NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
nbdevconfig — preview, import, create, or inventory disk pools
-adddv -stype server_type [-dp disk_pool_name [-dv disk_volume_name]] [-M master_server]
-changedp [-noverbose] -stype server_lifecycle_type -dp disk_pool_name [-add_storage_servers storage_server...] | [-del_storage_servers storage_server...] [-hwm high_watermark_percent] [-lwm low_watermark_percent] [-max_io_streams n] [-comment comment] [-setattribute attribute] [-clearattribute attribute] [-M master_server] [-reason "string"]
-changestate [-noverbose] -stype server_type -dp disk_pool_name [-dv disk_volume_name] -state [UP | DOWN | RESET] [-M master_server] [-reason "string"]
-changests [-noverbose] -storage_server storage_server -stype server_type [-setattribute attribute] [-clearattribute attribute] [-reason "string"]
-createdp [-noverbose] -dp disk_pool_name -stype server_type -storage_servers storage_server... [-hwm high_watermark_percent] [-lwm low_watermark_percent] [-max_io_streams n] [-comment comment] [-dvlist filename] [-M master_server] [-reason "string"]
-createdv -stype server_type -dv disk_volume_name [-dp disk_pool_name] [-storage_server storage_server_name] [-config region:region-url] [-M master_server]
-creatests [-noverbose] -storage_server storage_server_name -stype server_type -media_server media_server [-st storage_type] [-setattribute attribute] [-reason "string"]
-deletedp [-noverbose] stype service_type -dp disk_pool_name [-M master_server] [-force_targetslp_removal] [-reason "string"]
-deletedv [-noverbose] -dp disk_pool_name -stype server_type -dv disk_volume_name [-M master_server] [-reason "string"]
-deletests [-noverbose] -storage_server storage_server -stype server_type [-reason "string"]
-getconfig [-l | -U] stype service_type -storage_server storage_server [-configlist filename]
-help operation
-inventorydp [-preview | -noverbose] -stype server_type -dp disk_pool_name [-media_server media_server] [-M master_server]
-mergedps [-noverbose] -stype service_type -primarydp disk_pool_name_1 -secondarydp disk_pool_name_2 [-M master_server] [-reason "string"]
-previewdv -storage_server storage_server -stype server_type [-media_server media_server] [-dv disk_volume_name] [-dp disk_pool_name] [-dvlist file_name] [-M master_server] [-replication source | target | both] [[-include Primary | ReplicationSource | ReplicationTarget | Snapshot | Independent | Mirror]...] [[-exclude Primary | ReplicationSource | ReplicationTarget | Snapshot | Independent | Mirror]...]
-setconfig -stype service_type -storage_server storage_server [-configlist filename] [-reason "string"]
-updatedp [-noverbose] -stype server_type -dp disk_pool_name [-M master_server] [-reason "string"]
-updatedv [-noverbose] -stype server_type [-dp disk_pool_name] -dv disk_volume_name [-media_server media_server] [-M master_server]
-updatests [-noverbose] -storage_server storage_server -stype server_type -media_server media_server [-reason "string"]
-setstsprefmedia [-noverbose] -storage_server storage_server -stype server_type -media_server media_server -capacity_polling_priority priority | -exclude_from_capacity_polling
-deletestsprefmedia [-noverbose] -storage_server storage_server -stype server_type -media_server media_server -sts_operation operation
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The nbdevconfig command performs the following operations:
-adddv adds a new disk volume to an existing disk pool. The disk volume must have the same attributes and flags as the disk pool. For example, you cannot add a mirror volume to a non-mirror disk pool. You can add multiple volumes by using the nbdevquery -preview option to collect like volumes on a file (-dvlist) to be added to the disk pool.
-changedp changes the indicated properties of the disk pool. Specify the disk pool name option (-dp) and the storage server type (-stype) to identify the disk pool uniquely.
-changestate changes the state of the disk pool or disk volume. If -dv is specified, then -changestate changes the specified disk volume of the disk pool. Otherwise, it changes the state of the disk pool itself. The value for the state can be UP, DOWN, or RESET.
-changests changes the storage server.
-createdp creates a disk pool from the specified list of disk volumes. Additional properties like High Water Mark and comments can be specified. The disk pool name cannot exceed 256 characters.
-createdv creates a disk volume that you can then specify (-dvlist option) when you create a disk pool. Most commonly, use this option for the following: AdvancedDisk volumes that NetBackup cannot discover (such as CIFS volumes, which are not visible to Windows services) and for buckets in Amazon cloud storage regions other than US Standard
-creatests creates a storage server. The storage server name cannot exceed 128 characters and cannot contain colon (:) characters.
-deletedp deletes the specified disk pool from the NetBackup device database. Expire and delete all images before you run this option.
