Veritas NetBackup™ OpsCenter Administrator's Guide
- Overview of NetBackup OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter components
- About starting the OpsCenter console
- About OpsCenter console components
- About the View pane
- Sizing the Content pane
- About using tables
- Installing OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- About the OpsCenter licensing model
- Managed NetBackup master server considerations
- About designing your OpsCenter Server
- About planning an OpsCenter Agent deployment
- Installing OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter upgrade on Windows and UNIX
- About post-installation tasks
- About uninstalling OpsCenter on Windows and UNIX
- About clustering OpsCenter
- About planning an OpsCenter installation
- OpsCenter Getting Started feature
- Administering OpsCenter
- About the services and processes used by OpsCenter
- OpsCenter server scripts on Windows and UNIX
- About OpsCenter database administration
- About backup and restore of OpsCenter and OpsCenter Analytics
- About communication ports and firewall considerations in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter log files
- Understanding OpsCenter settings
- Setting user preferences
- About managing licenses
- Configuring the data purge period on the OpsCenter Server
- Configuring SMTP server settings for OpsCenter
- Adding host aliases in OpsCenter
- Merging objects (hosts) in OpsCenter
- Modifying tape library information in OpsCenter
- Copying a user profile in OpsCenter
- Setting report export location in OpsCenter
- About managing Object Types in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter users
- About adding AD / LDAP user groups in OpsCenter
- About managing recipients in OpsCenter
- About managing cost analysis and chargeback for OpsCenter Analytics
- Understanding data collection
- About data collection in OpsCenter
- About managing OpsCenter Agents
- About managing OpsCenter Data Collectors
- About configuring data collection for NetBackup
- About the Breakup Jobs option
- Viewing master server details and data collection status
- Collecting data from PureDisk
- Managing OpsCenter views
- About OpsCenter views
- About managing OpsCenter views
- View filters in OpsCenter
- Monitoring NetBackup using OpsCenter
- Controlling the scope of Monitor views
- About monitoring NetBackup using the Overview tab
- About monitoring NetBackup jobs
- Monitor > Services view
- About monitoring Audit Trails
- Managing NetBackup using OpsCenter
- About managing alert policies
- About creating (or changing) an alert policy
- About managing NetBackup storage
- About managing NetBackup devices
- About Operational Restore and Guided Recovery operations
- About Operational Restores from OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter Guided Recovery
- Troubleshooting Guided Recovery
- About managing NetBackup Hosts
- About managing NetBackup Deployment Analysis
- Data compilation for the Capacity License report
- Generating a Capacity Licensing report
- Supporting Replication Director in OpsCenter
- Understanding and configuring OpsCenter alerts
- About using SNMP
- About using SNMP
- Reporting in OpsCenter
- About OpsCenter reports
- Report Templates in OpsCenter
- About managing reports in OpsCenter
- Creating a custom report in OpsCenter
- About managing My Reports
- About managing My Dashboard
- About managing reports folders in OpsCenter
- About managing report schedules in OpsCenter
- About managing time schedules in OpsCenter
- Appendix A. Additional information on PureDisk data collection
- Appendix B. Attributes of NetBackup data
- Appendix C. Man pages for CLIs
- Appendix D. Creating views using CSV, TSV, and XML files
- Appendix E. Error messages in OpsCenter
Backup data attributes
This section lists all attributes pertaining to data that OpsCenter collects from NetBackup. You can select these attributes while generating custom reports.
The following tables list all NetBackup attributes that OpsCenter collects.
