Veritas NetBackup™ Status Codes Reference Guide
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NetBackup status code: 308
Explanation: This error occurs when Vault failed to duplicate any images.
Recommended Action: For more information, review the Vault debug log in the following directory:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/vault
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\vault
Also review the summary.log
in each of the sidxxx
directories that had problems:
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/vault/sessions/<vault_name/>sidxxx
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\vault\sessions\vault_name\sidxxx
(where vault_name is the name of the vault, and xxx is the session ID)
Look for the log entry that gives the total number of images processed. A common cause of failure is a lack of resources, such as no more media available in the specified pools for duplication. Correct the problem and rerun the Vault job. Note that the NetBackup scheduler retries a Vault job that terminates with this error. Review the admin debug log for induplicate entries and the bptm debug log.
Click here to view technical notes and other information in the Veritas Knowledge Base about this status code.