NetBackup™ for DB2 Administrator's Guide
- Introduction to NetBackup for DB2
- Installing NetBackup for DB2
- Configuring NetBackup for DB2
- About configuring a backup policy for DB2
- About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
- About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
- Configuring the run-time environment
- Creating a db2.conf file for use with the user exit program
- Creating a db2.conf file (vendor method)
- Configuring bp.conf files in a cluster environment
- About NetBackup for DB2 shell scripts
- Performing backups and restores of DB2
- Using Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- About NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client operations
- Restoring NetBackup for DB2 from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for DB2 block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- About Snapshot Client effects
- Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2
- About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
- Appendix A. Configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
- Appendix B. Using NetBackup for DB2 with SAP®
- Appendix C. Register authorized locations
About the error message codes
The following table describes the DB2 and NetBackup reason codes. For more information about an error message, see the log files.
Errors can occur in the NetBackup shared library (UNIX) or DLL (Windows) if these are accessed during the processing of a DB2 database utility BACKUP or RESTORE.
Table: DB2 and NetBackup error codes
Error code | Description |
300 | Message: ERR - No match for a database image file was found based on the following criteria. Cause: The restore criteria of database name, instance, type, and backup time object cannot be found in the NetBackup database. Action: Use bplist to make sure that the image you want to restore exists. Make sure that the correct instance is used. Make sure that the correct values are set in db2.conf. Also, on UNIX check the values in bp.conf. If logging is enabled, check the current log file in the following directory for more information: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bpdb2\ UNIX: /usr/openv/NetBackup/logs/bpdb2 |
305 | Message: ERR - found more than one object. Cause: Multiple DB2 backup images were found in the NetBackup database that matched the restore criteria of database name, instance, type, and backup time. Action: This error should not occur under typical operations. If logging is enabled, check the current log file in the following directory for more information: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bpdb2\ UNIX: /usr/openv/NetBackup/logs/bpdb2 |
310 | Message: ERR - bp.config failed with status status. Cause: Windows: Unable to read configuration file. UNIX: Unable to read configuration file /usr/openv/NetBackup/bp.conf Action: Make sure that the file exists and is properly configured. If logging is enabled, check the current log file in the following directory for more information: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\bpdb2\ UNIX: /usr/openv/NetBackup/logs/bpdb2 |
330 | Message: ERR - Invalid options encountered for action action. Cause: Invalid option(s) encountered for action. Action: Make sure that the action parameters are used properly. |
335 | Message: ERR - in get DB2 UDB level. Cause: NetBackup server and the NetBackup for DB2 shared library (UNIX) DB2 DLL (Windows) or are not at the same level. Action: Make sure that the NetBackup and the NetBackup for DB2 shared library (UNIX) or the DB2 DLL (Windows) are at the same level. Check the log file in the following directory: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\logs\ UNIX: /usr/openv/NetBackup/logs/bpdb2 Check the version number of the shared library and the version number for NetBackup. If they are not the same, install the same level. |
380 | Message: ERR - Cause: db2.conf read status error. Action: Make sure that the directory is accessible with read and write permissions. Make sure that the file exists and has read permission. |
385 | Message: ERR - Found multiple <DATABASE> entries before an <ENDOPER> entry was encountered. Cause: Found multiple DATABASE entries before an ENDOPER entry was encountered in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Remove the extra DATABASE entry. |
390 | Message: ERR - Found multiple <OBJECTTYPE> entries before an ENDOPER entry was encountered. Cause: Found multiple OBJECTTYPE entries before an ENDOPER entry was encountered in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Remove the extra OBJECTTYPE entry. |
395 | Message: ERR - Found multiple <POLICY> entries before an <ENDOPER> entries was encountered. Cause: Found multiple POLICY entries before an ENDOPER entry was encountered in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Remove the extra POLICY entry. |
400 | Message: ERR - Found multiple <SCHEDULE> entries before an <ENDOPER> entries was encountered. Cause: Found multiple SCHEDULE entries before an ENDOPER entry was encountered in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Remove the extra SCHEDULE entry. |
