Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Reviewer's Guide
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Searching for items
- Manually reviewing items
- Searching within the review set
- Working with research folders
- Exporting and producing items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Appendix A. Enterprise Vault properties for use in Discovery Accelerator searches
System properties
Table: Enterprise Vault system properties lists the system properties defined in Enterprise Vault.
Table: Enterprise Vault system properties
Property | Type | Description |
adat | Date | The date on which the item was archived. |
anum | Number | The attachment number. Specify 0 for the top-level item. |
audn | String | The display names of the author and, if appropriate, of the person on whose behalf the item has been sent. |
auea | String | The email addresses of the author and, if appropriate, of the person on whose behalf the item has been sent. |
auot | String | The author's other email address. |
ausm | String | The author's SMTP email address. Combines the values of properties wrsm, frsm, and ppsm. |
auth | String | The author. |
cend | Date | The end date of an event, such as a calendar meeting. |
clcn | String | The current location of the item. A sequence of folders. |
clon | String | The location of an event, such as a calendar meeting. |
cnid | String | The conversation tracking identifier, expressed as a 32-character hexadecimal number. This is currently populated for MAPI and SMTP items only. |
cntp | String | The conversation tracking topic. This is currently populated for MAPI and SMTP items only. |
coid | String | The original identifier for this component of the item. |
comr | String | The reason for missing content. The options are as follows:
cont | String | The content of the item (up to 128 characters, by default). |
cpid | String | The ID of either an extension content provider instance or an Enterprise Vault archiving task. |
cpnm | String | The name of the extension content provider. |
crcn | String | The current retention category name (up to 32 characters). The property value may reflect the value applied to the archive by a retention plan that overrides the item's retention category. |
crct | String | The current retention category identifier (up to 112 characters). The property value may reflect the value applied to the archive by a retention plan that overrides the item's retention category. |
crre | Integer | Calendar recurrence exception. |
crrp | String | Calendar recurrence pattern. |
crrt | Integer | Calendar recurrence type. |
csrt | Date | The start date of an event, such as a calendar meeting. |
cupm | String | Truncated custom index properties. |
date | Date | The created, sent, received, or archived date. |
dtyp | String | The data type of the item. For example, DOCX, XLSX, or MSG. |
edat | Date | The expiry date for the item (based on the crct property), in the range 01/01/1970 through 01/01/2038. The property value may reflect the value applied to the archive by a retention plan that overrides the item's retention category. |
flag | String | The message flag status. |
fpcn | String | The content fingerprint of the item. Can be used to find a match on an attachment or document content. |
fpdd | String | The deduplication fingerprint of the item. Can be used to find an exact match of a message or a document. Wildcard searches on this property are not supported. |
frdn | String | FROM: Display/friendly name. |
frea | String | FROM: Email address. Combines the values of properties frsm and frot. |
from | String | The display/friendly name or email address. |
frot | String | FROM: Other email address. |
frsm | String | FROM: SMTP e-mail address. |
iden | String | The original identifier for the item. For example, SubmissionId for a sent message. |
impo | String | The message importance, expressed as a numeric value. 0 = Low, 1 = Normal, and 2 = High. |
isrc | String | Whether Enterprise Vault has marked the item as a record (True) or not (False). For use with Capstone and other approaches to records management. Can be referenced by either "isrecord" or "isrc". Not supported by queries that target 32-bit volumes. |
jaen | String | Message envelope: other author. |
jrau | String | Message envelope: author. Only present for Exchange journal messages. The property values include both email addresses and display names, where present. |
jrbc | String | Message envelope: BCC: recipient. |
jrcc | String | Message envelope: CC: recipient. |
jrcp | String | Message envelope: recipient. Only present for Exchange journal messages. The property values include both email addresses and display names, where present. |
jren | String | Message envelope: other recipient. |
jrfm | String | Message envelope: FROM: recipient. |
jrpp | String | Message envelope: PP: recipient. |
