NetBackup IT Analytics Installation and Upgrade Guide for Linux

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup IT Analytics (11.4)
  1. Installation overview
      NetBackup IT Analytics components
      Standard or Shared Services licensing edition
      Install options
      Multi-language support and locale considerations (Linux)
      Supported third-party and open source products
  2. Install NetBackup IT Analytics on a Linux server
      Step-1: Get the NetBackup IT Analytics license key file
      Step-2: Portal and database deployment strategies
      Step-3: Portal and database prerequisites
    4. Step-4: Install Oracle database application binaries (Linux)
        Create database and users in existing Oracle farm in a Split Architecture deployment
      Step-5: Install the Portal application binaries (Linux)
      Step-6: Start the Portal services (Linux)
      Step-7: Log into the Portal
      Step-8: Install a license
    9. Verify the current license configuration
        Run the License Summary report
        About NetBackup IT Analytics version and license
        View License Details
    10. Next steps
        Performing a cold backup of the database
        Recommended database backup process
  3. Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal on Linux
      Upgrade path
      Before upgrading
    4. Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
        Upgrade a shared services environment
        Run the upgrade utility installer (Linux)
        Known issues
        Run the upgrade utility
        After the upgrade
        Upgrade methods to incorporate enterprise objects
      7. Attribute merging during the Portal upgrade
          Attribute Management During the Portal Upgrade
          Example of a Merge of Attribute Values
          Steps to Rename Duplicate Attributes
          Best Practice for Attributes in Multi-Tenancy Environments
    5. Data Collector upgrades
        Mandatory prerequisites
      Troubleshoot - Manual Data Collector upgrades
      Troubleshoot Data Collector upgrade manager upgrade failure and collector bundle download failure on Linux
      Collector updates from the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
  4. Upgrade and Migrate to a new server
    1. Upgrade and migrate to a new server
        Install the latest release of NetBackup IT Analytics on the new server
        Perform an export of the database on the existing server
        Stop Portal and agent services on the new server
        Drop and re-create the existing portal user on the new server
        Import the database onto the new server
        Start Portal and agent services on the new server
        Download, install, and execute to upgrade the database schema
      Update Data Collector binaries (if necessary)
  5. Appendix A. X Virtual Frame Buffer
      Configure X Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb)
  6. Appendix B. Oracle patches for the database server
    1. Apply Oracle 19c October 2024 patch application
        Pre-Install setup
        OPatch installation steps
        Installing the Oracle patches
        Validate the database and OJVM patches
        Validating JDK version update

Troubleshoot Data Collector upgrade manager upgrade failure and collector bundle download failure on Linux

NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector software includes two components - Upgrade Manager and Data Collector.

When NetBackup IT Analytics Portal is upgraded successfully to a newer version, the subsequent Data Collector upgrade may fail with errors like "Collector bundle download failed for 11.4 Premature EOF" or "Upgrade Manager upgrade failed. Exception is : Premature EOF". These errors indicate that upgrade bundle could not be downloaded successfully on to the Data Collector server due to slow network/low bandwidth.

Prerequisites to troubleshoot

You must have access to:

  • Data Collector server and Portal server.

  • Permissions to copy files from and to Data Collector server and Portal server.

Notation used in the steps below

Table: Notations used in the code snippets




Path of Portal installation.

Default value for Linux Portal: /opt/aptare


Path of Data Collector installation.

Default value for Linux : /usr/openv/analyticscollector


Version of the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal.

You can troubleshoot upgrade manager upgrade failure and collector bundle download failure individually or together as discussed below.

Troubleshoot upgrade failure of the upgrade manager component

To resolve the issue with the upgrade manager component:

  1. Log on to the Portal server.
  2. Go to <PORTAL_APTARE_HOME>/updates location and copy <PORTAL_APTARE_HOME>/updates/ to a temporary location on any other server or Data Collector server directly.
  3. Log on to Data Collector server and copy from temporary location to <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade/bundles.
  4. Remove all *.properties files from the <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade directory
  5. Remove restore.txt file from <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade directory
  6. Upgrade either from the Portal (recommended) or from the Data Collector server as described in the procedures below.

