NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector Installation Guide for Virtualization Manager

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup IT Analytics (11.2)
  1. Pre-Installation setup for VMware
      Pre-Installation setup for VMware
      VMware Data Collection
    3. Prerequisites for adding data collectors (VMware)
        Virtualization Manager: Collection of VMware Data
      2. Configure VMware Access
          Pre-requisites for vSAN Data Collection
          Creating a VMware Read-Only User with Required Permissions
      Installation overview (VMware)
      Add a VMware Data Collector policy
    6. Datastore scan collection
        Reports impacted by Datastore Collection
  2. Pre-Installation setup for IBM VIO
      Pre-Installation setup for IBM VIO
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (IBM VIO)
      Installation overview (IBM VIO)
      Adding servers for the IBM VIO Data Collector policy
      VIO servers (IBM Virtual I/O Servers)
      LPAR clients (IBM Logical Partitioning Clients) managed by VIO servers
      HMC (IBM Hardware Management Console)
      Add an IBM VIO Data Collector policy
  3. Pre-Installation setup for Microsoft Hyper-V
      Pre-Installation setup for Microsoft Hyper-V
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (Microsoft Hyper-V)
      Installation overview (Microsoft Hyper-V)
      Add a Microsoft Hyper-V Data Collector policy
  4. Install the Data Collector software
      Installing the WMI Proxy service (Windows host resources only)
      Testing WMI connectivity
      Considerations to install Data Collector on non-English systems
      Install Data Collector Software on Windows
      Install Data Collector software on Linux
      Deploy Data Collector in native Kubernetes environment
      Configure Data Collector manually for Veritas NetBackup
      Install Data Collector binaries on Windows (without configuration)
      Install Data Collector binaries on Linux host (without configuration)
  5. Validating data collection
      Validation methods
      Data Collectors: Vendor-Specific validation methods
    3. Working with on-demand Data Collection
        View real-time logging during an on-demand collection
        Generating debug level logs during an on-demand collection
      Using the CLI check install utility
      List Data Collector configurations
  6. Uninstall the Data Collector
      Uninstall the Data Collector on Linux
      Uninstall the Data Collector on Windows
  7. Manually start the Data Collector
  8. Appendix A. Firewall configuration: Default ports
      Firewall configuration: Default ports

Add a Microsoft Hyper-V Data Collector policy

  • Before adding the policy: A Data Collector must exist in the Portal, to which you will add Data Collector Policies.

    For specific prerequisites and supported configurations for a specific vendor, see the Certified Configurations Guide.

  • After adding the policy: For some policies, collections can be run on-demand using the Run button on the Collector Administration page action bar. The Run button is only displayed if the policy vendor is supported.

    On-demand collection allows you to select which probes and devices to run collection against. This action collects data the same as a scheduled run, plus logging information for troubleshooting purposes. For probe descriptions, refer to the policy.

To add the policy

  1. Select Admin > Data Collection > Collector Administration. Currently configured Portal Data Collectors are displayed.
  2. Search for a Collector if required.
  3. Select a Data Collector from the list.
  4. Click Add Policy, and then select the vendor-specific entry in the menu.
  5. Specify Data Collector Properties.
  6. Enter or select the parameters. Mandatory parameters are denoted by an asterisk (*):



    Sample Value

    Collector Domain

    The domain of the collector to which the collector backup policy is being added. This is a read-only field. By default, the domain for a new policy will be the same as the domain for the collector. This field is set when you add a collector.

    Policy Domain

    The Collector Domain is the domain that was supplied during the Data Collector installation process. The Policy Domain is the domain of the policy that is being configured for the Data Collector. The Policy Domain must be set to the same value as the Collector Domain.

    The domain identifies the top level of your host group hierarchy. All newly discovered hosts are added to the root host group associated with the Policy Domain.

    Typically, only one Policy Domain will be available in the drop-down list. If you are a Managed Services Provider, each of your customers will have a unique domain with its own host group hierarchy.

    To find your Domain name, click your login name and select My Profile from the menu. Your Domain name is displayed in your profile settings.


    Hyper-V Server Host Names

    One or more Hyper-V Server Host Names to probe. IP Address is not supported. Comma-separated host names are supported. For example, HyperV1, HyperV2.

    User ID/Password

    View only WMI User ID for Hyper-V Server. To include a domain name use the format DOMAIN\USERNAME.

    Active Probes


    Probe for collecting Hyper-V server and Hyper-V guest information.


    The default is every day at 2:12. Click the clock icon to create a schedule. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.


    Enter or edit notes for your data collector policy. The maximum number of characters is 1024. Policy notes are retained along with the policy information for the specific vendor and displayed on the Collector Administration page as a column making them searchable as well.

    Test Connection

    Test Connection initiates a Data Collector process that attempts to connect to the subsystem using the IP addresses and credentials supplied in the policy. This validation process returns either a success message or a list of specific connection errors. Test Connection requires that Agent Services are running.

    Several factors affect the response time of the validation request, causing some requests to take longer than others. For example, there could be a delay when connecting to the subsystem. Likewise, there could be a delay when getting the response, due to other processing threads running on the Data Collector.

    You can also test the collection of data using the Run functionality available in Admin>Data Collection>Collector Administration. This On-Demand data collection run initiates a high-level check of the installation at the individual policy level, including a check for the domain, host group, URL, Data Collector policy and database connectivity. You can also select individual probes and servers to test the collection run.

  7. Click OK to save the policy.
  8. On the Data Collector server, install/update the Data Collector software.