Veritas eDiscovery Platform Release Notes

Last Published:
Product(s): eDiscovery Platform (9.5.2)

What files to download

Please sign in and use the Veritas Support portal for downloading product software, licensing, and support:

A number of Veritas eDiscovery Platform installation files are available from the Veritas Support Portal Downloads area. Use the information below to help you choose the appropriate set of files to download for your license and deployment.

If you are upgrading to 9.5.2, use the following incremental installer (for the Master node and all nodes in the cluster, the Confirmation Server and the Utility Node):


If you are upgrading from a previous version, run the full product installer.

  • Full product installer

  • Legal Hold installer (only applicable if you are licensed for the Legal Hold module):

  • Utility Node installer (only applicable if you are licensed for the Review, Redaction and Production module