NetBackup™ for Oracle Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- NetBackup for Oracle QuickStart
- Installing NetBackup for Oracle
- About linking Oracle RMAN with NetBackup for UNIX
- Configuring RBAC for the Oracle administrator
- Managing Oracle instances and databases
- Managing Oracle credentials
- Configuring Oracle policies
- Preparing for NetBackup for Oracle configuration
- About Oracle Intelligent Policies (OIP)
- About script-based Oracle policies
- Managing Oracle RAC
- Performing backups and restores of Oracle
- About NetBackup for Oracle backups
- Managing expired backup images
- About NetBackup for Oracle restores
- Using NetBackup for Oracle in a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC)
- Oracle cloning
- NetBackup Copilot for Oracle
- Configuring an OIP using universal shares (Oracle Copilot)
- Oracle Copilot with instant access
- Prerequisites when you configure an instant access Oracle database
- NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- About NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client
- How NetBackup for Oracle with Snapshot Client works
- About configuring Snapshot Client with NetBackup for Oracle
- Restoring NetBackup for Oracle from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for Oracle block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- About Snapshot Client effects
- About Oracle support for Replication Director
- NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle
- Using NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle plug-in
- Other Oracle configuration
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting RMAN backup or restore errors
- Appendix A. Deduplication best practices
- Appendix B. Snapshot Client support of SFRAC
- Appendix C. Script-based Block-Level Incremental (BLI) Backups without RMAN on UNIX and Linux systems
- Verifying installation requirements for BLI backups without RMAN
- Creating NetBackup policies for script-based BLI backup
- Creating notify scripts for BLI backups
- Performing backups and restores
- About troubleshooting backup or restore errors
- Appendix D. XML Archiver
- NetBackup for Oracle XML export and XML import
- About XML export shell scripts
- Performing an XML export archive
- Restoring an XML export archive
- Troubleshooting XML export or XML import errors
- Appendix E. Register authorized locations
Configure an Oracle Wallet with RAC within NetBackup
The configuration and setup of the Oracle Wallet in NetBackup is a two-step process. You add descriptors first, then you register the wallet. In the cases of Oracle RAC, your descriptors must enumerate the list of RAC instances that comprise your RAC cluster.
NetBackup Oracle Wallet prerequisites:
The Oracle wallet location must be accessible from all nodes of the RAC cluster.
Using a shared location is encouraged for maintainability.
An example storage location can be: An Oracle ACFS file system that is mounted on each node or an NFS share accessible to each node. The mount point of the shared location must be the same on each node.
If the wallet is not in a shared location, it must be in an identically duplicate location on each node of the RAC cluster. The full contents of the wallet must also be duplicated on each node of the RAC cluster.
To configure Oracle Wallet with RAC in NetBackup:
- Retrieve the RAC connect descriptors for all instances in the RAC database. Place the list of connect descriptors in a text file for easy access at step 2. Use one of the following methods:
Get RAC connect descriptors from the NetBackup web UI:
On the left, click Workloads > Oracle and then click RAC databases.
Click RAC connect descriptors from the action menu on the right in the RAC database row.
Copy each full RAC connect descriptor by highlighting the text save the connector for later use.
Get RAC connect descriptors from the NetBackup CLI:
Use the nboraadm command to retrieve the connect descriptors:
nboraadm -list_rac_instances -rac_db_unique_name RAC_DB_NAME -show_connect_descriptor
Copy the connect descriptors from the screen or use the '>' command to create a file with the connect descriptors.
Manually create the RAC connect descriptors:
If you don't have this information, use the web UI Oracle RAC functionality or nboraadm to retrieve the information needed. You need to retrieve the scan name, service name, and port number for the given RAC database. If the RAC instances for the RAC database are not known, use either interface to collect the list of instance names.
For each instance of a RAC, you must insert this information to create a connect descriptor. Insert the scan name, service name, and port number (from RAC database), as well as the instance name (from RAC instance) into the following example:
- Add the connect descriptors with the Oracle
utility. The descriptors are case-sensitive and must match exactly to what is in NetBackup.mkstore -wrl /db/orac183/wallet/ -CreateCredential '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED) (' testUser testPassword
mkstore -wrl /db/orac183/wallet/ -CreateCredential '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED) (' testUser testPassword
- Register the RAC with the wallet path using the web UI.
To register the RAC with the wallet path from the CLI, run nboraadm -register_rac_db.
If the RAC is registered for the first time from discovery, you need to include the dbid. From the CLI, run nboraadm -register_rac_db -rac_db_unique_name.
- (Optional) If you get an error when you attempt to register the RAC, review the error message. Compare the descriptors in the error message with what you generated in step 1 and what you inserted into your Oracle wallet.
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