Veritas NetBackup™ Installation Guide
- Preparing for installation
- About storage device configuration
- How to install NetBackup
- NetBackup licenses
- Installing server software on UNIX systems
- Installation and upgrade requirements for UNIX and Linux
- Installing NetBackup master server software on UNIX
- About pushing client software from a master server to clients
- Installation and upgrade requirements for UNIX and Linux
- Installing server software on Windows systems
- About the administrative interfaces
- About the NetBackup web user interface
- Installing NetBackup client software
- About NetBackup client installation on Windows
- About NetBackup client installation on UNIX/Linux
- About remote installation methods for UNIX/Linux clients
- Configuring NetBackup
- Upgrading NetBackup software
- Removing NetBackup server and client software
- Reference
Creating the user account to support the NetBackup web server
Beginning with NetBackup 8.0, the NetBackup master server includes a configured web server to support critical backup operations. This web server operates under user account elements with limited privileges. These user account elements must be available on each master server (or each node of a clustered master server).
You can use numerous procedures to create users and groups in operating systems. Some specific approaches are shown but other methods may accomplish the same goal. The home directory path, user name, and group names are not hard-coded, and can be changed. The default local user name is nbwebsvc, and the default local group name is nbwebgrp.
For UNIX and Linux platforms, the UID must be the same for each local account in a clustered environment. Be sure that the local accounts are defined consistently on all cluster nodes.
To create the user account and the user group on UNIX or Linux
- Create the local group with the command shown:
Command: # groupadd group_name
Example: # groupadd nbwebgrp
- Create the local user account with the command shown:
Command: # useradd -g group_name -c comment -d /usr/openv/wmc user_name
Example: # useradd -g nbwebgrp -c 'NetBackup Web Services application account' -d /usr/openv/wmc nbwebsvc
To create the user account and the user group on Windows
You must use domain accounts in clustered environments on Windows.
Web service user account names are limited to 20 characters.
- Create the local user account with the command shown:
Command: C:\>net user user_name StrongPassword /add (where StrongPassword is a strong password to associate with the account)
Example: C:\>net user nbwebsvc 1U*s7lQ# /add
- Create the local group with the command shown:
Command: C:\>net localgroup group_name /add
Example: C:\>net localgroup nbwebgrp /add
- Make the new user a member of the new group with the command shown:
Command: C:\>net localgroup group_name user_name /add
Example: C:\>net localgroup nbwebgrp nbwebsvc /add
- Grant the Log On As a Service right to the new user as follows:
Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.
Under Security Settings, click Local Policies and then User Rights Assignment.
Right-click on Log on as a service and select Properties.
Add the local user.
Save your changes and close the Log on as a service properties dialog.
Installation of the NetBackup master server fails if any of these requirements are not met. On Windows, you are asked to provide the password for the user account as part of the installation process.