Table: Backup Job Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Agent Server | | The name of the server where a OpsCenter data collection agent is installed |
Backup job Comment | Host cannot be reached | Filled in by the user in the Job Reconciliation page to indicate why a job failed so others can see. |
Backup job File Count Deduplication Factor | 321 | The deduplication file factor for each PureDisk backup job. Meaning that for every 321 files that were backed up only one file was actually stored. (321 to 1 file deduplication rate) |
Backup job File Count Deduplication Savings | 456 | The number of files not needing to be backed up for every backup job in PureDisk because they were already stored with deduplication. Meaning that if 500 files were targeted for backup, only 44 were stored since the saving was 456. |
Backup job Is Ignored | Yes/No | Within OpsCenter there is the ability to mark a job as ignored (yes/no). If it is ignored it does not count towards things like success rate or time since last successful backup. This marking of a job as ignored is done in the "Reports > Explorers" section. |
Backup job Protected File Count | 400 files | The number of files that are processed in a PureDisk backup. Note that this number is not actually stored since it is before deduplication. |
Backup job Protected Size | 200GB | The size in byes of a PureDisk backup job before deduplication. |
Backup job Size Deduplication Factor | 567 | The deduplication size factor for each PureDisk backup job. Meaning that for every 567KB that were backed up only 1KB was stored. |
Backup job Size Deduplication Savings | 345 | The number of KB's not needing to be backed up for every backup job in PureDisk because they were already stored with deduplication. Meaning that if 346KB were backed up, the savings of 345KB means only 1 KB was needed to be stored. |
Backup job Sub Type | Catalog, File System, MS Exchange, NDMP, Sybase | Each directory under a job and it's type of backup. |
Backup job Transport Type | LAN, SAN | The transport that was used to move the backup from backup client to media server |
Job Attempt Count | 4 | The number of times a backup job had to be attempted before being successful or reaching the maximum allowable number of retries |
Job Client | | The name of a host being backed up as seen by a backup job |
Job Directory | C:\, /var, ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES | The file system directory being backed up as seen by a backup job |
Job Duration | 300 seconds | The amount of time in seconds for a backup to start and finish as seen by a backup job |
Job End Time | Tues 3/23/2008 03:34:43 | The date and time that a backup ended |
Job Error Code | 0,1,2,3… | The exit code, status code, or error code for a particular job |
Job Expiration Time | Aug 01, 2008 22:03:48 | The time at which this job (the image that the job generates) will expire. |
Job File Count | 300 | The number of files a backed up during a backup job |
Job Group ID | 6114 | The group ID that the product group specifies. Note:The secondary ID and the Group ID are intended for the same purpose. These IDs group the jobs in some way that is useful in reporting. |
Job Level | Full, Differential Incremental, User Backup | The Schedule Type for the backup job, Full, Incremental, Cumulative, User etc. |
Job Primary ID | 5,234,234 | A unique number for each backup job in a backup domain that identifies a backup job |
Job Secondary ID | 5,234,235 | When a unique job number is not enough to distinguish a job, a secondary ID may be used. For NBU, this field is the job Process ID |
Job Size | 2048 | The amount in KB that a backup job transferred from client to media server for backing up |
Job Start Time | Tues 3/23/2008 02:34:43 | The date and time that a backup started |
Job Success Rate (Complete and partial) | 98 | A percent number that is calculated based on the number of jobs that were successful (NetBackup status 0) and partially successful (NetBackup status 1) divided by the total number of jobs ran in that period of time. Example: 98 successful jobs / 100 total jobs (2 failures) = 98% |
Job Success Rate (Complete only) | 99 | A percent number that is calculated based on the number of jobs that were successful (NetBackup status 0) divided by the total number of jobs ran in that period of time. Example: 98 successful jobs / 100 total |
Job Throughput (Kbytes/sec) | 3,234 | The speed of a backup job in Kbytes/sec. This is the speed of the overall job which takes in to account transfer time from client to media server and media server to disk or tape storage. It is not just the speed of a tape drive. |
Job Type | Backup, Restore, duplication, archive, label, erase | The type of operation done by the backup product |
Level Type | Full, Differential Incremental, User Backup | The Schedule Type for the backup job grouped into just two options. Full vs. Other |
Master Server | | The name of the master server that executed the backup job |
Media Server | | The name of the media server that performed the backup job |
Policy | Oracle Backup Policy, User Backup Policy, File System Backup Policy | The name of the backup policy as seen by a backup job |
Policy Description | 'This policy is for doing Oracle backups' | The user-defined description of a policy as seen by a backup job |
