NetBackup™ for DB2 Administrator's Guide
- Introduction to NetBackup for DB2
- Installing NetBackup for DB2
- Configuring NetBackup for DB2
- About configuring a backup policy for DB2
- About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
- About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
- Configuring the run-time environment
- Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program
- Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method)
- Configuring bp.conf files in a cluster environment
- About NetBackup for DB2 shell scripts
- Performing backups and restores of DB2
- Using Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- About NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client operations
- Restoring NetBackup for DB2 from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for DB2 block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- About Snapshot Client effects
- Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2
- About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
- Appendix A. Configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
- Appendix B. Using NetBackup for DB2 with SAP®
- Appendix C. Register authorized locations
About NetBackup for DB2 terminology
DB2 supports archiving its log file through a user exit program or through a vendor library. DB2 supports backing up the archive log files by using a vendor library in its 8.2 and later releases. NetBackup for DB2 supplies a user exit program and a library to support both of these methods.
The DB2 syntax for specifying these archive log methods differs from release to release. NetBackup for DB2 topics use the terms "user exit" and "VENDOR" to differentiate the methods.
Table: Use of user exit and VENDOR terminology shows the DB2 syntax you can use to specify these methods within DB2. It indicates the term that the DB2 for NetBackup uses to describe each method.
Table: Use of user exit and VENDOR terminology
Setting used with "user exit" | Setting used with "VENDOR" |
Database configuration parameters USEREXIT and LOGRETAIN are not valid in DB2 Version 10.1 and later. Instead, LOGARCHMETH1 sets the user exit program settings.
When VENDOR is used, archive logs are backed up by means of the NetBackup for DB2 vendor library. The full specification for this archive log method is as follows:
On Windows: LOGARCHMETH1=VENDOR:install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbdb2.dll
On UNIX: LOGARCHMETH1=VENDOR:/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/library
For library, specify an operating system-specific library.
When a user exit program is used, archive logs are backed up by means of the NetBackup for DB2 user exit program. The DB2 syntax that defines the user exit program includes the USEREXIT, LOGRETAIN, and LOGARCHMETH1 keywords that are specified in a configuration parameter.