jrto | String | Message envelope: TO: recipient. |
keys | String | Categories/keywords. |
locn | String | The original location of the item. A sequence of folders. |
mdat | Date | The last-modified date of the item. |
msgc | String | The item's original MAPI message class (for example, IPM.Note). |
nadn | String | Name. Display/friendly name. Combines the values of properties redn and audn. |
naea | String | Name. Exchange email address. Combines the values of properties reea and auea. |
name | String | The display/friendly name or email address of the message author or recipient. |
naot | String | Name. Other email address. Combines the values of properties reot and auot. |
nasm | String | Name. SMTP email address. Combines the values of properties resm and ausm. |
natc | Number | The number of attachments. |
ndte | Number | The number of days to expiry for the item (based on the current retention category identifier). The property value may reflect the value applied to the archive by a retention plan that overrides the item's retention category. |
nrcp | Number | The number of recipients. |
ppdn | String | PP. Display/friendly name. |
ppea | String | PP. Exchange email address. Combines the values of properties ppsm and ppot. |
ppgn | String | The display/friendly name or email address of the person on whose behalf a document has been written or a message has been sent. |
ppot | String | PP. Other email address. |
ppsm | String | PP. SMTP email address. |
prio | String | The message priority, expressed as a numeric value. -1 = Low, 0 = Normal, and 1 = High. |
pvid | String | The permission VaultIds for the item (up to 112 characters). |
rbcc | String | BCC: recipient. |
rbdn | String | The display names of the BCC recipients. |
rbea | String | The email addresses of the BCC recipients. |
rbot | String | BCC: recipient. Other email address. |
rbsm | String | BCC: recipient. SMTP email address. |
rcat | String | The original retention category identifier (up to 112 characters). |
rcdn | String | The display names of the CC recipients. |
rcea | String | The email addresses of the CC recipients. |
rcid | String | The record ID of the item. For use with Capstone and other approaches to records management. Can be referenced by either "recordid" or "rcid". Not supported by queries that target 32-bit volumes. |
rcot | String | CC: recipient. Other email address. |
rcsm | String | CC: recipient. SMTP email address. |
recc | String | CC: recipient. |
recp | String | The display/friendly name or email address of the message recipient. |
redn | String | Message recipient. Display/friendly name. Combines the values of properties rtdn, rcdn, rbdn, and rndn. |
reea | String | Message recipient. Email address. Combines the values of properties rtea, rcea, rbea, and rnea. |
reot | String | Message recipient. Other email address. Combines the values of properties rtot, rcot, rbot, and rnot. |
resm | String | Message recipient. SMTP email address. Combines the values of properties rtsm, rcsm, rbsm, and rnsm. |
reto | String | TO: recipient. |
rndn | String | Other envelope recipient. Display/friendly name. |
rnea | String | Other envelope recipient. Email address. Combines the values of properties rnsm and rnot. |
rnot | String | Other envelope recipient. Other email address. |
rnsm | String | Other envelope recipient. SMTP email address. |
rtdn | String | The display names of the TO recipients. |
rtea | String | The email addresses of the TO recipients. |
rtot | String | TO: recipient. Other email address. |
rtsm | String | TO: recipient. SMTP email address. |
rtyp | String | The record type of the item, such as permanent or temporary. For use with Capstone and other approaches to records management. Can be referenced by either "recordtype" or "rtyp". Not supported by queries that target 32-bit volumes. |
sens | String | The message sensitivity, expressed as a numeric value. 0 = Normal, 1 = Personal, 2 = Private, and 3 = Confidential. |
size | Number | The size of the item in KB. |
snum | Number | The index sequence number, expressed as a 64-bit integer. |
ssid | String | The saveset identifier of the item. Maximum of 72 characters. Wildcard searches on this property are not supported. |
subj | String | The subject/title. |
tcdt | Date | The completion date of a task. |
tddt | Date | The due date of a task. |
text | String | The content of the item (cont) or its subject/title (subj). |
tsts | Number | The status of a task. 0 = Not started, 1 = In progress, 2 = Completed, 3 = Paused, and 4 = Deferred. |
wrdn | String | Writer. Display/friendly name. |
wrea | String | Writer. Email address. Combines the values of properties wrsm and wrot. |
writ | String | Writer. Combines the values of properties wrdn, wrea, wrsm, and wrot. |
wrot | String | Writer. Other email address. |
wrsm | String | Writer. SMTP email address. |