Policy Domain Name | NetBackup Policy Domain, PureDisk Policy Domain | The backup product that a backup policy executed a job from |
Policy Type | Standard, NT, Oracle, Exchange | The type of policy as seen by a backup job |
Product | NetBackup, PureDisk | The backup product that performs backup, from which OpsCenter collects data |
Schedule | (user-defined), ex: Weekly-Fulls, Daily-Incrementals | The name of a schedule which resides within a policy as seen by a backup job |
Status | Success, Partial, Failure | A word description for each job that coorelates status codes to their english meaning. All failures are mapped to the word 'Failure' |
Storage Unit Name | (user-defined), ex: tld0-hcart-0 | The name of a storage unit, which is chosen by a policy to receive and store backups. Storage Units are usually groupings of tape drives within a library or multiple disk locations that are grouped together in pools. This is the storage unit name that was used by a backup job. |
Storage Unit Type | Disk, Media Manager (tape) | The type of storage unit used and seen by a backup job |
Table: Backup Image Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Backup Image Compression State | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if a backup image stored in the catalog was compressed or not. |
Backup Image Copy Expiration Time | Mon 4/23/2008 4:32:34 | The date/time that a backup image copy is set to expire |
Backup Image Copy Is Currently Expired | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if a backup image is expired or not. If it is expired it can no longer be restored and that space may be rewritten to by the backup application. If it is not expired it is available for restore. |
Backup Image Copy Is Primary | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if a backup image is the primary copy. If the image is a 2nd or greater copy this value would be 'no'. |
Backup Image Copy Media Server | | The name of the backup server that performed the copy of a backup to a second location. |
Backup Image Copy Multiplexed State | True/False | A true/false property as to if the backup image copy was written using multiplexing or not (multiple clients/jobs streamed to one image) |
Backup Image Copy Storage Unit Type | Media Manager (tape), Disk | The type of storage unit that the backup image was copied to. This could be disk, tape etc. |
Backup Image Copy Unexpired Fragment Count | 30 | The number of fragments that make up a complete unexpired backup. A single backup can have 1 or a multiple of fragments which are blocks of data seperated by tape marks on tape or seperated in to separate files on the file system if written to disk. |
Backup Image Copy Unique ID | backupclient_23423 | A unique ID or key for every backup stored in the catalog. This key or ID can be used to look up an image in the catalog for restore or other activity |
Backup Image Encryption State | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if a backup image was encrypted between the backup client and backup media server. This value does NOT represent if tape drive or other encryption was used or not. |
Backup Image Expiration Time | Mon 4/23/2008 4:32:34 | The date and time that a backup image will expire. When a backup image expires it is no longer available for restore and the space that the backup occupied can be reused for additional backups (overwritten) |
Backup Image File Count | 432 | The actual number of files that are stored within a backup image. |
Backup Image Fragment Expiration Time | Mon 4/23/2008 4:32:34 | The date/time that the backup image fragment is set to expire |
Backup Image Fragment Is Currently Expired | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if the backup image fragment is expired or not. Even if a backup fragment is expired, that space can not be reused until the whole backup image is expired (disk) or the whole backup tape media is expired (tape) |
Backup Image Fragment Is TIR | TIR Info on Disk, TIR Rsv Synthetic Info on Disk | The true image restore status for a backup image fragment. True image restores allow a restore to take place at the directory level without overwriting files that weren't backed up but are still in the directory. For this to be possible a 'true image restore' backup image must exist. |
Backup Image Fragment Size | 2048 | The size of the backup image fragment. By default NetBackup uses 1TB fragments (ie no fragments) but this can be configured to different values |
Backup Image Fragment Unique ID | backupimagefragment_124 | A unique ID associated with every backup image fragment |
Backup Image Is Currently Expired | Yes/No | A yes/no property as to if the backup image is expired or not |
Backup Image TIR Status | TIR Info on Disk, TIR Rsv Synthetic Info on Disk | The true image restore status for a backup image. True image restores allow a restore to take place at the directory level without overwriting files that weren't backed up but are still in the directory. For this to be possible a "true image restore" backup image must exist. |
Backup Image Type | Regular, Catalog | The type of backup image. Catalog being a NBU catalog image for disaster recovery |
Backup Image Unexpired Copy Count | 1, 2, 3 etc. | The number of copies that exist for a primary backup image. These are copies that are unexpired and can be used for a restore. |
