NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbsvrgrp — manage server groups
-add -grpname name [-M master_name] -server s1:t1:s2:t2:s3:t3...sN:tN -grptype MediaSharing | NOM | AltServerRestore | BackupHostPool [-grpstate ACTIVE | INACTIVE] -description text
-update -grpname name [-M master_name] [-addsvr s1:t1:s2:t2:s3:t3...sN:tN] [-remsvr s1:t1:s2:t2:s3:t3...sN:tN] [-grptype MediaSharing | NOM | AltServerRestore] [-grpstate ACTIVE | INACTIVE] [-description text]
-delete -grpname name [-M master_name]
-list [-M master_name] [-grptype MediaSharing | NOM | AltServerRestore] [-grpname name] [-grpstate ACTIVE | INACTIVE] [-summary | -verbose | -noverbose]
-list_machine_membership [-M master_name] -m machine_name [-t machine_type] [-summary | -verbose | -noverbose]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The nbsvrgrp command adds, changes, deletes, or lists server groups.
Any authorized user can run nbsvrgrp.
For more information about NetBackup authorization, refer to the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
- -add
Adds a new server group.
- -addsvr s1:t1:s2:t2:s3:t3...sN:tN
Specifies a list of server or server-type pairs to be added to a server group. Examples of server types are master, media, and ndmp.
- -change
Changes an existing server group.
- -delete
Deletes a server group. This operation fails if it is a Media Sharing Group and media is assigned to the group.
- -description text
Describes the server group. Use double quote marks if the description contains any spaces.
- -grpname name
Specifies the human readable name that is given to a server group. This name is case sensitive. It may only contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, plus(+), minus(-), underscore(_), and period(.).
- -grptype type
Specifies the group type that is used to designate the purpose of a server group. The current list of group types is MediaSharing, NOM, AltServerRead, and BackupHostPool.
- -grpstate ACTIVE | INACTIVE
Sets or changes the state of a server group. Allowable states are ACTIVE and INACTIVE.
- -list [-summary | -verbose | -noverbose]
Lists the information about all server groups. The -summary option specifies a brief format for the server group information. The -verbose option specifies a detailed format for the server group information. The -noverbose option specifies a parsable format for the server group information.
- -list_machine_membership [-summary | -verbose | -noverbose]
Lists the server groups in which a named machine has membership. The -summary option specifies a brief format for the server group information. The -verbose option specifies a detailed format for the server group information. The -noverbose option specifies a parsable format for the server group information.
- -m machine_name
Machine name to use with the -list_machine_membership option.
- -remsvr s1:t1:s2:t2:s3:t3...sN:tN
Specifies a list of server or server-type pairs to be removed from a server group. Examples of server types are master, media, and ndmp.
- -server s1:t1:s2:t2:s3:t3...sN:tN
Specifies a list of server (s1, s2,...) and server type (t1, t2,...) pairs to be configured in the server group. Examples of server types are master, media, and ndmp.
- -t machine_type
The machine type that corresponds to the machine that is named in the -m option. Examples include master, media server, and ndmp.
nbsvrgrp provides only limited validation of the option parameters.
Example 1 - Add a new media sharing server group that is called MyServerGroup, with media servers larry and moe, and ndmp filer myfiler:
# nbsvrgrp -add -grpname MyServerGroup -server larry:media:moe:media:myfiler:ndmp -grptype MediaSharing -grpstate ACTIVE -description "my description with spaces"
Example 2 - List all server groups that are configured:
# nbsvrgrp -list -summary