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Enterprise Vault™ 设置 Exchange Server 归档
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Enterprise Vault (12.5)
- 关于本指南
- 分发 Exchange Server 表单
- 设置邮箱中的归档
- 设置 Enterprise Vault 邮箱归档之前的注意事项
- 定义 Exchange Server 邮箱归档策略
- 设置 Exchange Server 归档时的邮箱策略设置
- 设置 Exchange Server 归档时的邮箱策略设置
- 在 Exchange Server 归档中定义桌面策略
- 添加 Exchange Server 归档目标
- 将自定义快捷方式用于 Exchange Server 归档
- 关于编辑有关 Exchange Server 归档的自动邮件
- 启用用于 Exchange Server 归档的邮箱
- 设置用户桌面
- 设置保管库缓存器和虚拟保管库
- 保管库缓存器同步
- 保管库缓存器高级设置
- 虚拟保管库高级设置
- 设置公用文件夹中的归档
- 设置日记邮件的归档
- 信封日记记录
- 设置适用于 Exchange Server 2013 及更高版本的 Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- 关于 Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- 部署 Enterprise Vault Office Mail App
- 排除 Enterprise Vault Office Mail App 故障
- 设置对 Exchange Server 2010 上的 OWA 客户端的 Enterprise Vault 访问权限
- 关于 OWA 客户端中的 Enterprise Vault 功能
- Exchange Server 2010 环境中的 Enterprise Vault OWA Extensions
- 配置从 Outlook RPC over HTTP 客户端对 Enterprise Vault 的访问
- 使用防火墙软件对 OWA 和 Outlook 进行外部访问
- 配置筛选功能
- 关于筛选
- 配置选择性日记记录
- 配置组日记记录
- 配置自定义筛选
- 关于自定义筛选规则集文件
- 关于控制默认的自定义筛选行为
- 关于自定义筛选规则集文件的一般格式
- 关于自定义筛选的规则操作
- 关于用于自定义筛选功能的消息属性筛选器
- 关于 Custom Properties.xml 的常规格式
- 关于内容类别
- 定义在第三方应用程序中表示自定义属性的方式
- 自定义属性示例
以下显示了提供的示例规则集文件 Default Filter Rules.xml
(Example Filter Rules.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?> <RULE_SET xmlns="x-schema:ruleset schema.xdr"> <!-- Example Rule 1: This rule will exclude any email from archiving if it originates from someone in the Employee Benefits distribution list.--> <RULE NAME="Benefits correspondence" ACTION="MARK_DO_NOT_ARCHIVE"> <AUTHOR> <DISPN>HR Employee Benefits</DISPN> </AUTHOR> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 2: This rule will exclude any email from archiving if it is sent to someone in the Employee Benefits distribution list. --> <RULE NAME="Benefits correspondence" ACTION="MARK_DO_NOT_ARCHIVE"> <RECIPIENTS> <DISPN>HR Employee Benefits</DISPN> </RECIPIENTS> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 3: (Available for Exchange Server archiving only) This rule will move email to the wastebasket if it comes from any of the sources listed, and is about any of the subjects listed.--> <RULE NAME="Newsletters" ACTION="MOVE_DELETED_ITEMS"> <AUTHOR INCLUDES="ANY"> <EA>icweek@ucg.com</EA> <EA>WebDirect@ACLI.com</EA> <DOMAIN>limra.com</DOMAIN> </AUTHOR> <SUBJECTS INCLUDES="ANY"> <SUBJ MATCH="STARTS">Society SmartBrief</SUBJ> <SUBJ MATCH="EXACT">TaxFacts ENews</SUBJ> </SUBJECTS> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 4: Delete mail from known junk-mail sources, (and others), if it contains certain common spam subjects--> <RULE NAME="Junk Mail" ACTION="HARD_DELETE"> <AUTHOR INCLUDES="ANY" ALLOWOTHERS="Y"> <DOMAIN>indiatimes.com</DOMAIN> <DOMAIN>websavings-usa.net</DOMAIN> </AUTHOR> <SUBJECTS INCLUDES="ANY"> <SUBJ MATCH="CONTAINS">enlargement</SUBJ> <SUBJ MATCH="CONTAINS">weight loss</SUBJ> </SUBJECTS> <SUBJECTS INCLUDES="ALL"> <SUBJ MATCH="CONTAINS">debt</SUBJ> <SUBJ MATCH="CONTAINS">consolidate</SUBJ> <SUBJ MATCH="CONTAINS">loan</SUBJ> </SUBJECTS> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 5: Take default action (ARCHIVE_ITEM) if the subject matches the composite rule: Must start with "MEMO", contain "INTERNAL" and end in "OurCompany" e.g. "MEMO : Contains information internal to OurCompany" would match, but "MEMO : do not distribute" would not match. Also allocates the message to a content category "Memoranda"--> <RULE NAME="Internal Memo" CONTENTCATEGORY="Memoranda"> <SUBJECTS INCLUDES="ALL"> <SUBJ MATCH="STARTS">Memo</SUBJ> <SUBJ MATCH="CONTAINS">Internal</SUBJ> <SUBJ MATCH="ENDS">OurCompany</SUBJ> </SUBJECTS> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 6: Take default action (ARCHIVE_ITEM) on any email from management members included here. Email from management will be categorized under "ManagementMail" and retained as "Important"--> <RULE NAME="Management" CONTENTCATEGORY="ManagementMail" RETENTION="Important"> <AUTHOR INCLUDES="ANY"> <EA>mike.senior@management.com</EA> <EA>jon.little@management.com</EA> <EA>jill.taylor@management.com</EA> </AUTHOR> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 7: Take default action (ARCHIVE_ITEM) if an email is addressed to any of the managers AND NO ONE ELSE The message will be archived in a special archive reserved only for this kind of email - specified by the ARCHIVEID--> <RULE NAME="Sent to Management ONLY" ARCHIVEID="16611B008A3F65749BC4118182E0021461110000evsite. ourcompany.com"> <RECIPIENTS INCLUDES="ANY" ALLOWOTHERS="N"> <EA>mike.senior@management.com</EA> <EA>jon.little@management.com</EA> <EA>jill.taylor@management.com</EA> </RECIPIENTS> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 8: Do not archive mail that was sent to someone outside OurCompany--> <RULE NAME="External Recipient" ACTION="MARK_DO_NOT_ARCHIVE"> <RECIPIENTS INCLUDES="NONE"> <DOMAIN>OurCompany.com</DOMAIN> </RECIPIENTS> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 9: Archive and give the existing Retention Category, Internal, to any email that was sent only to employees in OurCompany--> <RULE NAME="Internal Recipient" ACTION="ARCHIVE_ITEM" RETENTION="Internal"> <DIRECTION INTERNAL="Y"/> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 10: Use a special retention category for mail addressed to any members of the specified DL--> <RULE NAME="On the VIP list" RETENTION="VeryImportant"> <RECIPIENTS> <DL>TheVIPs</DL> </RECIPIENTS> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 11: (Available for Exchange Server archiving only) Delete MP3 attachments before archiving--> <RULE NAME="DeleteMP3s" ATTACHMENT_ACTION="REMOVE"> <FILES> <FILE FILENAME="*.MP3"/> </FILES> </RULE> <!--Example Rule 12: Match against named MAPI properties (defined in Custom Properties.xml), or named Domino properties (using the Domino field name for a property on an item) --> <RULE NAME="Category Match" ACTION="ARCHIVE_ITEM"> <NAMEDPROP TAG="CaseAuthor" INCLUDES="ANY"> <PROP VALUE="Engineering"/> <PROP VALUE="Support"/> </NAMEDPROP> <NAMEDPROP TAG="CaseStatus" INCLUDES="ANY"> <PROP VALUE="Open"/> <PROP VALUE="Pending"/> </NAMEDPROP> </RULE> </RULE_SET>