NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbdevquery — display NetBackup disk media status
-listconfig [-l | -U] -stype server_type -storage_server storage_server [-EMM emm_server]
-listdp | -listmounts [-l | -U | -D] [-stype server_type] [-dp disk_pool_name] [-M master_server] [-EMM emm_server]
-listdv [-l | -U | -D] -stype server_type [-dp disk_pool_name [-dvlist file]] [-M master_server] [-EMM emm_server]
-listmediaid id [id...] [ [-l | -U] [-EMM emm_server]
-listmounts [-l | -U] [-stype server_type] [-dp disk_pool_name] [-M master_server] [-EMM emm_server]
-listreptargets -stunit label[-U] [[-include Primary | ReplicationSource | Mirror]...] [[-exclude Primary | ReplicationSource | Mirror]...]
-liststs [-l | -U] [-stype server_type] [-storage_server storage_server] [-EMM emm_server]
-liststsprefmedia [-l | -U] -storage_server storage_server -stype server_type -sts_operation sts_operation
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The nbdevquery command line utility is the disk equivalent of bpmedialist for tape. The following are the operations that nbdevquery performs:
-listdp lists all disk pools in the system.
-liststs lists all storage servers in the system.
-listdv displays status for disk volumes of imported disk pools. It includes such things as whether the volume is online or offline and the number of current readers (or writers) to the volume.
When you use the -listdv command with the -D option, nbdevquery returns a large set of data including the following values that NetBackup uses to determine the available free space within the disk pool:
total_capacity : xxxxxxx-- The total size of the disk as derived from the file system.
free_space : xxxxxxx-- The amount of free space on the disk as derived from the file system.
potential_free_space : xxxxxxx-- The total size of all fragments on the disk that have been duplicated as part of a storage lifecycle policy and are eligible for expiration. The potential_free_space value is computed after duplication and expiration sessions. This information is applicable only when capacity managed retention is used for a storage destination.
committed_space : xxxxxxx-- The amount of data that NetBackup estimates as being written to the disk, based on all in-progress backups.
precommitted_space : xxxxxxx-- A helper value for committed_space. This value is decreased as a backup job proceeds and the total_capacity and free_space information is updated.
NetBackup uses free_space, potential_free_space, and committed_space to determine how much space is available on a disk. It uses the following formula:
available space = free_space + potential_free_space - committed_space
-listmediaid lists all disk volumes that have been given a disk media ID.
-listmounts lists the disk mount points for the disk pool.
-listconfig lists storage server configuration details.
-listglobals lists all global disk attributes.
-listreptargets lists valid replication target storage units or groups for a specified source storage unit or storage unit group. You can list the set of storage units to configure as targets for storage lifecycle policy replication operations.
-liststsprefmedia lists the preferred media servers that are used for storage server operation. When you use the option with the -U option, it also lists the priority of the media server. Additionally, it indicates if media server belongs to the include list or the exclude list. Valid operation values include: CapacityPolling.
- -D
Sets the list type to dump debug data. This option dumps information without further processing. The output format and displayed fields are subject to change without notification.
- -dp disk_pool_name
Specifies the name of the disk pool to be queried. This pool is the data storage area for this storage unit.
- -dv disk_volume
Displays the status for only the specified disk volume. For BasicDisk, the input value is the path. In all other cases, the input value is the volume name.
- -dvlist filename
Specifies the file that contains the volume information.
- -include | -exclude [ Primary | ReplicationSource | Mirror ]...
Includes or filters out targets if multiple choices exist.
- -l
Sets the list type to short output. This option produces parsable output with all fields on one line, no headers. The first field indicates the version of the output as an aid to the script operation. Date and time values appear in UNIX long format; status values appear in integer form.
- -listconfig
Lists the storage server configuration details.
- -listdp
Lists all imported disk pools in the NetBackup database. For an OpenStorage disk, -listdp lists all the disk pools that have been configured.
The following properties do not apply to cloud storage disk pools: Raw Size, Usable Size, High Watermark, and Low Watermark.
You can view the disk pool properties by using the -U option of the listdp command.
- -listdv
Lists the status for all disk volumes of imported disk pools and returns a list of all disk volumes in the NetBackup database. See Example 3.
