Veritas NetBackup™ Installation Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.2)
  1. Preparing for installation
      About Veritas Smart Meter
      Best practices for Veritas Smart Meter
      Restrictions on the NetBackup installation directory
      Creating the user account to support the NetBackup web server
      Available NetBackup installation methods
      About compatibility between NetBackup versions
      About Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools
      Recommended SORT procedures for new installations
      Recommended SORT procedures for upgrades
      About NetBackup software availability
    11. About storage device configuration
        Locating supported robot types
    12. How to install NetBackup
        About the NetBackup preinstall checker
        About the NetBackup Product Improvement Program
      About security certificates for NetBackup hosts
      SCCM and Chef deployment tools and documentation now available
      Support is discontinued for push installation of a master server
      Host ID-based certificate is not deployed during installation on 8.1 media server or client host with dual stack configuration
  2. NetBackup licenses
      About NetBackup license requirements
      About license key entry
      Frequently asked questions about license keys
  3. Installing server software on UNIX systems
    1. Installation and upgrade requirements for UNIX and Linux
        Do not mix non-English versions of Windows and UNIX platforms unless master and media servers are NetBackup appliances
        NetBackup installations on environments that run different versions of UNIX-based operating systems
        Special installation guidelines for Solaris systems
        Special installation guidelines for UNIX clustered environments
      How the installation script works
    3. Installing NetBackup master server software on UNIX
        Continuing with NetBackup software installation
      Installing NetBackup media server software on UNIX
    5. About pushing client software from a master server to clients
        Installing client type software on a master server
  4. Installing server software on Windows systems
      Installation and upgrade requirements for Windows and Windows clusters
      Requirements for Windows cluster installations and upgrades
      Performing local, remote, or clustered server installation on Windows systems
      Post-installation tasks for NetBackup cluster environments
      Verifying Windows cluster installations or upgrades
      Installing NetBackup servers silently on Windows systems
  5. About the administrative interfaces
    1. About the NetBackup web user interface
        First-time sign in to a NetBackup master server from the NetBackup web UI
        Sign out of the NetBackup web UI
      About the NetBackup Administration Console
      Installing the NetBackup Administration Console
      Installing multiple versions of the NetBackup Administration Console on Windows
      Removing earlier versions of the NetBackup Administration Console on Windows
      About the NetBackup Remote Administration Console
      Installing the NetBackup Remote Administration Console
  6. Installing NetBackup client software
      About NetBackup client installation
    2. About NetBackup client installation on Windows
        About Windows client installation methods and requirements
        Installing NetBackup Windows clients locally or remotely
        Installing NetBackup Windows clients silently
        How to configure NetBackup clients
    3. About NetBackup client installation on UNIX/Linux
        About UNIX/Linux client installation methods
        Installing UNIX clients locally
        Install and upgrade of the UNIX and Linux client binaries with native installers
      4. About remote installation methods for UNIX/Linux clients
          Installing client software with the ssh method
          Installing client software with the sftp method
          Installing client software on UNIX clients using password-less ssh method
        Adding a UNIX/Linux client after initial server installation
        Upgrading clients after servers are upgraded
  7. Configuring NetBackup
      About NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts
    2. About NetBackup server configuration
        Starting the NetBackup Administration Console
        About the Device Configuration Wizard
        About the Volume Configuration Wizard
        About the Catalog Backup Wizard
        About the Backup Policy Configuration Wizard
      Update cloud configuration file on the master server immediately after install or upgrade to NetBackup 8.1.2
  8. Upgrading NetBackup software
      About upgrading NetBackup
      About the NetBackup 8.x Upgrade Portal
  9. Removing NetBackup server and client software
      About NetBackup server software removal on UNIX systems
      About NetBackup client software removal on UNIX and Linux systems
      Removing NetBackup from UNIX and Linux servers and clients
      About NetBackup server software removal on Windows systems
      Removing NetBackup server and client software from Windows servers, clusters, and clients
      Removing NetBackup LiveUpdate from Windows systems
      About removal of the Java Console state data from Windows servers and Windows clients
      Removing a clustered media server by migrating all data to a new media server
  10. Reference
      Generate a certificate on the inactive nodes of a clustered master server
      About the NetBackup answer file
      NetBackup master server web server user and group creation
      About the NetBackup Java Runtime Environment
      Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
      Security updates to the NetBackup database
      Size guidance for Veritas NetBackup master server and domain

Upgrading clients after servers are upgraded

The update_clients installation script lets you push client software to clients. It does not let you push client software to a remote client that is also a NetBackup media or master server. You cannot push software this way because the server software and client binaries must be of the same version on a single host.

The update_clients installation script can determine the full client list that is configured on the server. When it is run without any parameters, it attempts to update all clients (as determined by /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpplclients). If you do not want to upgrade all clients, you can specify a subset of clients. Use the hardware type and operating system parameters or use the -ClientList parameter.

