NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector Installation Guide for Virtualization Manager

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup IT Analytics (11.2)
  1. Pre-Installation setup for VMware
      Pre-Installation setup for VMware
      VMware Data Collection
    3. Prerequisites for adding data collectors (VMware)
        Virtualization Manager: Collection of VMware Data
      2. Configure VMware Access
          Pre-requisites for vSAN Data Collection
          Creating a VMware Read-Only User with Required Permissions
      Installation overview (VMware)
      Add a VMware Data Collector policy
    6. Datastore scan collection
        Reports impacted by Datastore Collection
  2. Pre-Installation setup for IBM VIO
      Pre-Installation setup for IBM VIO
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (IBM VIO)
      Installation overview (IBM VIO)
      Adding servers for the IBM VIO Data Collector policy
      VIO servers (IBM Virtual I/O Servers)
      LPAR clients (IBM Logical Partitioning Clients) managed by VIO servers
      HMC (IBM Hardware Management Console)
      Add an IBM VIO Data Collector policy
  3. Pre-Installation setup for Microsoft Hyper-V
      Pre-Installation setup for Microsoft Hyper-V
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (Microsoft Hyper-V)
      Installation overview (Microsoft Hyper-V)
      Add a Microsoft Hyper-V Data Collector policy
  4. Install the Data Collector software
      Installing the WMI Proxy service (Windows host resources only)
      Testing WMI connectivity
      Considerations to install Data Collector on non-English systems
      Install Data Collector Software on Windows
      Install Data Collector software on Linux
      Deploy Data Collector in native Kubernetes environment
      Configure Data Collector manually for Veritas NetBackup
      Install Data Collector binaries on Windows (without configuration)
      Install Data Collector binaries on Linux host (without configuration)
  5. Validating data collection
      Validation methods
      Data Collectors: Vendor-Specific validation methods
    3. Working with on-demand Data Collection
        View real-time logging during an on-demand collection
        Generating debug level logs during an on-demand collection
      Using the CLI check install utility
      List Data Collector configurations
  6. Uninstall the Data Collector
      Uninstall the Data Collector on Linux
      Uninstall the Data Collector on Windows
  7. Manually start the Data Collector
  8. Appendix A. Firewall configuration: Default ports
      Firewall configuration: Default ports

Install Data Collector software on Linux

To install Data Collector software on Linux:

  1. Login as root on the server where NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector has to be installed.
  2. If the Data Collector system is having low entropy, it can affect the performance of cryptographic functions and such steps can take considerable amount of time to complete. You can identify the entropy level of the system from the content of the /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail file using command # cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail. If this value is not more than 400 consistently, install the rng-tools and start the services as described below on the data collector system.

    Install the rng-tools and start the services as described below.

    For RHEL or OEL:

    • Access the command prompt.

    • Install the rng-tools.

      yum install rng-tools
    • Start the services.

      systemctl start rngd 
    • Enable the services.

      systemctl start rngd 

    For SUSE:

    • Access the command prompt.

    • Install the rng-tools.

      zypper install rng-tools
    • Start the services.

      systemctl start rng-tools
    • Enable the services.

      systemctl enable rng-tools
  3. Ensure the following rpms are present on the system:

    On SUSE: libXrender1 and libXtst6 insserv-compat

    On other Linux systems: libXtst and libXrender chkconfig

    Since the above rpms are essential for proper functioning of the Data Collector, you can run the below commands on the Data Collector server to check whether the rpms are present.

    On SUSE: rpm -q libXrender1 libXtst6 insserv-compat

    On other Linux systems: rpm -q libXtst libXrender chkconfig

    The output of the above commands will print the rpms that are present on the system.

  4. Go to the downloads section under Support on and click the relevant download link.
  5. Mount the ISO image that you downloaded.
    mkdir /mnt/diska
    mount -o loop <itanalytics_datacollector_linux_xxxxx.iso> /mnt/diska

    Substitute the name of the ISO image downloaded have downloaded.

  6. Start the installer:
    cd /
  7. Review the End User License Agreement (EULA) and enter accept to agree.
  8. Provide the install location. The default location is /usr/openv/analyticscollector. Accepting the default paths is recommended.

    If you specify a custom location, analyticscollector directory is created at the specified location.

  9. The installer will prompt for the Data Collector Name. This is the name that you used during the configuration of Data collector in Portal UI. The Data Collector will use this value for authentication purposes.
  10. The installer requests for the following details.
    • Data Collector Name: Specify the Data Collector name that you used during its configuration on the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal. Data Collector uses this for authentication. If you are installing on a non-English OS, the Data Collector name must be in English.

    • Data Collector Passcode: Specify the Data Collector passcode that you used for the Data Collector name during its configuration on the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal. This passcode is encrypted prior to saving it to the portal database and is never visible in any part of the application. If the password contains a special character, make sure it is one of the following OS-specific supported character:

      • Linux: !@#%^*

      • Windows: !@#$%^&*()

      If the special character in the passcode is not supported on the OS, you must update the Data Collector passcode on the portal.

    • Data Receiver URL: Enter the URL that the Data Collector will use to communicate with the portal server. The format must be

      Make sure you enter the URL with the prefix itanalyticsagent and not itanalyticsportal.

    • Data Collector Key File Path: Enter the location of the downloaded collector key file for encryption.

      If the existing key file is not available, regenerate it and download a new key file from the portal and enter its file path.

    • Web Proxy (HTTP) settings can be configured. Enter y to configure proxy. The installer prompts for:

      • HTTP Proxy IP Address: Enter the hostname or IP address and a port number.

      • HTTP Proxy Port: Enter the proxy port number for HTTP proxy.

      • Proxy UserId and password: Enter the credentials for the proxy server.

      • No Proxy For: Enter the host names or IP addresses separated by commas that will not be routed through the proxy.

The Data Collector installation is complete. You can run the <Data_Collector_Install_Location>/analyticscollector/mbs/bin/ file for verification.