Veritas NetBackup™ Status Codes Reference Guide
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup KMS status codes
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- Security services status codes
- Security services status codes
NetBackup KMS status code: 61
Explanation: The keystore import fails as:
The secure keystore file cannot be opened
There was an error in reading the contents of the secure keystore file (incorrect format).
Keystore file import failed.
During an import, when you import key groups with the [-preserve_kgname] option, and if that group already exists in KMS, the entire operation fails.
NetBackup KMS has a limit of 100 key groups. Each group has a limit of 30 keys. The operation fails if more than 100 key groups are imported.
Recommended Action: Take the following actions, depending on the scenario:
Make sure that a valid keystore file is present.
You must either delete or rename the existing key groups or exclude the [-preserve_kgname] option and rerun the import operation.
You must delete existing unwanted key groups and rerun the import operation.