Veritas NetBackup Snapshot Client Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- Snapshot Client features
- About snapshot basics
- Off-host backup overview
- Off-host backup methods
- Snapshot Client requirements
- Installation
- Policy configuration
- Selecting the snapshot method
- Configuration parameters for Snapshot Client
- About using alternate client backup
- Configuring alternate client backup
- Policy configuration tips
- About disabling snapshots
- FlashBackup configuration
- Instant Recovery configuration
- About Instant Recovery
- About sizing the cache for Instant Recovery copy-on-write snapshots
- About configuring VxVM
- About storage lifecycle policies for snapshots
- Network Attached Storage (NAS) snapshot configuration
- Configuration of software-based snapshot methods
- Support for Cluster Volume Manager Environments (CVM)
- Configuration of snapshot methods for disk arrays
- About the new disk array snapshot methods
- Disk array configuration tasks
- OS-specific configuration tasks
- About VSS configuration (Windows)
- About EMC CLARiiON arrays
- Configuring NetBackup to access the CLARiiON array
- Configuring a NetBackup policy for a CLARiiON array method
- About EMC Symmetrix arrays
- About configuration for EMC_TimeFinder_Mirror
- About configuration for EMC_TimeFinder_Clone
- About HP EVA arrays
- Verifying connectivity from clients to array using SSSU 5.0
- About IBM DS6000 and DS8000 arrays
- Configuring NetBackup to access the IBM DS6000 or DS8000 array
- About IBM DS4000 array
- About Hitachi SMS/WMS/AMS, USP/NSC, USP-V/VM
- Hitachi array software requirements
- About HP-XP arrays
- About array troubleshooting
- Notes on Media Server and Third-Party Copy methods
- Backup and restore procedures
- About restores from a FlashBackup backup
- Instant Recovery restore features
- About configurations for restore
- About restoring from a disk snapshot
- Troubleshooting
- Logging directories for UNIX platforms
- Logging folders for Windows platforms
- FlashBackup and status code 13
- Appendix A. Managing nbu_snap (Solaris)
- Appendix B. Overview of snapshot operations
- Appendix C. NetBackup integration with CloudPoint for snapshot managment
Removing a VxVM volume clone
A VxVM volume clone is a form of snapshot that might need manual deletion. For a description of disk clones, see the NetBackup Snapshot Client Configuration document:
Major system interruptions, such as a system crash or unexpected restart, can prevent NetBackup from removing the clone. If the clone is not removed, subsequent backups of the client's data fail. Examine the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpfis log for text such as the following:
19:13:07.686 [14981] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - do_cmd: Command failed with status=20: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdgclone -g wil_test -n vol01 -f /var/tmp/HDSTFCAAs7aOqD </dev/null >/var/tmp/VfMSAAAq7aOqD 2>/var/tmp/VfMSBAAr7aOqD 19:13:07.687 [14981] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - --- Dumping file /var/tmp/VfMSAAAq7aOqD (stdout): 19:13:07.687 [14981] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - --- End of file /var/tmp/VfMSAAAq7aOqD 19:13:07.687 [14981] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - --- Dumping file /var/tmp/VfMSBAAr7aOqD (stderr): 19:13:07.687 [14981] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - clone group and volume already exists 19:13:07.688 [14981] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - --- End of file /var/tmp/VfMSBAAr7aOqD
In this case, you must use the bpdgclone command with the -c option to remove the clone. Then resynchronize the mirror disk with the primary disk.
The following commands should be run on the client or alternate client, depending on the type of backup.
To remove a VxVM volume clone
- When no backups are running, use the following VxVM command to list any clones.
vxdg list
If a backup configured with an array-specific snapshot method is currently running, a clone for that backup appears in the vxdg output. Do not delete the clone; NetBackup deletes it when the backup completes.
Example vxdg output:
NAME STATE ID rootdg enabled 983299491.1025.turnip VolMgr enabled 995995264.8366.turnip wil_test_clone enabled 1010532924.21462.turnip wil_test enabled 983815798.1417.turnip
In this example, the name suffix indicates wil_test_clone was created for a snapshot backup that was configured with an array-specific snapshot method. If a backup failed with log entries similar to those in this example, the clone must be manually deleted.
- To remove the clone, enter the following:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdgclone -g disk_group -n volume -c clone
For the previous example, you would enter:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdgclone -g wil_test -n vol01 -c wil_test_clone
where wil_test is the name of the disk group, vol01 is the name of the VxVM volume, and wil_test_clone is the name of the clone. Use the Volume Manager vxprint command to display volume names and other volume information.
For more information, refer to the bpdgclone man page.
For assistance with vxprint and other Volume Manager commands, refer to the Veritas Volume Manager Administrator's Guide.
- To verify that the clone has been removed, re-enter vxdg list.
Sample output:
NAME STATE ID rootdg enabled 983299491.1025.turnip VolMgr enabled 995995264.8366.turnip wil_test enabled 983815798.1417.turnip
The clone no longer appears in the list.