Backup Image Unique ID | backupclient_23423 | A unique ID or key for every backup stored in the catalog. This key or ID can be used to look up an image in the catalog for restore or other activity |
Backup Image Write End Time | Mon 4/23/2008 4:32:34 | The date and time that the backup image was finished writing. |
Backup Image Write Start Time | Mon 4/23/2008 4:32:34 | The date and time that the backup image began to be written. |
Data Classification Master Server | | The name of the server that classified the backup image in some sort of ranking (gold, silver, bronze etc) |
Data Classification Name | Gold, Silver, Bronze, Non-DataClassification-Name | The name of the classification of data |
Data Classification Rank | 1,2,3,etc | The number ranking that corresponds with the name of data classification. A 1 would mean the data is more important than a 2 for example. |
Table: Backup Attempt Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Attempt Duration | 3500 | The number in seconds that a backup was attempted |
Attempt End Time | Mon 4/23/2008 4:32:34 | The date and time that a backup attempt ended (each attempt is unique) |
Attempt Error Code | 0, 1, 2, 3 etc. | The error code that the backup attempt finished with |
Attempt File Count | 0, 1, 2, 3 etc. | The number of files the backup attempted to process |
Attempt Size | 2048 | The number in KB for the amount an attempted backup tried to process |
Attempt Start Time | Mon 4/23/2008 4:32:34 | The start time that a backup attempt began |
Attempt Status | Success, Partial, Failure | A named status that maps to the error code numbers in the backup application (for example a status 0 in NetBackup is a success, a status 1 is partial and all other numbers are failures) |
Attempt Success Rate | 98% | The average success rate across all attempts in all backups. Example would be the average of 2 backups were each was attempted 3 times. The success rate would be the success rate average of the 3 attempts within each backup job. (Note that this is different than the success rate across all jobs which does not take in to account attempts) |
Attempt Throughput | 2048Kbytes/sec | The speed of a backup attempt in Kbytes/sec. This is different than the overall KB/sec for a job which would take in to account all attempts. |
Backup Attempt Partial Success Rate | 98% | The average success rate across all attempts in all backups but also including partial successes (status 1 in NetBackup). Example would be the average of 2 backups were each was attempted 3 times. The success rate would be the success rate average of the 3 attempts within each backup job. (Note that this is different than the success rate across all jobs which does not take in to account attempts) |
Backup Attempt Sequence | 1, 2, 3 | The attempt number in a sequence. 1 would represent the first attempt, 2 would represent the second attempt etc. |
Backup Skipped File Time | Mon 4/23/2008 4:32:34 | The date and time that a particular file was skipped over during a backup |
Skipped File Code | 1 | The status code for why that file was skipped (usually a status 1) |
Skipped File Reason | File is open by another process | The reason a file was skipped. (Usually because file was in use) |
Skipped File Name | C:\Windows\an_open_file.dll | The actual file name that was skipped over during a backup. |
Table: Backup Policy Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Backup Policy Domain Master Server | | The host name of the backup application host that contains the backup policy. In the case of NetBackup this is the master server. |
Backup Policy Name | Oracle Backup Policy, User Backup Policy, File System Backup Policy | The name of a backup policy that exists in the backup application. Note that this is similar and can be the same as the 'backup job Attribute: Policy' which shows what policy the backup job was executed from. It is different though since this Policy Name simply means that this Policy exists not that anything was executed from it yet. |
Backup Policy Type | Standard (UNIX), Windows-NT, Oracle, Exchange | The type of backup policy that exists in the backup application. Note that this is different than the 'backup job Attribute: Policy Type' |
Table: File System Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Business Classification | 'Business Critical' | User defined field. Can be one of 'Mission Critical', 'Business Critical' or 'Business Support' |
File System: OID | asset123 etc. | A user defined field for an object ID of the file system. Typically used as a pairing with an asset management database |
Filesystem Name | C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ | The file system directory being backed up. |
Filesystem Type | NTFS, UFS, ZFS, EXT3 | A user-defined field (this is not collected automatically) of what type of file system was backed up. |
Table: Host Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Host Architecture | SPARC, x86 | User defined field (this is not automatically collected) for filling in architecture type such as x86, x86-64, SPARC, POWER, PA-RISC, IA64 etc |
Host: Misc Info | Pete's server | A user defined field for inserting any extra information regarding a host |