- -listglobals
Lists all NetBackup Disk Service Manager global disk attributes. If SPR is enabled, the SCSI Persistent Reservation setting is set to one (1). If LUN masking is enabled, the output shows zero (0) rather than 1.
- -listmediaid id...
Lists all disk volumes that have been given the specified disk media IDs.
- -listmounts
Lists the disk mount points for the disk pool.
- -listreptargets
Lists valid replication target storage units or groups for a source storage unit or storage unit group.
- -liststs
Lists all servers that host storage. These include Veritas provided storage such as
, third-party appliances, and cloud storage.- -storage_server storage_server
The host name of the storage server. The name was given to the storage server when it was created.
- -sts_operation operation
Specifies the storage server operation for which usable media server list is fetched. If CapacityPolling is specified, that indicates the preferred media server can only be specified for disk volume capacity polling.
- -stype server_type
Specifies a string that identifies the storage server type. The server_type value can originate from one of the following sources:
Veritas provided storage. Possible values are AdvancedDisk and PureDisk.
Third-party disk appliances. The vendor supplies the server_type string.
Cloud storage. Use the csconfig cldprovider -l command to determine the possible stype values. The cloud stype values reflect the cloud storage provider. Cloud storage stype values can also incorporate a suffix (for example,
). Possible suffixes are:_raw: The NetBackup backup image is sent to the cloud in raw format. Use this option if you do not want to compress or encrypt data before sending to cloud storage.
_rawc: Compresses the data before it is written to the cloud storage.
: Encrypt the data using AES-256 encryption before writing the data to cloud storage. You must have KMS configured in NetBackup to use this option._cryptc: Compress and encrypt the data before writing to cloud storage.
The storage server type is case sensitive.
- -U
Lists the configuration information about the specified disk pool, storage server, or disk storage (see Example 1). Some of the items cannot be changed.
Example 1 - List in user format the configuration information about all servers that host storage in the system.
# nbdevquery -liststs -stype Network_NTAP -U Storage Server : plinko Storage Server Type : Network_NTAP Storage Type : Formatted Disk, Direct Attached State : UP Flag : OpenStorage Flag : AdminUp Flag : InternalUp Flag : LifeCycle Flag : CapacityMgmt Flag : FragmentImages Flag : Cpr Flag : RandomWrites Flag : FT-Transfer Flag : PrimaryEnabled Flag : SnapShotEnabled Flag : MirrorEnabled Flag : WORM
Example 2 - View all disk pool information for djs_bp
in user format. Volume SnapVaultB is a valid source volume for replication because it is a replication source and it has a target parameter, ntapdfm:SnapMirrorA1.
nbdevquery -listdp -stype DjsArray -U Disk Pool Name : djs_bp Disk Type : DjsArray Disk Volume Name : SnapVaultB Disk Media ID : @aaaa Total Capacity (GB) : 68.21 Free Space (GB) : 55.93 Use% : 88 Status : UP Flag : ReadOnWrite Flag : AdminUp Flag : InternalUp Flag : ReplicationSource Flag : ReplicationTarget Flag : Primary Flag : Snapshot Flag : WORMCapable Num Repl Sources : 1 Num Repl Targets : 1 Replication Source : ntapdfm:@aaaa@:PrimarySnapshot Replication Target : ntapdfm:SnapMirrorA1
Example 3 - Do a disk drive dump of the disk pool sim_dp1
that PureDisk uses.
# nbdevquery -listdp -dp sim_dp1 -stype PureDisk -D Disk Drive Dump name : <sim_dg1> id : <sim_dg1> server_type : <PureDisk> master_server : <> access_media_server : <> disk_storage_type : 6 total_capacity : 1286602752 used_space : 0 sts_state : 0 availability : 2 connectivity : 0 high_watermark : 98 low_watermark : 80 num_diskvolumes : 3 num_disks : 0 num_stservers : 2 system_tag : <Imported from STS> user_tag : <> Storage Server [0] name : <> id : <> server_type : <PureDisk> storage_type : 6 access_media_serv.: <> Storage Server [1] name : <> id : <> server_type : <PureDisk> storage_type : 6 access_media_serv.: <>