Veritas NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- Snapshot Client features
- About snapshot basics
- Off-host backup overview
- Off-host backup methods
- Snapshot Client requirements
- Installation
- Policy configuration
- Selecting the snapshot method
- Configuration parameters for Snapshot Client
- About using alternate client backup
- Configuring alternate client backup
- Policy configuration tips
- About disabling snapshots
- FlashBackup configuration
- Instant Recovery configuration
- About Instant Recovery
- About sizing the cache for Instant Recovery copy-on-write snapshots
- About configuring VxVM
- About storage lifecycle policies for snapshots
- Network Attached Storage (NAS) snapshot configuration
- Configuration of software-based snapshot methods
- Support for Cluster Volume Manager Environments (CVM)
- Configuration of snapshot methods for disk arrays
- About the new disk array snapshot methods
- Disk array configuration tasks
- OS-specific configuration tasks
- About VSS configuration (Windows)
- About EMC CLARiiON arrays
- Configuring NetBackup to access the CLARiiON array
- Configuring a NetBackup policy for a CLARiiON array method
- About EMC Symmetrix arrays
- About configuration for EMC_TimeFinder_Mirror
- About configuration for EMC_TimeFinder_Clone
- About HP EVA arrays
- Verifying connectivity from clients to array using SSSU 5.0
- About IBM DS6000 and DS8000 arrays
- Configuring NetBackup to access the IBM DS6000 or DS8000 array
- About IBM DS4000 array
- About Hitachi SMS/WMS/AMS, USP/NSC, USP-V/VM
- Hitachi array software requirements
- About HP-XP arrays
- About array troubleshooting
- Notes on Media Server and Third-Party Copy methods
- Backup and restore procedures
- About restores from a FlashBackup backup
- Instant Recovery restore features
- About configurations for restore
- About restoring from a disk snapshot
- Troubleshooting
- Logging directories for UNIX platforms
- Logging folders for Windows platforms
- FlashBackup and status code 13
- Appendix A. Managing nbu_snap (Solaris)
- Appendix B. Overview of snapshot operations
- Appendix C. NetBackup integration with CloudPoint for snapshot managment
Snapshot methods
Table: Snapshot method descriptions describes each snapshot method (not including the disk array methods).
Table: Snapshot method descriptions
Method | Description |
NetBackup selects a snapshot method when the backup starts. If necessary, NetBackup selects a different method for each item in the list. | |
For mirror snapshots on alternate clients, with the VxVM FlashSnap feature. This method is for clients on Solaris, HP, AIX, Linux, and Windows. UNIX clients must be at VxVM 3.2 or later. Linux and AIX clients must be at VxVM 4.0 or later. Windows clients must be at VxVM 3.1 or later, with all the latest VxVM service packs and updates. FlashSnap is based on the VxVM disk group split and join technology. | |
Hyper-V | For snapshots of Hyper-V virtual machines. Refer to the NetBackup for Hyper-V Administrator's Guide: |
For copy-on-write snapshots of client data that resides on an NDMP host. Requires NetBackup for NDMP software. Further information is available on requirements and configuration details. | |
For copy-on-write snapshots of UFS or Veritas VxFS file systems. For Solaris clients only. nbu_snap is not supported in clustered file systems. NetBackup does not currently support extended volume table of contents (VTOCs) or EFI labels when nbu_snap is used with the UNIX file system (UFS). NetBackup supports an effective limit of 1TB disks (regardless of partition size) when UFS and nbu_snap are used together. To use nbu_snap with a larger disk (greater than 1TB), you must use VxVM instead of UFS. This method requires a raw partition that is designated for cache. | |
For use in a policy that is configured for snapshot replication using Replication Director. The method works only if the attribute points to a storage lifecycle policy that contains a snapshot-capable storage unit. | |
For snapshots of VMware virtual machines. Refer to the NetBackup for VMware Administrator's guide | |
VSS uses the Volume Shadow Copy Service of Windows and supports Instant Recovery. VSS is for local backup or alternate client backup. For the most up-to-date list of Windows operating systems and disk arrays supported by this method, see the following NetBackup Snapshot Client Configuration document: For alternate client backup, the client data must reside on: either a disk array such as EMC, HP, or Hitachi with snapshot capability, or a Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows 4.1 or later volume with snapshots enabled. VSS supports file system backup of a disk partition (such as E:\) and backup of databases. VSS-based snapshot methods offer a general interface to Windows Shadow Copy Services. VSS selects the actual snapshot method depending on which snapshot provider is configured on the client. For instance, if the data resides on an EMC CLARiiON array, and the array administrator configured the array and its snapshot capability: the Volume Shadow Copy Service selects the appropriate CLARiiON VSS hardware provider to take the snapshot. | |
For alternate client backups of a replicated VxVM volume. For clients on Solaris, HP, Linux, AIX. Requires VxVM 3.2 or later with the Veritas Volume Replicator license. Linux and AIX clients require VxVM 4.0 or later. | |
For copy-on-write snapshots of clients on Solaris, HP, AIX, or Linux. The FlashBackup policy type does not support this method. Requires the Storage Checkpoint feature of VxFS 3.4 or later. HP requires VxFS 3.5 or later. Linux and AIX clients require VxFS 4.0 or later. Note that VxFS_Checkpoint requires the Snapshot Client license and the Veritas File System license with the Storage Checkpoints feature. Without both licenses, the copy-on-write snapshot (Storage Checkpoint) cannot be opened and the backup fails. | |
For copy-on-write snapshots of Solaris or HP clients on the local network (not off-host), for FlashBackup policies only. This method requires VxFS 3.4 (Solaris) or VxFS 3.3.2 (HP) or later. This method also requires a designated cache. Note that all files in the list must reside in the same file system. | |
For any of the following types of snapshots with data configured over Volume Manager volumes, for clients on Solaris, HP, AIX, Linux, or Windows. Linux and AIX clients require VxVM 4.0 or later. For "third-mirror" snapshots (VxVM 3.1 or later). | |
Creates a snapshot (copy-on-write) of database backup shares on the NetBackup appliance.
For more information about NetBackup Administrator's Guide for Oracle. , see the | |
For snapshots managed using CloudPoint. See About NetBackup and CloudPoint integration for snapshot management. |
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