To upgrade from NetBackup IT Analytics Portal:

  1. Login to the Portal.
  2. Go to Admin > Data Collection > Collector Administration and verify whether the Data Collector appears online.
  3. Go to Admin > Data Collection > Collector Updates and select the Data Collector for which the Upgrade Manager component needs to be upgraded.
  4. Click Update Upgrade Manager.

    The upgrade takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

To upgrade from the Data Collector server:

  1. Log on to the Data Collector server.

    The upgrade takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

  2. As a root user, run:

    The upgrade takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

Troubleshoot upgrade failure of the Data Collector component

To resolve the failure of Data Collector component upgrade:

  1. Log on to the Portal server and go to <PORTAL_APTARE_HOME>/dc_upgraders/linux.
  2. Copy aptare.jar to a temporary location on any other server or Data Collector server directly.
  3. Log on to the Data Collector server.
  4. Copy aptare.jar from the temporary location to <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade/bundles.
  5. Rename aptare.jar to dc_upgrader.<version>.zip.

    For example, if <version> is, then file name will be

  6. Remove all *.properties files from the <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade directory
  7. Remove restore.txt file from <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade directory
  8. Upgrade the Data Collector component either from the Portal (recommended) or from the Data Collector server as described in the procedures below.

To upgrade from NetBackup IT Analytics Portal:

  1. Login to the Portal.
  2. Go to Admin > Data Collection > Collector Administration and verify whether the Data Collector appears online.
  3. Go to Admin > Data Collection > Collector Updates and select the Data Collector for which the component needs to be upgraded.
  4. Select Upgrade aptare.jar.

    The upgrade takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

To upgrade from the Data Collector server:

  1. Log on to the Data Collector server.
  2. As a root user, run:

    The upgrade takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

Upgrade the Upgrade Manager and Data Collector components together

To upgrade both Upgrade Manager and Data Collector components together:

  1. Log on to the Portal server.
  2. Go to <PORTAL_APTARE_HOME>/updates location and copy <PORTAL_APTARE_HOME>/updates/ to a temporary location on any other server or Data Collector server directly.
  3. Copy <PORTAL_APTARE_HOME>/dc_upgraders/<version>/linux/aptare.jar to a temporary location on any other server or Data Collector server directly.
  4. Log on to Data Collector server and copy and aptare.jar from the temporary location to <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade/bundles.
  5. Rename aptare.jar to dc_upgrader.<version>.zip.

    For example, if <version> is, then file name will be

  6. Remove all *.properties files from the <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade directory
  7. Remove restore.txt file from <DC_APTARE_HOME>/upgrade directory
  8. Upgrade the Data Collector component either from the Portal (recommended) or from the Data Collector server as described in the procedures below.

To upgrade from NetBackup IT Analytics Portal:

  1. Login to the Portal.
  2. Go to Admin > Data Collection > Collector Administration and verify whether the Data Collector appears online.
  3. Go to Admin > Data Collection > Collector Updates and select the Data Collector for which the component needs to be upgraded.
  4. Select Upgrade Both.

    The upgrade takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

To upgrade from the Data Collector server:

  1. Log on to the Data Collector server.
  2. The upgrade takes up to 15 minutes to complete.
  3. As a root user, run:

    The upgrade takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

Upgrade logs and upgrade related database views


  • Upgrade Manager upgrade logs:

  • Data Collector upgrade logs:

    "Download of DC upgrade bundle and verification related"


Database views

  • apt_v_system_upgrade: High level upgrade status

    • "Component_Name" column indicates the Data Collector server

    • "Message From" column indicates if it is a "Data Collector" component or "Upgrade Manager" component upgrade

      • If "Message From" is "Super_Upgrader" - The status is related to "Upgrade Manager" component upgrade

      • If "Message From" is "Upgrade_Manager" - The status is related to "Data Collector" component upgrade

  • apt_v_system_upgrade_detail: Detailed upgrade messages for a particular upgrade session.