Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Reporting
- About this guide
- Introducing Enterprise Vault Reporting
- Overview of implementing Enterprise Vault Reporting
- Installing Enterprise Vault Reporting
- Configuring Enterprise Vault Reporting
- Configuring FSA Reporting
- Preparing for an FSA Reporting proxy server
- Accessing the reports
- Administrator roles that provide access to Enterprise Vault Reporting's reports
- Accessing Enterprise Vault Reporting's reports from SQL Server Reporting Services Report Manager
- Managing FSA Reporting
- Maintaining the FSA Reporting databases
- Troubleshooting Enterprise Vault Reporting
- Appendix A. Report overviews
- The Enterprise Vault Reporting operation reports
- Archived Items Access Trends report
- The FSA Reporting data analysis reports
- The Enterprise Vault Reporting operation reports
Trimming the FSA Reporting database history tables
You must trim the history tables for each FSA Reporting database regularly to keep the tables at a manageable size, while retaining recent and trend-related information. Enterprise Vault provides a trimming utility for this purpose. The utility removes data beyond a specified age, but it retains the data for the trend reports.
The trimming utility is named FSAReporting_TrimData.bat. It is located in the FSAReports subfolder of the Enterprise Vault program folder, for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\FSAReports
To execute the utility from the Enterprise Vault server, the SQL Server client tools must be installed on the Enterprise Vault server. Alternatively you can copy the utility to the SQL Server computer where the FSA Reporting database is located, and execute the utility from there.
For security reasons only the FSA Reporting user can execute the utility. The FSA Reporting user is the Windows user account that you specified for FSA Reporting to use when you ran the FSA Reporting Configuration wizard.
You cannot run the utility when the FSA Reporting database is in purging job maintenance mode. If you attempt to run the utility, it exits with an explanatory message.
To trim the FSA Reporting database history tables
- By default, the trimming utility trims the FSA Reporting data for all of the file servers for which the specified database holds data. To specify a list of file servers on which the utility is to act, place an XML file in the same folder as the trimming utility. The XML file must contain a single line in the following format:
<FileServerList><FileServer Name=''Site\Domain\FileServer''/></FileServerList>
Site is the Enterprise Vault site that contains the file server.
Domain is the file server's domain.
FileServer is the local name of the file server.
The file server name must use the format ''Site\Domain\FileServer'', even if the file server is specified in the Administration Console using an IP address. You must enclose the file server name in two pairs of single quotes as shown, not double quotes. The FSAReports folder contains an example XML file with a line in the required format.
The following example specifies two file servers for which to trim FSA Reporting data. Remember, the text must be contained on a single line:
<FileServerList><FileServer Name=''EVSite\MyDomain\Fileserver1''/><FileServer Name=''EVSite\MyDomain\Fileserver2''/></FileServerList>
- Log on as the FSA Reporting user.
- Open a command prompt window and change directory to the folder that contains the trimming utility.
- Enter the following command to run the trimming utility, all on one line:
FSAReporting_TrimData.bat "SQL_Server" "FSAReportingDB_name" trim_period ["server_list"]
SQL_Server is the name of the SQL Server where the FSA Reporting database is located. Include the SQL Server instance name if appropriate, for example SQLServer1\instance1.
FSAReporting_db is the name of the FSA Reporting database that you want to trim.
trim_period is the period in days for which you want to retain data. Data older than the specified number of days is deleted.
server_list is the name of the XML file that specifies the list of servers. If you do not use an XML file, either specify ALL or omit the server_list variable, since the utility uses a value of ALL by default.
Note that the parameters SQL_Server, FSAReporting_db, and server_list must be enclosed in double quotes.
For example, the following command retains the last 30 days of data for all file servers whose data is saved in the database named FSAReporting1 on SQLServer1\instance1:
FSAReporting_TrimData.bat "SQLServer1\instance1" "FSAReporting1" 30 "ALL"
The following command retains the last 10 days of data for the file servers that are listed in the file fileserverlist.xml, in a database named FSARepDB that is located on SQLServer1:
FSAReporting_TrimData.bat "SQLServer1" "FSARepDB" 10 "fileserverlist.xml"
- The utility logs its output to EV_FSAReporting_TrimOldData.log in the utility's folder. Examine this log file to check the results of running the utility.