NetBackup™ Deployment Guide for Kubernetes Clusters
- Introduction
- Section I. Deployment
- Prerequisites for Kubernetes cluster configuration
- Deployment with environment operators
- Deploying NetBackup
- Primary and media server CR
- Deploying NetBackup using Helm charts
- Deploying MSDP Scaleout
- Deploying Snapshot Manager
- Section II. Monitoring and Management
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Monitoring MSDP Scaleout
- Monitoring Snapshot Manager
- Managing the Load Balancer service
- Managing MSDP Scaleout
- Performing catalog backup and recovery
- Section III. Maintenance
- MSDP Scaleout Maintenance
- Upgrading
- Uninstalling
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Troubleshooting AKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting EKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Appendix A. CR template
Configuring NetBackup IT Analytics for NetBackup deployment
We can configure data collector on the primary server pod or on a separate host machine. Following are the steps for respective configurations.
From NetBackup version 10.2, cloudscale release data collector on primary server pod is supported.
Configure data collector on the primary server pod.
To configure NetBackup IT Analytics for NetBackup deployment
- Create DNS server entry in such a way that single IP must be resolvable to two FQDNs.
IP: must be resolved to the following FQDNs:
itanalyticsportal.<yourdomain> itanalyticsagent.<yourdomain>
Note the following:
If the IT Analytics Portal URL is
, then ensure to add the DNS entries for the following hostnames:itanalyticsportal.<yourdomain> itanalyticsagent.<yourdomain>
If the IT Analytics Portal URL is
, then ensure to add the DNS entries for the following hostnames:aptareportal.<yourdomain> aptareagent.<yourdomain>
- Collect the
file for the new data collector by accessing the IT Analytics portal link and creating a collector and copy it to the host machine from where Kubernetes cluster is accessed.For more information, refer to the NetBackup IT Analytics User Guide.
- Execute the following command in the primary server pod:
kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> <primaryServer-pod-name> -- bash
- In case if the data-receiver is configured with self-signed certificate (https). User must add the certificate in the data collector.
For more information, refer to the Configure the Data Collector to trust the certificate.
- Create a new folder analyticscollector at persisted location (for example,
) using the following commands:cd "/mnt/nbdata/" mkdir analyticscollector
- Exit from the container and copy the
file to/mnt/nbdata/analyticscollector
using the kubectl cp <keyfile-name> <namespace>/<primary-pod-name>:/mnt/nbdata/analyticscollector command. - Execute the following command to exec into the primary server pod:
kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> <primaryServer-pod-name> -- bash
- Navigate to
location and perform the following:Open the
and add the following parameters:Configuration for reference: NetBackup.docx COLLECTOR_NAME=<your-collector-name> COLLECTOR_PASSCODE=<your-password> DR_URL=<http>/<https>://itanalyticsagent.<yourdomain> COLLECTOR_KEY_PATH=/mnt/nbdata/analyticscollector/<your-collector-name>.key HTTP_PROXY_CONF=N HTTP_PROXY_ADDRESS= HTTP_PROXY_PORT= HTTPS_PROXY_ADDRESS= HTTPS_PROXY_PORT= PROXY_USERNAME= PROXY_PASSWORD= PROXY_EXCLUDE=
Run ./ -c /usr/openv/analyticscollector/installer/responsefile.sample command to connect data collector with IT Analytics portal
- Validate data collector integration with IT Analytics by performing the following:
Navigate to /usr/openv/analyticscollector/mbs/bin/ location.
Run the following command:
If data collector is configured with portal, it will display as SUCCESSFUL.
- Check the data collector services status by running the following command and ensure that the following data collector services are up and running:
/usr/openv/analyticscollector/mbs/bin/aptare_agent status
Output of the above command:
IT Analytics WatchDog is running (pid: 13312). IT Analytics MetaDataCollector is stopped. IT Analytics EventDataCollector is stopped. IT Analytics DataCollector process is running (pid: 13461). IT Analytics On-demand process is running (pid: 13463). IT Analytics Message Relay Server process is running (pid: 13471)
For more information about IT Analytics data collector policy, see NetBackup IT Analytics User Guide.
NetBackup IT Analytics can be configured to use with NetBackup primary server in this Kubernetes environment. NetBackup IT Analytics can be configured at the time of primary server deployment or user can update the primary server CR to configure NetBackup IT Analytics.
To configure NetBackup IT Analytics for NetBackup deployment
- Using the ssh-keygen command, generates public key and private key on NetBackup IT Analytics data collector.
NetBackup IT Analytics data collector uses passwordless ssh login.
- Update the primary server CR, copy public key generated in previous steps to "itAnalyticsPublicKey" section in spec.
Apply the primary server CR changes using kubectl apply -f environment.yaml -n <namespace>.
On successfully deployment of primary server CR, describe the primary server CR using kubectl describe PrimaryServer <primary-server-name> -n <namespace>
In status section, verify It Analytics Configured is set to true.
For more information, refer to the NetBackup™ Web UI Administrator's Guide.
- Create and copy NetBackup API key from NetBackup web UI.
- On NetBackup IT Analytics portal:
Navigate to Admin > Collector Administration > Select respective data collector > Add policy > Veritas NetBackup > Add.
Add required options, specify the NetBackup API in the API Key field, and then click OK.
Select newly added primary server from NetBackup Master Servers and provide nbitanalyticsadmin as Master Server User ID.
Provide privateKey=<path-of-private-key>|password=<passphrase> as Master Server Password and Repeat Password whereas <path-of-private-key> is the private key created using ssh-keygen in earlier steps and <passphrase> is the passphrase used while creating private key via ssh-keygen.
Provide appropriate data to data collector policy fields and select collection method as SSH or WMI protocol to NetBackup Master Server.
Configuring the primary server with NetBackup IT Analytics tools is supported only once from primary server CR.
For more information about IT Analytics data collector policy, see Add a Veritas NetBackup Data Collector policy and for more information about adding NetBackup Primary Servers within the Data Collector policy, see Add/Edit NetBackup Master Servers within the Data Collector policy.
To change the already configured public key
- Execute the following command in the primary server pod:
kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> <primaryServer-pod-name> -- /bin/bash
- Copy the new public keys in the
files. - Restart the sshd service using the systemctl restart sshd command.