Host: OID | asset123, etc. | A user defined field for inserting an object ID from an asset management database |
Hostname | | The name of the host object that contains file systems. |
O.S. Version | 10 | The version of the operating system. Usually grouped with Operating System name since this will have values like '10' (that is Solaris 10) |
Operating System | Windows, Solaris | The operating system name of the host |
Table: Backup Media Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Agent Server | | The name of the OpsCenter agent that collected the media information. |
Backup Media Allocation Time | Mon 3/4/2008 3:34:34 | The date/time that a piece of media was first allocated or had it's first backup written to it. Once the media expires it will have a new allocation date/time when it is reused |
Backup Media Available Free Capacity | 500,000 KB | How much is left on tape in KB. Value here per sample is either the free capacity if the media is active, or 0 otherwise. |
Backup Media Available Total Capacity | 19,000,000KB | Total capacity of the tape in KB. Value here per sample is either the total capacity if the media is active, or 0 otherwise. |
Backup Media Barcode | JFP000L2 | The full barcode as ready by the physical robot. This can be longer than the 6 characters used by a NetBackup Media. |
Backup Media Expiration Time | Mon 3/4/2008 3:34:34 | The date/time that a backup media is set to expire |
Backup Media Free Capacity | 500,000 KB | How much is left on tape in KB. This number may be estimated using an algorithm. |
Backup Media Is Active | Yes/No | A yes/no property of a particular tape indicating whether the tape has been sampled in the last two collections. |
Backup Media Is Available | Yes/No | A yes/no property of a particular tape indicating whether it can still be written to. |
Backup Media Is Current | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if the backup media exists in the current configuration (and not historical) |
Backup Media Is Data Expired | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if the backup media has expired data on it or not |
Backup Media Is Full | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if the backup media is marked as full (no more backups can be written to it) |
Backup Media Is Imported | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if the backup media was imported. Imported media simply means that this paticular backup domain did not originally write the data to the media. This could be due to disaster recovery where the catalog could not be moved from an existing domain so the tapes were read individually to determine what data was on them. It also is commonly used to import Backup Exec media to NetBackup. |
Backup Media Is Physically Expired | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if the physical media is expired or not. Once all the backup images (data) has been expired on a tape that entire cartridge is marked as Physically Expired=Yes and it can be overwritten or used by future backups. |
Backup Media Is Total Capacity Estimated | Yes/No | Since capacity of a tape is often estimated using an algorithm. This specifies whether it was actually calculated, or provided exactly by the DP product. |
Backup Media Last Read Time | Mon 3/4/2008 3:34:34 | A date/time that the backup media was last used to be read (restored) |
Backup Media Last Write Time | Mon 3/4/2008 3:34:34 | A date/time that the backup media was last used to be written to (duplicates, backups) |
Backup Media Library Slot Number | 1, 2, 3 etc. | The physical slot number that a given piece of media resides in |
Backup Media Multiple Retention Levels Allowed | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if a given piece of tape media will allow for multiple expiration dates. Multiple expiration dates means that the whole tape can not be reused until the last backup has expired on the media. |
Backup Media Multiplexing Allowed | Yes/No | A yes/no property of if multiplexing is allowed on a piece of tape media. Multiplexing means that multiple clients were multiple clients or jobs were backed up to one image so that particular image could have more than one client inside it. |
Backup Media Percent Available Free Capacity | 0-100% | Calculated value representing (available free capacity /available total capacity ) in percentage |
Backup Media Percent Free Capacity | 0-100% | Calculated value representing (free capacity total capacity ) in percentage |
Backup Media Percent Used Capacity | 0-100% | Calculated value representing (used capacity / total capacity) in percentage |
Backup Media Physical Expiration Time | Mon 3/4/2008 3:34:34 | The date/time that a piece of media will physically expire (all images on the media) and be able to be reused |
Backup Media Retention Level | 63072000.00, 31536000.00, 1209600.00 | The retention level of the media in number of seconds. Divide by 86400 to get the retention level in days |
Backup Media Snapshot Time | Mon 3/4/2008 3:34:34 | The date/time that all the media information was collected from the backup application to OpsCenter. History is kept so a history of the state of all media can be determined. |
Backup Media Storage Type | Disk, Tape | The type of storage for a given piece of media (disk or tape) |
Backup Media Total Capacity | 19,000,000 KB | Total capacity of the tape in KB. This number may be estimated using an algorithm. |
Backup Media Type | HCART, DLT, 8MM etc. | The density or type of media. This is used to match what drives the media can go in for a mixed media environment. |
Backup Media Unexpired Image Count | 1, 2, 3 etc. | The number of images that are unexpired on a given piece of media |
Backup Media Used Capacity | 500,000 KB | Amount in KB used up in the tape. This value is provided by the DP product and is NOT estimated. |
Backup Media Volume Group Name | User defined but defaults to things like '000_00002_TLD' | A user defined field for grouping volumes. By default NetBackup assigns the robot number and type so that TLD(2) would read '000_00002_TLD' |
Backup Media Volume Path | /disk_staging_file_system/, C:\disk_staging\ | The path on disk where backup images are stored. |
Disk Pool High Water Mark | 95% | This is the high water mark that is set for a Flexible Disk pool, OpenStorage disk pool or PureDisk backend storage pools. When this threshold is reached by the file system on the disk pools backups will not be attempted to that disk location since it will be considered 'full'. |
Disk Pool Low Water Mark | 80% | This is the low water mark that is set for a Flexible Disk pool, OpenStorage disk pool or PureDisk backend storage pools. When this threshold is reached by the file system on the disk pools backups will not be sent to the location as often |
Disk Pool Master Server | | The name of the NetBackup master server that the disk pool belongs to |
Disk Pool Name | netappfi::fas3050-1a, DDPool, etc. | The name of the disk pool which defaults to the disk array string or a user defined value |
Disk Pool Raw Size | 69,990.40 | The raw size is the size of the disk volume(s) in a disk pool. Raw size does not mean you can actually write to that amount (that's what usable size is) but just tells you there is more possible disk space that could be allocated from raw to usable. |
Disk Pool Server Type | AdvancedDisk, SharedDisk | The type of flexible disk that the pool is |
Disk Pool Snapshot Time | Mon 3/4/2008 3:34:34 | The date/time that a snapshot was taken to produce the backup image that exists in the disk pool |
Disk Pool Status | UP, DOWN | Similar to tape drive status, this tells if the disk pool is UP meaning it is usable and can be used or DOWN meaning it is not usable. When in the DOWN state jobs will not attempt to use the disk pool. |
Disk Pool Usable Size | 1,208,893.44 | The usable size is the size of the formatted file system and tells you how much data can be written to the disk pool |
Disk Pool Volume Count | 4 | The number of disk volumes that make up the disk pool |
Media Density | HCART, DLT, 8MM etc. | The type of tape media as defined by the backup application. For NetBackup this is also called the 'density' and specifies what types of drive the tape can go in. |
Media Hsize | 1024 | Optical media header size of a backup image |
Media ID | JFP000 | The Media ID for a given piece of media, usually a subset of the barcode. For NetBackup this is a 6-digit ID. |
Media Image Count | 54 | The number of backup images on a given piece of tape media or disk pool |
Media L Offset | 2048 | Logical block address of the beginning of the block that a backup image exists |
Media Restore Count | 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. | The number of times a given piece of backup media has been used for restores. |
Media Ssize | 1024 | Optical media sector size of a backup image. |
Partner | A/B | The ID of the opposite side of a optical platter. If on side A of a platter this would show Side B |
Product | NetBackup | The backup product that this piece of media belongs to |
Status | Active, Non-active, Suspended, Frozen | The status of a given piece of media. Active meaning it is being used at a given point in time, Frozen meaning errors have occurred on the tape media and it is no longer being used for backups, etc. |
Volume Pool ID | 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. | The volume pool ID which automatically starts at 1 for the default pool "NetBackup". Things like Scratch Pools or onsite/offsite pools are typically also used and these all have unique volume pool ID's. Many encryption solutions such as Decru and IBM use the volume pool ID to determine what backups to encrypt or not |
Volume Pool Name | NetBackup, Scratch, CatalogBackup, MSEO, WORM, etc. | This user defined field is the name of the volume pool that media is placed in to. The default is NetBackup but many others are typically created to segment tapes in to groups |
Volume/EMM Database Server | | The name of the EMM server. This is the NetBackup master server. |
Table: Tape Library Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Tape Library Agent Product | NetBackup | The backup application that controls the tape drive |
Tape Library Agent Server | | The server host name that the OpsCenter agent is installed on that is used to collect tape drive information. |
Tape Library Device Database Server | | The device database server that is controlling the particular library. This is the Enterprise Media Manager server (EMM). |
Tape Library Manufacturer | STK, Quantum, IBM etc. | The manufacturer as determined by the SCSI inquiry string in the backup application. |
