Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Reviewer's Guide
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Searching for items
- Manually reviewing items
- Searching within the review set
- Working with research folders
- Exporting and producing items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Appendix A. Enterprise Vault properties for use in Discovery Accelerator searches
Available Discovery Accelerator reports
Table: Available Discovery Accelerator reports describes the reports that accompany Discovery Accelerator.
Table: Available Discovery Accelerator reports
This report | Shows |
Archive Source report | The Enterprise Vault archives in which you have conducted Discovery Accelerator searches within a selected case. |
Case History report | Information on a selected Discovery Accelerator case, including the users who have access to the case and the searches, reviews, and production runs that they have conducted. See Case History report. |
Export Run Duplicates report | The duplicate items that Discovery Accelerator has found because you chose to enable deduplication when you conducted an export run. |
Item Detail report | The items in the selected case. See Item Detail report. |
Legal Holds report | The items in the selected case on which Discovery Accelerator has placed a hold to stop them from being deleted from the Enterprise Vault archives. See Legal Holds report. |
Production Run report | The items in each production run and export run for a selected case. |
Production Run Duplicates report | The duplicate items that Discovery Accelerator has found because you chose to enable deduplication when you conducted a production run. |
Productions report | The production runs that you have conducted for the selected case. See Productions report. |
Searches report | The live and accepted searches in the selected case. See Searches report. |
Security report | The users who have access to the selected case, and their associated roles and permissions. See Security report. |