-deletedv deletes the specified disk volume from the specified disk pool. No backup image fragments can exist on the volume. No backup jobs can be active on the volume. The disk volume and disk pool must be DOWN.
-deletests deletes the specified storage server.
-deletestsprefmedia deletes the media server from the preferred media servers list for capacity polling operation of a storage server. Valid operation values include: CapacityPolling.
-getconfig retrieves the default configuration parameters for the disk pool attributes.
-help operation specifies an operation (-changestate, -deletedp, ...) for which you want usage information.
-inventorydp discovers new storage or changed storage in a disk pool and accepts these changes. Storage changes include new volumes, change of volume size, or new LUNs. Use the -preview option if you only want to view the details of the changes to the disk pool without accepting them.
-mergedps merges the specified primary and secondary disk pools. Disk_pool_name_2 merges into "disk_pool_name_1" leaving only "disk_pool_name_1." Merge the specified primary and secondary disk pools.
-previewdv previews inventory changes to be made, but does not perform the inventory update.
-setconfig sets the configuration parameters for the disk pool.
-setstsprefmedia updates capacity polling priority for a media server in a preferred list using option capacity_polling_priority. If the media server does not exist, this command adds the media server to preferred list and sets its priority. This command uses option exclude_from_capacity_polling to exclude the media server from the preferred list. Use of this option resets the capacity polling priority to 0.
-updatedp updates the disk pool replication properties with fresh values from the storage server. If the storage administrator changes replication properties of disk volumes on the storage server, the following occurs: This command forces NetBackup to update the disk pool properties to reflect the storage configuration.
-updatedv updates properties of one or more disk volumes in a pool.
-updatests updates the properties of the specified storage server.
The vmupdate command detects whether new tapes have been added to or removed from a robotic library. In the same way, the inventory and the preview options of nbdevconfig detect if the storage administrator has changed the composition of the disk pool. An inventory detects if new volumes were added, existing volumes were resized (added more space), or volumes were removed. The inventory operation can also accept new space. (For example, it updates the NetBackup database with the existence of new disk volumes or configures new volumes from the new space.)
The following is a description of each of the nbdevconfig options:
- -capacity_polling_priority priority
Sets the priority for a media server in the preferred list. If the media server is part of exclude list, this option removes it from exclude list and includes the media server in preferred list.
- -clearattribute attribute
Removes an attribute from the specified storage server or the specified disk pool for restore or duplication operations. It is used with the -changests and -changedp options. You can specify more than one -clearattribute attribute on the command line. Refer to the -setattribute description for a list of attributes used by -ch angests and a list used by -changedp.
- -comment comment
Adds a comment for the disk pool. Quotation marks (" ") are required if the comment contains any spaces.
- -config region:region-url
For Amazon cloud storage region support, specifies the region in which to create the bucket. Following are few examples. For complete list refer to the Amazon documentation:
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
European Union (Ireland)
South America (Sao Paulo)
US West (Northern California)
US West (Oregon)
If the region-url string does not exactly match the notation, the bucket is created in the US Standard region. If this option is omitted, the bucket is created in the US Standard region.
For Amazon virtual private cloud (VPC), this option is mandatory except for US-Standard region. If this option is omitted, bucket is not created and you will encounter an error.
- -configlist filename
Captures the configuration parameter information and sends it to the specified file or to the appropriate disk pool.
- -del_storage_servers storage_server...
Deletes the specified storage servers.
- -dp disk_pool_name
Specifies the name of the disk pool that nbdevconfig previews, inventories, or creates. The disk pool name cannot exceed 256 characters.
- -dv disk_volume_name
The name of the disk volume.
For cloud storage, the characters that each vendor allows may vary. Also, the terminology for volumes may differ (for example, Amazon uses buckets to describe volumes). Consult your cloud vendor documentation for naming conventions.
- -dvlist filename
The file name that contains a list of the disk volumes. Specify one volume only for cloud disk pools and media server deduplication pools.
- -exclude [Snapshot | Primary | Independent | ReplicationSource | ReplicationTarget | Mirror]
Limits the command output to the disk volumes that are not capable of the specified target retention type (snapshot, primary, independent, mirror, replication source, or replication target).
To exclude more than one flag, list the -exclude option more than once (for example, -exclude primary -exclude ReplicationTarget).
- -exclude_from_capacity_polling
Excludes the media server from preferred list and resets the capacity polling priority to 0. If the media server is part of include list, this option removes it from include list.
- -force_targetslp_removal
Forces the deletion of a disk pool that has an associated AIR target lifecycle policy when deletion of that disk pool results in an error. This option can be used only with the -deletedp operation.
- -hwm high_watermark_percent
The percentage of used capacity at which the storage (disk volume) is considered full. No new jobs can be assigned to the volume, and staging expiration operations can be triggered.