Tape Library Serial Number | ADIC203100468_LL0 | The serial number, unique, to each tape library |
Tape Library Slot Count | 40, 120, 360 | The total number of slots that exist in a tape library |
Tape Library Type | Tape Library DLT, Tape Library 8MM, Tape Library ACS | The type of tape library (TLD, ACS, 8MM, 4MM, TLM, TLH etc) |
Tape Library Unique ID | 0, 1, 2 etc. | The unique number given to each tape library in the EMM database. This ID is put together with the library type in the NBU GUI to show TLD(0), TLD(1) etc. |
Table: Tape Drive Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Name | IBM.ULTRIUM-TD2.000 | The name of a tape drive as given by the backup application, usually default names are based on SCSI inquiry strings that contain the manufacturer name and model number |
Number | 0, 1, 2, 3 etc. | The number of a tape drive as given by the backup application which is unique for each physical drive (a number could be shared between media servers though) |
Shared | true/false | A simple true/false on weather the tape drive is shared across backup servers or not |
Tape Drive Device Host | | The device host (Media Server) that the tape drive is connected to. |
Tape Drive Is Current | true/ false | A simple true/false on weather the tape drive exists in the current configuration (true) or if it is historical and no longer exists (false) |
Tape Drive Serial Number | 768ZD03034 | The unique serial number for a physical tape drive |
Tape Drive Storage Unit Name | dcdell214-dlt-robot-tld-0 | The storage unit that the tape drive is assigned to |
Tape Drive Type | hcart, hcart2, dlt, 8mm etc. | The type of tape drive as defined by the backup application. For NetBackup this is also called the 'density' and specifies what types of tape can go in the drive. |
Tape Drive Unique ID for Library | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. | The tape drive number inside the library |
Table: Tape Usage Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Storage Unit Group Name | Storage Unit Tape Group | The storage unit group that the storage unit that the tape drive belongs to |
Tape Drive Assigned | | The host (Media Server) that the tape drive is assigned to for use at time of tape drive information collection |
Tape Drive Control | TLD, ACS, DOWN-TLD, DOWN-ACS etc. | The robot type that is controlling the tape drive and it's associated status of up or down at time of tape drive information collection |
Tape Drive Enabled | true / false | A true / false for if the tape drive was enabled at the time of tape drive information collection |
Tape Drive In Use | true / false | A true / false for if the tape drive was in use at the time of tape drive information collection |
Tape Drive Recorded Media ID | VT0036 | The tape that was in the drive at the time of tape drive information collection |
Tape Drive Snapshot Time | Apr 05, 2008 22:57:17 | The date and time that the tape drive information was collected when snapshot was taken |
Table: Backup Log Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Backup Log Agent Server | | The host name of the OpsCenter server where the database and web interface resides |
Backup Log Message | backup of client dcdell211 exited with status 71 (none of the files in the file list exist) | The detailed status messages for each job |
Backup Log Source Host | | The host server with the backup application that logged the error message |
Backup Log Client | | The backup client that was associated with the logged error message |
Backup Log Daemon Name | bptm, ndmpagent, nbpem, bpbrm | The process or daemon name that wrote the error message |
Backup Log Job Group ID | 5980 | The group ID that can be specified by the backup product to group them in a certain way. Note:The secondary ID and the Group ID are basically intended for the same purpose, that is to group the jobs in some way that is useful in reporting. |
Log Primary ID | 6021 | A unique number for each backup job in a backup domain that identifies what backup job caused the error message to be logged |
Log Time | Mon 3/4/2008 3:34:34 | The date/time that the error message or log was written to |
Product | NetBackup | The backup application name that caused the error message to be created |
Severity Code | 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. | The severity code of the error message |
Type Code | 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. | The code representing the type of the log and error message |
Version | 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. | The version of the log/error message |
Table: Agent Monitoring Attributes
Data Attributes | Sample Data | Explanation |
Agent Configuration ID | 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. | A unique number for each data collection agent under the OpsCenter server |
Agent Host | | The host name of the OpsCenter data collection agent |
Last Heartbeat | May 04, 2008 10:52:28 | The date and time of the last heartbeat from the data collection agent to the OpsCenter server |
Server | | The host name of the OpsCenter server where the database and web interface resides |
Time Since Agent Last Heartbeat | 44 | The number of seconds since the last heartbeat from the data collection agent to the OpsCenter server |