Veritas NetBackup for Microsoft Azure Stack Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- Installing and deploying Microsoft Azure Stack plug-in for NetBackup
- Configuring NetBackup and Microsoft Azure Stack
- Managing backup hosts
- Configuring the Microsoft Azure plug-in using the azurestack.conf configuration file
- Creating a file that contains Microsoft Azure Stack credentials
- Performing backups and restores of Microsoft Azure Stack
- About the restore scenarios for Microsoft Azure Stack VMs from the BAR interface
- Troubleshooting
Using the bprestore command to restore Microsoft Azure Stack VM at the same location
You can use the bprestore command to restore a Microsoft Azure Stack VM in the same resource group.
The bprestore command lets you restore a backed up or archived file or list of files. You can also name directories to restore. If you include a directory name, bprestore restores all files and subdirectories of that directory.
You can exclude a file or a directory path that was previously included in the restore by placing an exclamation mark (!) in front of the file or the directory path (does not apply to NDMP restores). For example, the exclude capability is useful if you want to exclude part of a directory from the restore.
To restore Microsoft Azure data on the same location as your backup location
- Log on as an Administrator or root user based on windows or UNIX system respectively.
- Run the following command on the NetBackup master server by providing appropriate values:
bprestore -S master_server -D backup_host-C client -t 44 -L progress log -f listfile | filenames "/subscription ID/resource group/VmName"
-S master_server
Specifies the name of the NetBackup master server.
-D backup host
Specifies the name of the backup host.
-C client
Specifies a configuration server as a source to use for finding backups or archives from which to restore files. This name must be as it appears in the NetBackup catalog.
-f listfile
Specifies a file (listfile) that contains a list of files to be restored and can be used instead of the file names option (filenames). In listfile, list each file path must be on a separate line.
-L progress_log
Specifies the name of whitelisted file path in which to write progress information.
-t 44
Specifies BigData as the policy type.
"/subscription ID/resource group/VmName"
Specifies the Microsoft Azure Stack VM that you want to restore.