NetBackup IT Analytics Installation and Upgrade Guide for Linux

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup IT Analytics (11.4)
  1. Installation overview
      NetBackup IT Analytics components
      Standard or Shared Services licensing edition
      Install options
      Multi-language support and locale considerations (Linux)
      Supported third-party and open source products
  2. Install NetBackup IT Analytics on a Linux server
      Step-1: Get the NetBackup IT Analytics license key file
      Step-2: Portal and database deployment strategies
      Step-3: Portal and database prerequisites
    4. Step-4: Install Oracle database application binaries (Linux)
        Create database and users in existing Oracle farm in a Split Architecture deployment
      Step-5: Install the Portal application binaries (Linux)
      Step-6: Start the Portal services (Linux)
      Step-7: Log into the Portal
      Step-8: Install a license
    9. Verify the current license configuration
        Run the License Summary report
        About NetBackup IT Analytics version and license
        View License Details
    10. Next steps
        Performing a cold backup of the database
        Recommended database backup process
  3. Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal on Linux
      Upgrade path
      Before upgrading
    4. Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
        Upgrade a shared services environment
        Run the upgrade utility installer (Linux)
        Known issues
        Run the upgrade utility
        After the upgrade
        Upgrade methods to incorporate enterprise objects
      7. Attribute merging during the Portal upgrade
          Attribute Management During the Portal Upgrade
          Example of a Merge of Attribute Values
          Steps to Rename Duplicate Attributes
          Best Practice for Attributes in Multi-Tenancy Environments
    5. Data Collector upgrades
        Mandatory prerequisites
      Troubleshoot - Manual Data Collector upgrades
      Troubleshoot Data Collector upgrade manager upgrade failure and collector bundle download failure on Linux
      Collector updates from the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
  4. Upgrade and Migrate to a new server
    1. Upgrade and migrate to a new server
        Install the latest release of NetBackup IT Analytics on the new server
        Perform an export of the database on the existing server
        Stop Portal and agent services on the new server
        Drop and re-create the existing portal user on the new server
        Import the database onto the new server
        Start Portal and agent services on the new server
        Download, install, and execute to upgrade the database schema
      Update Data Collector binaries (if necessary)
  5. Appendix A. X Virtual Frame Buffer
      Configure X Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb)
  6. Appendix B. Oracle patches for the database server
    1. Install Oracle 19c October 2025 patch
        Pre-install setup
        OPatch installation steps
        Installing the Oracle patches
        Validate the database and OJVM patches
        Validating JDK version update

Step-5: Install the Portal application binaries (Linux)

This section covers the installation of the Portal application binaries. The Portal binaries are installed on the same server as the Oracle database binaries when you install the Standard edition of NetBackup IT Analytics , which is the most common install. With Shared Service edition, it is possible to install Oracle on the same server as the Portal server (recommended) or install Oracle on a separate server from the Portal. Installing Oracle on a server remote from the Portal server is called Split Architecture.

Typically, the Portal binaries are installed on the same server as the Oracle database binaries. In some cases, a separate server may be designated.

The absolute install path of Portal is represented as <install_path>. Substitute <install_path> with the absolute path of the Portal or Oracle database installation as applicable. If Oracle or the Portal is installed on the default path, substitute by /opt which is the default path.

  • NetBackup IT Analytics Portal installer ISO (obtained from the download site)

  • IP address of the server on which you are installing the Portal binaries

  • IP address of the Oracle server

  • Oracle server listener port number

Install Portal application binaries on the same server where Oracle binaries are installed

To install the Portal binaries where Oracle is installed:

  1. Login as root on the server where NetBackup IT Analytics Portal will be installed. In this case, this is the same server where you have installed the Oracle binaries.
  2. Mount the ISO image that you downloaded.
    mkdir /mnt/diska
    mount -o loop <itanalytics_installer_xxxxx_linux.iso> /mnt/diska

    Substitute the relevant name of the ISO file that you downloaded in the above command.

  3. Start the installer:
  4. Determine what Portal server configuration you are deploying.

    Confirm whether you want your current server to function as the Portal web server. Enter y to continue.

    A complete log of this session is in this file <install_path>/aptare/logs/install/Itanalyticsinstaller_xxxx.log
     NetBackup IT Analytics Installer Vers 11.4 
    Revision 11.4.xx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx build xxxxxxxx-xxxx
    NetBackup IT Analytics requires a Web Server and a Database server.
    They can be on separate machines or on same machine.
    This script will only install the Web Server components.
    Will this machine be the Web Server (y/n)?
  5. Enter y to confirm you have mounted the installer ISO.
    IT Analytics ISO:  IT Analytics Portal Software
    Do you have this ISO (y/n)?
  6. The End User License Agreement (EULA) is displayed. Type accept (all lowercase) and pressEnter.
  7. Enter your domain name.

    Make a note of this domain value since you are required to provide this value during the installation of the Data Collector components that collect data from the servers in your enterprise.

    From here on, yourdomain represents your full domain name, including its suffix such as .com or .net. (Example: will be represented as yourdomain.)


    The domain name value you enter here determines the URL that will be used to login to the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal. For example, if you enter, you Portal URL will be

    We need to configure machine names and IP addresses for the Portal, Agent, and database server.
    The portal and agent machines will be called itanalyticsportal.yourdomain and itanalyticsagent.yourdomain
    Enter your domain name: (yourdomain)

    Make sure the domain name displayed in parentheses is correct before you press Enter.

  8. Validate the system's IP address for the Portal.
    Enter IP Address for itanalyticsportal.yourdomain: (N.N.N.N)
  9. Confirm the entered IP addresses
    You have entered:
    Hostname                     IP Address
    itanalyticsportal.yourdomain N.N.N.N
    itanalyticsagent.yourdomain  N.N.N.N
    database server              N.N.N.N
    Is this correct (y/n)?
  10. Confirm changes to be automatically made to /etc/hosts.
    These names will be set up in /etc/hosts.  
    You can remove the entries and add them to your local DNS later.
    Would you like to add them to /etc/hosts (y/n)?
  11. Choose whether to run the database creation script. This avoids the manual step of running later.
    You can create the Database schema as a part of this installation or create it later using script. 
    Do you want to create the Database schema as a part of this installation (y/n)?
  12. After specifying your choice, press Enter .

    Java and Apache software components are installed irrespective of your choice specified for the database schema. Tomcat Java Servlet Engine is installed as apart of this installation and it may take 1-2 minutes to execute.

    This completes the installation of theNetBackup IT Analytics Portal. If you have not installed the database schema during the above procedure, see Install database schema.

Install Portal binaries where Oracle application binaries are deployed on a separate machine

Make sure that you have created the database and users in the existing Oracle farm when Oracle binaries are deployed on a separate system.

See Create database and users in existing Oracle farm in a Split Architecture deployment.

To install portal application binaries where Oracle application binaries are deployed on a separate host machine:

  1. Login as root on the server where NetBackup IT Analytics Portal will be installed. This is a different server from where you installed the Oracle binaries.
  2. Mount the ISO image that you downloaded.
    mkdir /mnt/diska
    mount -o loop <itanalytics_installer_xxxxx_linux.iso> /mnt/diska

    Substitute the relevant name of the ISO file that you downloaded in the above command.

  3. Start the installer:
  4. Determine what Portal server configuration you are deploying.

    Confirm whether you want your current server to function as the Portal web server. Enter y to continue.

    A complete log of this session is in this file 
    * NetBackup IT Analytics Intaller Vers 11.4 
    Revision 11.4.xx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx build xxxxxxxx-xxxx
    NetBackup IT Analytics requires a Web Server and a Database server.
    They can be on separate machines or on same machine.
    This script will only install the Web Server components.
    Will this machine be the Web Server (y/n)?
  5. Enter y to confirm you have mounted the installer ISO.
    IT Analytics ISO: IT Analytics Portal Software
    Do you have this ISO (y/n)?
  6. The End User License Agreement (EULA) is displayed. Type accept (all lowercase) and pressEnter.
  7. Enter the absolute path of NetBackup IT Analytics Portal install location.
    Enter the absolute installation path of IT Analytics Portal on this system. (Default install location: /opt):
  8. Provide the IP address, SID, Service name, and listener port number of the Oracle server.
    Oracle 19c Database server is not available on this system. Enter the following details of the database deployed on remote system.
    Oracle database server IP address:
    Oracle database SID (Default Oracle SID: scdb):
    Oracle database Service name (Default Oracle Service name: scdb):
    Oracle database listener port. (Default Oracle listener port: 1521):
  9. Verify Oracle database server details.
    The following details will be used to connect Oracle server, please verify:
    ORACLE SID: xxx
    Continue?  (y/n)
  10. Enter your domain name.

    Make a note of this domain value since you are required to provide this value during the installation of the Data Collector components that collect data from the servers in your enterprise.

    From here on, yourdomain represents your full domain name, including its suffix such as .com or .net. (Example: will be represented as yourdomain.)


    The domain name value you enter here determines the URL that will be used to login to the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal. For example, if you enter, you Portal URL will be

    We need to configure machine names and IP addresses for the Portal, Agent, and database server.
    The portal and agent machines will be called itanalyticsportal.yourdomain and itanalyticsagent.yourdomain
    Enter your domain name: (yourdomain)

    Make sure the domain name displayed in parentheses is correct before you press Enter.

  11. Validate the system's IP address for the Portal.
    Enter IP Address for itanalyticsportal.yourdomain: (N.N.N.N)
  12. Confirm the entered IP addresses.
    You have entered:
    Hostname                     IP Address
    itanalyticsportal.yourdomain N.N.N.N
    itanalyticsagent.yourdomain  N.N.N.N
    database server              N.N.N.N
    Is this correct (y/n)?
  13. Confirm changes to be automatically made to /etc/hosts.
    These names will be set up in /etc/hosts.  
    You can remove the entries and add them to your local DNS later.
    Would you like to add them to /etc/hosts (y/n)?
  14. Choose whether to run the database creation script. This avoids the manual step of running later.
    You can create the Database schema as a part of this installation or create it later using script. 
    Do you want to create the Database schema as a part of this installation (y/n)?
  15. After specifying your choice, press Enter .

    Java and Apache software components are installed irrespective of your choice specified for the database schema. Tomcat Java Servlet Engine is installed as apart of this installation and it may take 1-2 minutes to execute.

    This completes the installation of theNetBackup IT Analytics Portal. If you have not installed the database schema during the above procedure, see Install database schema.

Install database schema

You can use this command to install database schema in Portal and Oracle installations on same or separate machines.

Login as Oracle user on the Portal server and run these commands:

su - aptare
<mount-point>/ -h <Oracle database server IP address> -p <Oracle database listener port>