Veritas NetBackup™ OpsCenter Administrator's Guide
- Overview of NetBackup OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter components
- About starting the OpsCenter console
- About OpsCenter console components
- About the View pane
- Sizing the Content pane
- About using tables
- Installing OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- About the OpsCenter licensing model
- Managed NetBackup master server considerations
- About designing your OpsCenter Server
- About planning an OpsCenter Agent deployment
- Installing OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter upgrade on Windows and UNIX
- About post-installation tasks
- About uninstalling OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About clustering OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- OpsCenter Getting Started feature
- Administering OpsCenter
- About the services and processes used by OpsCenter
- OpsCenter server scripts on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter database administration
- About backup and restore of OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics
- About communication ports and firewall considerations in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter log files
- Understanding OpsCenter settings
- Setting user preferences
- About managing licenses
- Configuring the data purge period on the OpsCenter Server
- Configuring SMTP server settings for OpsCenter
- Adding host aliases in OpsCenter
- Merging objects (hosts) in OpsCenter
- Modifying tape library information in OpsCenter
- Copying a user profile in OpsCenter
- Setting report export location in OpsCenter
- About managing Object Types in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter users
- About adding AD / LDAP user groups in OpsCenter
- About managing recipients in OpsCenter
- About managing cost analysis and chargeback for OpsCenter Analytics
- Understanding data collection
- About data collection in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter Agents
- About managing OpsCenter Data Collectors
- About configuring data collection for NetBackup
- About the Breakup Jobs option
- Viewing master server details and data collection status
- Collecting data from PureDisk
- Managing OpsCenter views
- About OpsCenter views
- About managing OpsCenter views
- View filters in OpsCenter
- Monitoring NetBackup using OpsCenter
- Controlling the scope of Monitor views
- About monitoring NetBackup using the Overview tab
- About monitoring NetBackup jobs
- Monitor > Services view
- About monitoring Audit Trails
- Managing NetBackup using OpsCenter
- About managing alert policies
- About creating (or changing) an alert policy
- About managing NetBackup storage
- About managing NetBackup devices
- About Operational Restore and Guided Recovery operations
- About Operational Restores from OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter Guided Recovery
- Troubleshooting Guided Recovery
- About managing NetBackup Hosts
- About managing NetBackup Deployment Analysis
- Data compilation for the Capacity License report
- Generating a Capacity Licensing report
- Supporting Replication Director in OpsCenter
- Understanding and configuring OpsCenter alerts
- About using SNMP
- About using SNMP
- Reporting in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter reports
- Report Templates in OpsCenter
- About managing reports in OpsCenter
- Creating a custom report in OpsCenter
- About managing My Reports
- About managing My Dashboard
- About managing reports folders in OpsCenter
- About managing report schedules in OpsCenter
- About managing time schedules in OpsCenter
- Appendix A. Additional information on PureDisk data collection
- Appendix B. Attributes of NetBackup data
- Appendix C. Man pages for CLIs
- Appendix D. Creating views using CSV, TSV, and XML files
- Appendix E. Error messages in OpsCenter
Alert Policy Wizard
The Alert Policy Wizard consists of four panels.
Table: Alert Policy Wizard General Panel
Setting | Description |
Enter a name for the alert policy. The name must be unique. Name is a required field. | |
Enter a description for the alert policy. | |
Select an alert condition from the list of alert conditions that are available. |
Table: Alert Policy Wizard Alert Condition Properties Panel
Setting | Description |
Specify attributes for the alert condition that you selected. The attributes differ for each alert condition. For many alert conditions (for example, for the Job Finalized condition), you may need to enter threshold attributes and other required or optional attributes. These attributes define and limit the alert. For alert conditions like High Job Failure Rate and Job Finalized, you may need to enter values for Exit Status to Include or Exit Status to Exclude field. You can provide multiple values in this field that are separated by comma in the following format: 20-35, 36, <40, >50 A value can be a range of exit status like 20-35 or all exit status below 40 like <40. Any combinations of this format can be used like 20-40, >55 or >70, 76 |
Table: Alert Policy Wizard Scope Panel
Setting | Description |
Select the view that should be verified for the alert condition. You can select a view and a node that contains a group of master servers and also specific objects. For example, you can select the default view ALL MASTER SERVERS to be checked for the alert condition. When you select a view like ALL MASTER SERVERS or a node that contains a group of master servers, all the master servers that are currently in the view or node are automatically selected. In addition, master servers that you may add later to this view or node are automatically selected and hence verified for the alert condition. You may also select only specific objects of a particular view or node to be checked for the alert condition. For example, you may select only a specific master server(s) under the default view ALL MASTER SERVERS to be checked for the alert condition. To select a specific master server, first deselect the view or node that contains the master server and then select the master server. You may also deselect a specific master server from a view by selecting the view and then deselecting the specific master server. Consider a scenario where there are two objects server A and server B in a particular view like ALL MASTER SERVERS. In case, you have selected the view and then specifically deselected server B , and in addition if you have selected a view or node that also contains server B, server B is not verified for the alert condition even though it is a part of the selected view or node. This is because you have specifically deselected server B from the view. When you specifically deselect a master server from a view, which is also part of another selected view, the deselection or exclusion is given a higher priority because of which the master server is not verified for the alert condition. For this reason, it is recommended that you do not repeat a master server across groups. Note that you can also view and select additional attributes like policies, clients, media servers etc. on expanding the views and nodes from this page (wherever applicable). These attributes are located under the applicable views or nodes for specific alert conditions. For example, for the Job Finalized alert condition, you can select the view as well as the specific policies and clients that should be checked for the alert. You can view the applicable attributes like policy name, client name, media server name, robot number, drive IDs etc. for the following alert conditions:
You must select at least one object, node, or view from this page. |
Table: Alert Policy Wizard Actions Panel
Setting | Description |
Select email recipients to receive the alert notification. | |
Select SNMP recipients to receive the alert notification. | |
Select a severity level from the drop-down list. (If this alert occurs, the alert is displayed in the view.) | |
Select an appropriate severity level from the drop-down list. With option, you can configure the severity for an email or trap that is sent when an alert is cleared. The default severity level is Informational.In OpsCenter, an alert is raised with the severity specified in the alert policy. Whenever this alert is cleared, an email or trap informing the user that the alert is cleared is sent with the same severity that is defined in the alert policy. This is the default behavior. For example, you may have created an alert policy for a Hung Job alert condition with a Critical severity. As a result, you receive Hung Job alert with Critical severity. When this Hung Job alert gets cleared, you receive an email or trap that informs you that the alert has been cleared. This email or trap also has a Critical severity. You can now configure the severity for this email or trap from Critical to some other severity like "Informational" while creating the alert policy. Note that you can configure the severity only for email or trap. | |
The option is checked by default. By default, the policy will be active once you create it. Deselect the option if you want to deactivate the policy.You can always activate or deactivate the policy later from the OpsCenter console. See Managing an alert policy . |
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