- -include [Snapshot | Primary | Independent | ReplicationSource | ReplicationTarget | Mirror]
Limits the command output to the disk volumes that are capable of the specified target retention type (snapshot, primary, independent, mirror, replication source, or replication target).
To include more than one flag, list the modifier more than once (for example, -include Snapshot -include ReplicationTarget).
- -l
Sets the list type to the short output. It produces parsable, raw output with all fields on one line with no headers. The first field indicates the version of the output as an aid to the script operation.
- -lwm low_watermark_percent
The percentage of used capacity to which staging and expiration operations drain each volume in the disk pool upon reaching the high water mark.
- -M master_server
The name of the master server.
- -max_io_streams n
Limits the number of jobs that are allowed for each volume in the disk pool to the specified number n. This number is the sum of the jobs that read backup images and the jobs that write backup images. When the limit is reached, NetBackup chooses another available volume for write operations. If none is available, NetBackup queues jobs until a volume becomes available. Factors that affect the optimal number of streams include disk speed, CPU speed, and the amount of memory.
This parameter is not supported for BasicDisk. NetBackup does not limit the number of streams for BasicDisk storage units.
- -media_server media_server
The media server that executes the operation.
- -noverbose
Suppresses all stdout messages, including successful confirmation output such as "Disk pool disk_pool_name was successfully inventoried."
- -reason "string"
Indicates the reason for performing this command action. The reason text string that you enter is captured and appears in the audit report. Enclose the string with double quotes ("...") and the string cannot exceed 512 characters. It cannot begin with a dash character (-) nor contain a single quotation mark (').
- -setattribute attribute
Applies an attribute to the storage server or data pool for the read side of restore or duplication operations. It is used with the -changests and -changedp options. The attributes help you manage the restore traffic and duplication traffic. You can specify more than one -setattribute attribute on the command line.
The following attributes are used with storage servers:
OpenStorage : managed as OpenStorage storage server DiskGroups : aware of disk pools / ActiveDiskGroups : allow active management of disk groups ActiveServers : allow active management of storage srvrs RovingVolumes : active mount/unmounts for disk volumes CopyExtents : allow optimized duplication AdminUp/Down : administrative state is UP/DOWN InternalUp/Down : internal state is UP/DOWN SpanImages : allow images to span disk volumes BasicStaging : allow basic image staging LifeCycle : allow image life cycle management CapacityMgmt : allow capacity management FragmentImages : allow image fragmentation CatalogBackup : allow catalog backups Cpr : allow checkpoint / restart RandomWrites : allow random write access FT-Transfer : allow access through FT channel PrefRestore : preferred use for restores ReqRestore : required use for restores ReqDuplicate : required use for duplications CapacityManagedRetention : allow capacity managed retention CapacityManagedJobQueuing : allow capacity managed job queuing OptimizedImage : allow virtual image construction MetaData : describe client data during backup QueueOnDown : queue jobs when server status is down
The following attributes are used with data pools:
Visible : visible and managed through UI OpenStorage : managed as OpenStorage disk pool RovingVolumes : active mount/unmounts for disk volumes SingleStorageServer : limited to single storage server CopyExtents : allow optimized duplication AdminUp/Down : administrative state is UP/DOWN InternalUp/Down : internal state is UP/DOWN SpanImages : allow images to span disk volumes BasicStaging : allow basic image staging LifeCycle : allow image life cycle management CapacityMgmt : allow capacity management FragmentImages : allow image fragmentation CatalogBackup : allow catalog backups Cpr : allow checkpoint / restart RandomWrites : allow random write access FT-Transfer : allow access through FT channel CapacityManagedRetention : allow capacity managed retention CapacityManagedJobQueuing : allow capacity managed job queuing OptimizedImage : allow virtual image construction MetaData : describe client data during backup Snapshot : disk pool holds Snapshots Primary : disk pool is capable of Snapshots from sources mounted on a client ReplicationSource : disk pool can be a source for Image or Snapshot replication ReplicationTarget : disk pool can be a target for Image or Snapshot replication Mirror : this replication target disk pool can use a mirrored replication method Independent : this replication target can use a non- mirrored replication method
The following are additional descriptions of attributes related to restore and duplication operations:
PrefRestore. The storage server is preferred for the read side of restore operations. More than one storage server can have the PrefRestore attribute.
The storage servers and data pools that are marked as PrefRestore are considered for use first. If none are available, any unmarked storage server is considered for use.
Normal NetBackup load balancing occurs among all storage servers marked PrefRestore.
ReqRestore. The storage server is required for the read side of restore operations. More than one storage server can have the ReqRestore attribute. If a ReqRestore server is not available, NetBackup considers PrefRestore servers for use. If none are available, jobs queue until a ReqRestore or PrefRestore is available.