You can run update_clients from a media server. The -ClientList parameter is required in this situation. The script lets you maintain a media server and a set of clients at an earlier release level than the master server. Doing so requires the informed use of the update_clients -ClientList command on a master server and a media server to avoid unwanted client upgrades.

For clustered environments, you can push client software only from the active node.


Additional steps are required to deploy clients in a secure environment where the clients do not have direct connectivity to the master server. More information on this topic is available. See the topic on deploying certificates on clients without connectivity to the master server in the Veritas NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

During a client upgrade, the new client files are written to a directory in /tmp on the client. This directory must have sufficient space to temporarily store the new client files to ensure a successful upgrade. If sufficient space is not available, a status message informs you that the upgrade script could not write to the location in the /tmp directory. To resolve this issue, allocate more space to the /tmp directory and perform the upgrade procedure again. The temporary directory is removed when the upgrade is complete.

To upgrade clients after you have upgraded servers

  1. Use one of the following methods to start the installation script:

    ESD images (downloaded files)

    • Navigate to the location where the installation images reside.

    • Enter the following command:


    Native install tools

    NetBackup supports the install and upgrade of the UNIX and Linux client binaries with native installers. More information is available.

    See Install and upgrade of the UNIX and Linux client binaries with native installers.

  2. When the following message appears, press Enter to continue:
    Installing NetBackup Client Software.
    Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y]

    The client binaries represent the operating system versions where the binaries were compiled. The binaries typically function perfectly on later versions of the operating system. For example, Solaris 10 binaries are also used on the Solaris 11 level of the operating system.

  3. Select the client type that you want to load and follow the prompts to load that client type. Repeat as necessary until all desired client types have been loaded.

    Make sure that you load the software for all of the UNIX client types that you intend to push to from this server. Otherwise, you cannot add these client types to the NetBackup policy configuration.

  4. As a root user on the NetBackup master server, enter the following command to see whether bprd is running:


    If bprd is running, stop it with the following command:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bprdreq -terminate

  5. Enter the following command to make sure that backups or restores are not in progress:


  6. Update UNIX client software by running the update_clients script. Specify the host names of the individual nodes (not virtual names) in the list of clients.

    Use one of the following commands:

    If you do not use a -ClientList file:


    If you use a -ClientList file:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/update_clients -ClientList filename

    The -ClientList parameter is required on a media server.

    For more than 30 clients, you can divide the list into multiple files and run update_clients for each file.

    To create a client list file, perform the following steps:

    • Change to the NetBackup admincmd directory, as follows:

      cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
    • Use the bpplclients command to create a file that contains a list of clients currently configured in the NetBackup database. The options to use on this command differ depending on whether you push from a master server or from a media server, as follows:

      If you push from the master server:

      ./bpplclients -allunique -noheader > file

      If you push from a media server:

      ./bpplclients -allunique -noheader -M \ m_server_name > file

      The option descriptions are as follows:


      Name of the NetBackup master server in this environment.


      Name of the file to contain the list of unique clients. If no clients have been configured in the NetBackup database, the file is empty.

      The bpplclients command writes output to file in the following format:

      hardware os client

      The hardware name. For example, run the ls command in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/client.


      The operating system name. For example, run the ls command in directory /usr/openv/netbackup/client/hardware.


      The name of the client.

      The contents of file might look like the following example:

      Solaris Solaris9 curry

    • (Optional) Edit file.

      Perform this step to change the contents of file. Edit file to contain only those clients you want to update with NetBackup client software. The host names of the clients must be the clients' individual node names. They cannot be virtual names. The hostname command and the domainname command return the correct values for the individual node names. The format can be either hostname or hostname.domainname.

  7. The update_clients script requests master server information from you.
    Starting update_clients script.
    There are N clients to upgrade.
    Do you want the bp.conf file on the clients updated to list this 
    server as the master server? (y/n) [y]

    Type either y or n.

    Press Enter.

  8. Enter the number of updates you want to occur simultaneously.
    Enter the number of simultaneous updates you wish to take 
    place. [1 - 30] (default: 15):
  9. The installer attempts to retrieve the certificate authority certificate details.
    Getting CA certificate details.
    Depending on the network, this action may take a few minutes. To
    continue without setting up secure communication, press Ctrl+C.

    Be aware if you press Ctrl+C, this action requires you to rerun the installation or continue with the installation without the required security components. If these security components are absent, backups and restores fail.

    If a certificate authority certificate is found, you receive the message shown:

    Using CA Certificate fingerprint from master server:
    If clients need an authorization token for installation, please specify one here.
    Token (leave blank for no authorization token):

    If you leave the authorization token blank, you receive the message shown:

    WARNING: Authorization Token was not specified.
    Manual steps may be required before backups and restores can occur.
  10. Type either y or n in response to the question.
    The upgrade will likely take Y to Z minutes.
    Do you want to upgrade clients now? (y/n) [y]
  11. After all servers and clients are updated, start the bprd daemon as the root user on the master server by entering the following command: