NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpplschedrep — modify NetBackup schedule attributes
policy_name sched_label [ -M master_server,...] [-v] [-generation generation] [-st sched_type] [-freq backup_frequency] [-mpxmax mpx_factor] [-cal 0|1|2] [-incl mm/dd/yyyy] [-excl mm/dd/yyyy] [-delincl mm/dd/yyyy] [-delexcl mm/dd/yyyy] [-weekday day_name week [day_name week]...] [-dayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l] [-xweekday day_name week [day_name week]...] [-xdayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l] [-deldayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l] [-delweekday day_name week [day_name week]...] [-ci] [-ce] [-cw] [-cd] [-number_copies number][-rl retention_level[,rl-copy2,...]] [-fail_on_error 0|1[,0|1,...,0|1]] [-residence storage_unit_label [,stunit_copy2,...]] [-pool volume_pool_label [,pool_copy2,...]] [-sg share_group [,share_copy2,...]] [-(0..6) start duration] [-res_is_stl 0 | 1] [-reason "string"] [-slpwindow] [-checksum_change_detection 0|1]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
bpplschedrep changes the attributes of a NetBackup schedule for a defined policy. The schedule and policy that bpplschedrep names should already exist when this command is run. If the -M option is used, bpplschedrep changes the schedule on each of the listed master servers.
The -slpwindow option lets you set up a schedule for a storage lifecycle policy (SLP) that is based on a time window and only supports start time and end time. You must use the predefined policy name SLP_Internal_Policy, and the schedule type must be UBAK (User Backup).
Any authorized user can initiate this command.
For more about NetBackup authorization, see the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
It is not recommended that users modify or delete automanaged policies.
If the user modifies the policy, they must make sure that the policy continues to meet the service level objective as defined by the protection plan.
If the user deletes the policy, they must make sure that the asset is added to another protection plan that meets the service level objective.
- -(0..6) start duration
Specifies the window during which NetBackup can run the backups for this schedule. This window applies to a specific day of the week. 0 corresponds to Sunday, 1 to Monday, and so on.
start is the time at which the backup window opens for this schedule. This time is the number of seconds since midnight. It is an integer between 0 and 86400 (the number of seconds in a day).
duration is the length of time that the window remains open. The time unit is seconds. This unit is a non-negative integer.
- -cal 0|1|2
Indicates whether bpplschedrep follows a calendar-based schedule or a frequency-based schedule.
0 = frequency-based schedule
1 = calendar-based schedule with no retries after run day
2 = calendar-based schedule with retries after run day
- -checksum_change_detection 0|1
Enables or disables Accelerator Force Rescan in the policy schedule.
0 = disable
1 = enable
- -dayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l
Specifies the day or days of every month to run the schedule. Enter l (lowercase L) to run the last day of every month, whether the month contains 28, 29, 30, or 31 days.
For example, to run the policy backup on the 14th day and the 28th day of every month, enter the following:
-dayomonth 14 28
To run the last day of every month, enter:
-dayomonth l
- -deldayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l
Specifies a day of every month to exclude as a run day. Enter 1 (lowercase L) to exclude the last day of every month, whether the month contains 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. This command can only remove the dates that were added by using the -dayomonth command.
For example, to exclude from the schedule the 20th day and 21st day of every month that you originally specified as run days, enter:
-deldayomonth 20 21
- -delweekday day_name week [day_name week]...
Specifies a day of the week and the week of the month to exclude as a run day from the schedule. This command can only remove the dates that were added by using the -weekday command.
The day_name is: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
The week is the number of the week in the month. A week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Valid values are 1-5.
For example, to delete the second Monday of the month that you originally specified as a run day, enter:
-delweekday Monday 2
- -excl mm/dd/yyyy
Indicates to exclude this single date.
- -delincl mm/dd/yyyy
Indicates to delete this single date. This command can only remove the dates that were added by using the -incl command.
- -delexcl mm/dd/yyyy
Indicates to delete this single date.
- -ci
Clear all specific include dates.
- -ce
Clear all specific exclude dates.
- -cw
Clear all week days.
- -cd
Clear all days of a month.
- -fail_on_error 0|1[,0|1,...,0|1]
Specifies whether to fail all other copies if one copy fails. If no parameter is specified, 0 is default for all copies. Specify a value for each copy.
0 - Do not fail the other copies
1 - Fail other copies
- -freq backup_frequency
The backup frequency controls how much time can elapse between successful automatic backups for clients on this schedule. Frequency does not apply to user schedules because the user can perform a backup or archive any time the backup window is open. This value is a positive integer that represents the number of seconds between successful automatic backups for this schedule.
- -help
Prints a command-line usage message when -help is the only option on the command line.
- -generation generation
Ensures that the command acts on a specific generation or version of a policy. The generation value increments each time a policy is saved. Use bpplinfo or bppllist to list the current generation value. If no generation is indicated, the command acts on the current version.
- -incl mm/dd/yyyy
Indicates to include this single date.
- -M master_server,...
A list of alternative master servers. This list is a comma-separated list of host names. If this option is present, each master server in the list runs the bpplschedrep command. Each master server in the list must allow access by the system that issued the bpplschedrep command. If an error occurs for any master server, the process terminates at that point.
The schedule attributes are modified on all the master servers in this list.
- -mpxmax mpx_factor
The maximum multiplexing factor for this schedule. Multiplexing sends concurrent, multiple backups from one or several clients to a single drive.
The multiplexing factor can range from 1 through 8 for the NetBackup Server and 1 through 32 for the NetBackup Enterprise Server. A value of 1 specifies no multiplexing and a value greater than one means that NetBackup should create multiplexed images on the destination media. The multiplexing factor should be less than or equal to the multiplexing factor for the storage unit.
For more about multiplexing, see the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume I.
- -number_copies number
Specify the number of simultaneous backup copies. The valid value range is 1-4. The default is 1.
- policy_name
The name of the policy that contains the schedule. This policy has been previously created.
- -pool volume_pool_label[,pool-copy2,...]
Specifies the volume pool(s) for the schedule. Do not use this option if a disk storage unit is the residence for the schedule. If "*NULL*" is specified, the volume pool for the schedule is the volume pool of the policy that contains this schedule.
Specify a pool for each copy.
To display the configured volume pools, run the following command:
UNIX systems:
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmpool -listall
Windows systems:
install_path\Volmgr\bin\vmpool -listall
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason why you choose this command action. The reason text string that you enter is captured and appears in the audit report. Enclose this string with double quotes ("..."). The string must not exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -res_is_stl 0 | 1
Specify this flag only when the name of the storage unit and the name of the storage lifecycle policy are the same. In all other cases this flag is ignored. The possible values are as follows:
0 - the residence is a non-storage life cycle policy
1 - the residence is a storage lifecycle policy
- -residence storage_unit_label[,stunit-copy2,...]
Specifies the label(s) of the storage unit to be used for storing the backups that were created according to this schedule. If "*NULL*" is specified, the residence for the schedule defaults to the residence of the policy that contains this schedule. If the residence value is a storage unit label, the residence for the schedule becomes that storage unit and overrides the residence for the policy.
Specify a storage unit for each copy.
Run bpstulist to display the set of defined storage units.
- -rl retention_level[,rl-copy2,...]
Specifies how long NetBackup retains the backups that it creates by using this schedule. Valid retention levels and their corresponding default retention times are listed later in this description.
Specify a retention level for each copy.
You can change the retention period that is associated with each level by using the NetBackup administration interface. Therefore, your configuration may have different values for each level than those shown here. Use the NetBackup administration interface to determine the actual retention periods before you make any changes with this command.
Otherwise, backups can expire sooner than you expect, which results in loss of data.
0 (one week)
1 (2 weeks)
2 (3 weeks)
3 (1 month)
4 (2 months)
5 (3 months)
6 (6 months)
7 (9 months)
8 (1 year)
9-100 (infinite, except 25 which is expire immediately)
If you run this command on a pre-NetBackup 8.0 media server, you can only specify a retention level between 0 and 24.
NetBackup keeps the information about the backups for the specified time. Then it deletes information about them. When the information is deleted, the files in the backups are unavailable for restores. When all the backups on a volume have expired, the volume can be reassigned.
- sched_label
Specifies the name of the schedule to be changed. This schedule has been previously created.
- -sg share_group [,share_copy2,...]
