Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Microsoft Teams Archiving
- About this guide
- Introducing Microsoft Teams Archiving
- Configuring Microsoft Teams Archiving
- Preparing to configure a Microsoft 365 connection
- Managing Teams archive tasks
About Teams archiving task reports
When a Teams archiving task runs as per its schedule, or with the
option, it creates a report with the details of the run.Teams archiving task reports are created at following location:
<Enterprise Vault Install Path>\Enterprise Vault\Reports\Teams Archiving
Following is a sample of the Teams archiving task report:
Archive run started at 11/11/2021 3:26:04 PM for the Teams archiving task 'TEAMS ARCHIVING TASK FOR IMPORTER NAME'
Task Started : 11/11/2021 3:26:04 PM
Task Finished : 11/11/2021 3:26:20 PM
Elapsed Time : 00:10:15 (hh:mm:ss)
Total number of TeamsRoomChat in the segregation folder: 92318
Total number of TeamsRoomChat processed: 10
Total number of TeamsRoomChat archived: 10
Total Number of TeamsRoomChat failed to convert: 0
Total number of TeamsRoomChat failed to archive: 0
Total number of TeamsRoomChat marked as broken: 0
Total KB archived: 9867 KB
If the Teams archiving task run does not find any files to process and archive, then it adds following note in the report.
\\SERVERNAME\c$\HoldingSharedFolder\ImporterName\ChatSegregated. This could happen when there is no data available from Microsoft Teams for archiving. Ensure that the Merge1Webhook under the Veritas Enterprise Vault website is running and the Importer is dumping data into the holding folder.
: The Teams archiving task did not find any files to process and archive in the