If you configure ReqRestore servers but not PrefRestore servers, unmarked storage servers are never considered for restore jobs. Jobs are queued until a ReqRestore storage server is available to execute the job. Normal NetBackup rules for job retry apply.
Normal NetBackup load balancing occurs for all storage servers marked ReqRestore. Load balancing does not occur between the ReqRestore and PrefRestore storage servers.
ReqDuplicate. The storage server is required for the read side of duplication operations. More than one storage server can have the ReqDuplicate attribute. If any storage server is marked as ReqDuplicate, only the storage servers that are marked as ReqRestore are considered for use. If a ReqRestore server is unavailable, jobs queue until a ReqRestore server is available to execute the job. Normal NetBackup rules for job retry apply.
ReqDuplicate also applies to storage server allocation for synthetic backup operations.
- -st storage_type
The type of storage being used:
1 -- Formatted disk (default) OR 2 -- Raw disk
4 -- Direct attached OR 8 -- Network attached (default)
The two values are added together. For example a storage_type of 10 indicates a raw disk (2) that is network attached (8).
- -state UP | DOWN | RESET
Selects the state of the disk pool or disk volume. Specify UP to up the disk pool or disk volume and DOWN to down the disk pool or disk volume.
The RESET option does the following:
Sets the internal state to UP (both disk volume and disk pool)
Sets committed_space to ZERO (disk volume only)
Sets the precommitted space to ZERO (disk volume only)
- -storage_server storage_server
A single storage server. Interpretation differs depending upon one of the following options that are used with it:
previewdv: -storage_server restricts the output to arrays that are connected to the specified servers. All of the hosts must be connected to all storage (LUNs) within the disk volume.
creatests: -storage_server identifies the host name of the storage server. The storage server name cannot exceed 128 characters and cannot contain colon (:) characters.
setconfig: -storage_server identifies the storage server that contains the disk pool whose configuration parameters you have set. The storage server name cannot exceed 128 characters.
- -storage_servers storage_servers...
The list of storage server names for creating a disk pool. Separate the items in this list with spaces, not commas.
- -sts_operation operation
Specifies the storage server operation for which usable media server is specified. The -deleteprefmedia operation uses this option. Valid operation values include: CapacityPolling.
If CapacityPolling is specified, that indicates the preferred media server can only be specified for disk volume capacity polling.
- -stype server_type
Specifies a string that identifies the storage server type. The server_type value can originate from one of the following sources:
Veritas provided storage. Possible values are AdvancedDisk and PureDisk.
Third-party disk appliances. The vendor supplies the server_type string.
Cloud storage. Use the csconfig cldprovider -l command to determine the possible stype values. The cloud stype values reflect the cloud storage provider. Cloud storage stype values can also incorporate a suffix (for example,
). Possible suffixes are:_raw: The NetBackup backup image is sent to the cloud in raw format. Use this option if you do not want to compress or encrypt data before sending to cloud storage.
_rawc: Compresses the data before it is written to the cloud storage.
: Encrypt the data using AES-256 encryption before writing the data to cloud storage. You must have KMS configured in NetBackup to use this option._cryptc: Compress and encrypt the data before writing to cloud storage.
Replication Director OpenStorage partners. Possible values are Network_NTAP, Network_NTAP_CDOT, or EMC_Celerra.
The storage server type is case sensitive.
- -U
Lists the configuration attributes in a user-readable, formatted listing with one attribute per line and more attributes than a listing in raw output mode (-l). See Example 1.
Example 1 - Delete a disk pool. First expire all images on the disk group.
# nbdevconfig -deletedp -dp Disk-Pool-2 Disk pool Disk-Pool-2 has been deleted successfully
Example 2 - Mark a
as DOWN.# nbdevconfig -changestate -stype PureDisk -dp diskpool_alpha -state DOWN
Example 3 - Mark a disk volume as UP.
# nbdevconfig -changestate -stype AdvancedDisk -dp diskpool_alpha -dv alpha_vol1 -state UP
Example 4 - Inventory a disk group.
# nbdevconfig -inventorydp -preview -stype AdvancedDisk -dp Disk-Pool-2 Old Raw Size (GB): 97.85 New Raw Size (GB): 103.45 Old Formatted Size (GB): 97.80 New Formatted Size (GB): 103.40 Old Host List: willow,Pear,dunamo New Host List: Dellco,carrot,Pear,dynamo Affected Storage Units ------------------------------ SSO-STU-7 - willow [...] would be removed from media server list SSO-STU-9 - willow [...] would be removed from media server list, \ switched to "any available" media server list. Affected Storage Units ------------------------------ SSO-STU-7 -willow [...] was removed from media server list SSO-STU-9 -willow [...] was removed from media server list, \ switched to "any available" media server list.