Veritas NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- Snapshot Client features
- About snapshot basics
- Off-host backup overview
- Off-host backup methods
- Snapshot Client requirements
- Installation
- Policy configuration
- Selecting the snapshot method
- Configuration parameters for Snapshot Client
- About using alternate client backup
- Configuring alternate client backup
- Policy configuration tips
- About disabling snapshots
- FlashBackup configuration
- Instant Recovery configuration
- About Instant Recovery
- About sizing the cache for Instant Recovery copy-on-write snapshots
- About configuring VxVM
- About storage lifecycle policies for snapshots
- Network Attached Storage (NAS) snapshot configuration
- Configuration of software-based snapshot methods
- Support for Cluster Volume Manager Environments (CVM)
- Configuration of snapshot methods for disk arrays
- About the new disk array snapshot methods
- Disk array configuration tasks
- OS-specific configuration tasks
- About VSS configuration (Windows)
- About EMC CLARiiON arrays
- Configuring NetBackup to access the CLARiiON array
- Configuring a NetBackup policy for a CLARiiON array method
- About EMC Symmetrix arrays
- About configuration for EMC_TimeFinder_Mirror
- About configuration for EMC_TimeFinder_Clone
- About HP EVA arrays
- Verifying connectivity from clients to array using SSSU 5.0
- About IBM DS6000 and DS8000 arrays
- Configuring NetBackup to access the IBM DS6000 or DS8000 array
- About IBM DS4000 array
- About Hitachi SMS/WMS/AMS, USP/NSC, USP-V/VM
- Hitachi array software requirements
- About HP-XP arrays
- About array troubleshooting
- Notes on Media Server and Third-Party Copy methods
- Backup and restore procedures
- About restores from a FlashBackup backup
- Instant Recovery restore features
- About configurations for restore
- About restoring from a disk snapshot
- Troubleshooting
- Logging directories for UNIX platforms
- Logging folders for Windows platforms
- FlashBackup and status code 13
- Appendix A. Managing nbu_snap (Solaris)
- Appendix B. Overview of snapshot operations
- Appendix C. NetBackup integration with CloudPoint for snapshot managment
Testing volumes for FlashSnap
Before you run an alternate client backup with the FlashSnap snapshot method, test your FlashSnap volume configuration as described in this section. You must ensure that the disk(s) containing the volume can be moved (deported and imported) to the alternate client without errors.
For instance, the backup disks cannot be split off into a new disk group and deported, if the disks containing the backup volumes contain some part of a volume that has another part on a disk that is not in the backup disks. Deporting a disk group means disabling access to that disk group.
See the Volume Manager Administrator's Guide for more information on deporting disk groups.
The following steps are described in more detail in the Veritas FlashSnap Point-In-Time Copy Solutions Administrator's Guide.
To test volumes for FlashSnap on UNIX
On the primary host:
vxassist -g diskgroup addlog volume logtype=dco
Enable FastResync on the volume:
vxvol -g diskgroup set fastresync=on volume
vxassist -g diskgroup -b snapstart volume
Create a snapshot volume from the primary volume:
For disk groups that were created with VxVM 5.x:
vxassist -g diskgroup snapshot volume snap_volume
Choose a volume name that is fewer than 15 characters. Volume names are prefixed or suffixed with characters, which increases the volume name. Lengthy volume names can cause snapshot jobs to fail.
For disk groups that were created with VxVM 4.x:
vxsnap -g diskgroup snapshot volume snap_volume
For disk groups that were created with VxVM 3.x:
vxassist -g diskgroup snapshot volume snap_volume
Move the disks containing the snapshot volume to a separate (split) disk group:
vxdg split diskgroup split_diskgroup snap_volume
If the volume has not been properly configured, you may see an error similar to the following:
host-name# vxdg split lhdvvr lhdvvr_split SNAP-emc_concat vxvm:vxdg: ERROR: vxdg split lhdvvr lhdvvr_split failed vxvm:vxdg: ERROR: emc_dis05 : Disk moving, but not all subdisks on it
Re-examine the layout of the disks and the volumes that are assigned to them, and reassign the unwanted volumes to other disks as needed.
Consult the Veritas FlashSnap Point-In-Time Copy Solutions Administrator's Guide for examples of disk groups that can and cannot be split.
vxdg deport split_diskgroup
On the secondary host:
After this test, you must re-establish the original configuration to what it was before you tested the volumes.
Deport the disk group on the alternate client.
Import the disk group on the primary client.
Recover and join the original volume group.
To test volumes for FlashSnap on Windows
On the primary host:
If not already done, create a snapshot mirror:
vxassist snapstart \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\diskgroup\volume
Create a snapshot volume from the primary volume:
vxassist snapshot \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\diskgroup\volume DrivePath=C:\Temp\Mount SNAP-Volume
Move the disks containing the snapshot volume to a separate (split) disk group.
The disk group is also deported after this command completes:
vxdg -g DskGrp -n SPLIT-DskGrp split \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\diskgroup\snap_volume
On the secondary host:
Rescan to make the deported disk group visible on the secondary host:
vxassist rescan
Import the disk group that was deported from the primary:
vxdg -g split_diskgroup import
Assign the snapshot volume to an empty NTFS directory.
This example uses
.vxassist assign \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\split_diskgroup \snap_volume DrivePath=C:\Temp\Mount
If these commands execute successfully, the volume setup is correct.