Specifies the share group(s) for the schedule. Do not use this option if the schedule resides on a disk storage unit. If *NONE* is specified, the writing media server owns the media that this policy writes. If *ANY* is specified, EMM chooses the media owner. *ANY* is the default value. Otherwise, the named share group owns the media. Specify a share group for each copy to display the configured share groups. Enter the following:
UNIX systems:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbsvrgrp -list -summary
Windows systems:
install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbsvrgrp -list -summary
- -slpwindow
Adds or deletes time windows for an SLP_internal_policy.
- -st sched_type
Specifies the type of backup this schedule performs. Schedule types fall into either an automatic category or user category. Automatic schedules define the windows during which the NetBackup scheduler can initiate a backup for this policy.
User schedules define the windows during which a user can initiate a backup or archive.
The values for schedule type are as follows:
FULL - full backup
INCR - differential incremental backup
CINC - cumulative incremental backup
TLOG - transaction log
UBAK - user backup
UARC - user archive
Pre-check - Runs the NetBackup preinstall environment checker. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
StagePackage - Moves a package to the client, but does not install it. Also performs the precheck operation. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
InstallPackage - Installs the specified package. Also performs the precheck and stagepackage operations. If you already performed the stagepackage operation, the installpackage command does not move the package again. You can only use this option with the Deployment policy type.
- -weekday day_name week [day_name week]...
Specifies a day of the week and a week of the month as a run day in the schedule.
The day_name is: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
The week is the number of the week in the month. A week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Valid values are 1-5.
For example, to instruct the policy to run every Sunday of the month, enter:
-weekday Sunday 1 Sunday 2 Sunday 3 Sunday 4 Sunday 5
- -v
Selects the verbose mode. This option causes bpplschedrep to log additional information for debugging purposes. The information goes into the NetBackup administration daily debug log. This option is meaningful only when NetBackup enables the debug log function (that is, when the following directory is defined):
UNIX systems:
Windows systems:
- -xdayomonth 1-31 [1-31]... | l
Specifies the day or days of the month that you want to exclude as run days in the schedule. Use l (lowercase L) to indicate the last day of the month.
For example, to instruct the policy to not run the backup on the 6th of the month, enter:
-xdayomonth 6
- -xweekday day_name week [day_name week]...
Specifies the day of the week and week of the month, to exclude as a run day in the schedule.
The day_name is: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
The week is the number of the week in the month. Valid values are 1-5.
For example, to instruct the policy to not run on the third Monday and Wednesday of the month, enter:
-xweekday Monday 3 Wednesday 3
Example 1 - Set the frequency for a schedule.
# bpplschedrep mkbpolicy incr -freq 604800
This sets to one (1) week the frequency with which automatic backups are performed for the schedule incr in policy mkbpolicy.
Example 2 - For Saturday and Sunday of each week, have the window for schedule in policy mkbpolicy open at 10 P.M. instead of 11 P.M. Also, set the window duration to two (2) hours instead fullof one (1) hour. bpplschedrep resets the windows, and bpplsched lists the new schedule values.
# bpplschedrep newpolicy full -0 79200 7200 -6 79200 7200 # bpplsched newpolicy -U -label full Schedule: full Type: Full Backup Frequency: every 7 days Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks) Maximum MPX: 1 Residence: (specific storage unit not required) Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool) Daily Windows: Sunday 22:00:00 --> Sunday 24:00:00 Monday 23:00:00 --> Monday 24:00:00 Tuesday 23:00:00 --> Tuesday 24:00:00 Wednesday 23:00:00 --> Wednesday 24:00:00 Thursday 23:00:00 --> Thursday 24:00:00 Friday 23:00:00 --> Friday 24:00:00 Saturday 22:00:00 --> Saturday 24:00:00
Example 3 - Change the open window of SLP schedule dup_tape1
to 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. Use the predefined policy name SLP_internal_policy
and the UBAK schedule type. This window has no properties.
# bpplschedrep SLP_internal_policy -add dup_tape1 -window 21600 14400 -st UBAK -slpwindow
UNIX systems:
/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/admin/* /usr/openv/netbackup/db/policy/policy_name/schedule
Windows systems:
install_path\NetBackup\logs\admin\* install_path\NetBackup\db\policy\policy_name\schedule
See bpplsched.