring an XML export archive
- Troubleshooting XML export or XML import errors
- Appendix E. Register authorized locations
Number of policies required for BLI backup
A database BLI backup requires at least one Standard type policy.
This policy usually includes the following:
One full backup schedule
One incremental backup schedule
One user-directed backup schedule for control files and archive logs
Only one backup stream is initiated for each backup policy during automatic backups. To enable multiple backup streams, define multiple policies for the same database. If you have more than one database SID, configure policies for each SID. If you intend to do simultaneous backups of more than one SID on the same file system, use Nodata Storage Checkpoints. Set the METHOD to NODATA_CKPT_HOT.
For example, to back up file systems F1, F2, F3, and F4 with two streams, you need to define two policies (P1 and P2) with F1 and F2 backed up in P1, and F3 and F4 backed up in P2. If you have one large file system that needs to be backed up with multiple streams, divide the files in the file system between different policies. After a file is added to a policy, it should stay in that policy. If you must rearrange the file list, do so only prior to a full backup.
If you have more than one policy defined for an Oracle database instance, NetBackup groups the database instance by the NetBackup keyword phrase. Identify one of the policies as the POLICY_IN_CONTROL in the NetBackup notify scripts. This policy performs database shutdowns and restarts. All policies with the same keyword phrase need to be configured to start simultaneously.
Care must be taken when specifying the keyword phrase. A multistream backup is attempted if the backup process finds more than one policy with the following characteristics: Each policy has the BLI attribute set, each policy is active, each policy contains the same client, and each policy has an identical keyword phrase.
Typical failure status is: "74 - timeout waiting for bpstart_notify to complete."
You can check the file systems on the backup client to see if they are included in one of the NetBackup policies on the server. To see if you need to add any new file systems to the NetBackup policies, run the following commands from the server on a regular basis, perhaps as a cron(1) job:
# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/ # ./check_coverage -coverage -client mars -mailid \nbadmin
The preceding command generates the following output and mails it to the specified mailid:
File System Backup Coverage Report (UNIX only) ----------------------------------------------- Key: * - Policy is not active UNCOVERED - Mount Point not covered by an active policy MULTIPLE - Mount Point covered by multiple active policies CLIENT: mars Mount Point Device Backed Up By Policy Notes ----------- ------ ------------------- ----- / /dev/vg00/lvol3 production_servers /home /dev/vg00/lvol5 production_servers /oradata1 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 block_incr1 /oradata2 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 block_incr1 /oradata3 /dev/nbuvg/nbuvol UNCOVERED /opt /dev/vg00/lvol6 production_servers /oracle /dev/vg00/oracle production_servers /stand /dev/vg00/lvol1 production_servers /usr /dev/vg00/lvol7 production_servers /var /dev/vg00/lvol8 production_servers
If there is an UNCOVERED file system that is used by Oracle, add it to one of the NetBackup policies so that all the necessary file systems are backed up at the same time.
After a file system is added to a policy, it is a good idea to keep the file system in that policy. If you change the policy, NetBackup performs a full backup the next time backups are run even if an incremental backup is requested.