405 | Message: ERR - Found multiple <ARCFUNC> entries before an <ENDOPER> entries was encountered. Cause: Found multiple ARCFUNC entries before an ENDOPER entry was encountered in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Remove the extra ARCFUNC entry. |
410 | Message: ERR - Found multiple <ARCDIR> entries before an <ENDOPER> entries was encountered. Cause: Found multiple ARCDIR entries before an ENDOPER entry was encountered in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Remove the extra ARCDIR entry. |
415 | Message: ERR - Found multiple <RETDIR> entries before an <ENDOPER> entries was encountered. Cause: Found multiple RETDIR entries before an ENDOPER entry was encountered in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Remove the extra RETDIR entry. |
420 | Message: ERR - need to specify a valid POLICY or SCHEDULE in Cause: Policy name or schedule name is not specified in the POLICY or SCHEDULE entry in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Add an appropriate policy name or schedule name to the POLICY or SCHEDULE entry. |
425 | Message: ERR - need to specify a valid ARCDIR in Cause: Invalid ARCDIR is specified in db2.conf. Action: Add an appropriate directory name to the ARCDIR entry. |
430 | Message: ERR - ARCDIR field needs to be specified in the Cause: No ARCDIR entry is found in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Add an ARCDIR field with an appropriate directory name to the following file: |
435 | Message: ERR - RETDIR field needs to contain a valid file when OBJECTTYPE is equal to ARCHIVE: string. Cause: RETDIR field does not contain a valid file. Action: RETDIR field must contain a valid file when OBJECTTYPE ARCHIVE is specified in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf |
440 | Message: ERR - COPY or SAVE needs to be specified for ARCFUNC when OBJECTTYPE is equal to ARCHIVE. Cause: Found OBJECTTYPE ARCHIVE but no ARCFUNC in the db2.conf file. Action: Specify a copy or save parameter for ARCFUNC if OBJECTTYPE ARCHIVE is also specified. |
445 | Message: ERR - Invalid <OBJECTTYPE> entries: entry. Cause: Invalid OBJECTTYPE entry in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Add the appropriate object type. |
450 | Message: ERR - OBJECTTYPE entry needs to be specified. Cause: OBJECTTYPE entry is not specified in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Add the appropriate object type. |
455 | Message: ERR - POLICY entry needs to be specified. Cause: POLICY entry is not specified in the following file: Windows: install_path\NetBackup\dbext\db2.conf UNIX: $HOME/db2.conf Action: Add the appropriate policy name. |
502 | Message: NetBackup DB2 Handle Invalid Cause: Internal communication between DB2 and NetBackup failed. |
505 | Message: The input parameters supplied by DB2 are not valid. Cause: This error can occur when you use an unsupported version of DB2. |
507 | Message: NetBackup Initialize Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors in preparing for the requested operation. This error can result from improper configuration. |
510 | Message: NetBackup Read Config Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors in reading configuration settings. Action: Check that the NetBackup client and server settings are configured. Also verify that the db2.conf file exists and that it is configured. |
511 | Message: NetBackup Write Config Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors in preparing for the requested operation. This error can result from improper configuration. |
513 | Message: NetBackup Begin Action Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors attempting to start the requested operation. This error can indicate a problem in obtaining necessary resources. |
514 | Message: NetBackup Create Image Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors attempting to create a backup image. |
515 | Message: NetBackup Get Image Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors attempting to access a backup image. |
516 | Message: NetBackup Find Image Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors attempting to locate a backup image. |
518 | Message: NetBackup Write Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors writing a backup image. |
520 | Message: NetBackup Read Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors reading a backup image. |
523 | Message: NetBackup Commit Data Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors attempting to close the backup image. |
524 | Message: NetBackup Commit Action Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors attempting to complete the requested operation. |
526 | Message: NetBackup Abort Action Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors attempting to abort the previously requested operation. |
528 | Message: NetBackup Delete Image Failed Cause: NetBackup encountered errors attempting to expire an incomplete backup image. This error typically indicates that the previous operation has failed, and DB2 tried to delete any incomplete images. |