Veritas eDiscovery Platform Release Notes

Last Published:
Product(s): eDiscovery Platform (9.5.2)

Known issues in 9.5.2

While using the eDP 9.5.2, consider the following known issues:

Table: Known issues in 9.5.2

Issue number



eDiscovery Platform uses the default time zone, that Azure has set for users/tenets, for all date-based searches and for rerunning of the collection tasks. Here, instead of collecting only incremental data, all the items are recollected, resulting in over collection of data.


Re-running a collection task with success or partial success state collects all the items between last run and the time when this job is rescheduled. However, rerunning a collection task in failed state does not collect the items that are in "uncollected items" in previous run.


Keyword search in Contact and Calendars in Exchange is not supported. Keyword search works incorrectly for contacts and does not work completely for calendars. If Office 365 collection is run using the participant filter, then the search returns only data related to Exchange mails and does not return data for calendars and contacts.


Size of the collection data is shown differently on the Collection Task page and on the Collection Activity under Employee List. The Collection Task page shows the correct size of the collection.