NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector Installation Guide for Virtualization Manager

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup IT Analytics (11.2)
  1. Pre-Installation setup for VMware
      Pre-Installation setup for VMware
      VMware Data Collection
    3. Prerequisites for adding data collectors (VMware)
        Virtualization Manager: Collection of VMware Data
      2. Configure VMware Access
          Pre-requisites for vSAN Data Collection
          Creating a VMware Read-Only User with Required Permissions
      Installation overview (VMware)
      Add a VMware Data Collector policy
    6. Datastore scan collection
        Reports impacted by Datastore Collection
  2. Pre-Installation setup for IBM VIO
      Pre-Installation setup for IBM VIO
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (IBM VIO)
      Installation overview (IBM VIO)
      Adding servers for the IBM VIO Data Collector policy
      VIO servers (IBM Virtual I/O Servers)
      LPAR clients (IBM Logical Partitioning Clients) managed by VIO servers
      HMC (IBM Hardware Management Console)
      Add an IBM VIO Data Collector policy
  3. Pre-Installation setup for Microsoft Hyper-V
      Pre-Installation setup for Microsoft Hyper-V
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (Microsoft Hyper-V)
      Installation overview (Microsoft Hyper-V)
      Add a Microsoft Hyper-V Data Collector policy
  4. Install the Data Collector software
      Installing the WMI Proxy service (Windows host resources only)
      Testing WMI connectivity
      Considerations to install Data Collector on non-English systems
      Install Data Collector Software on Windows
      Install Data Collector software on Linux
      Deploy Data Collector in native Kubernetes environment
      Configure Data Collector manually for Veritas NetBackup
      Install Data Collector binaries on Windows (without configuration)
      Install Data Collector binaries on Linux host (without configuration)
  5. Validating data collection
      Validation methods
      Data Collectors: Vendor-Specific validation methods
    3. Working with on-demand Data Collection
        View real-time logging during an on-demand collection
        Generating debug level logs during an on-demand collection
      Using the CLI check install utility
      List Data Collector configurations
  6. Uninstall the Data Collector
      Uninstall the Data Collector on Linux
      Uninstall the Data Collector on Windows
  7. Manually start the Data Collector
  8. Appendix A. Firewall configuration: Default ports
      Firewall configuration: Default ports

Deploy Data Collector in native Kubernetes environment

This procedure provides the steps to deploy Data Collector Docker image on a Kubernetes cluster through an operator with the required configuration on Linux hosts. This method enables efficient Data Collector installation and reduces the human errors caused during manual or ISO-based installations.

Prerequisites and dependencies

System requirements and installation dependencies for the system on which Data Collector will be installed are listed below:

  • Obtain the Docker image generated from the CI/CD build.

  • Kubernetes must be pre-installed on the system.

  • Assume root role on the host system.

  • Kubernetes cluster must be accessible on the system.

  • Ensure that the file system supporting the /data directory has enough free space as recommended in the NetBackup IT Analytics Certified Configurations Guide for Data Collector.

    The /data directory in the host system will be mounted inside the container as /usr/openv/analyticscollector.

  • Obtain the following Data Collector details. You are required to supply these details to the installer during the installation process.

    • Registry: The name of the registry to which you want to push the installer images.

    • Data Collector Name: Name of the Data Collector as defined in the portal.

    • Data Collector Passcode: The passcode assigned to the Data Collector during its creation.

    • Data Receiver URL: Either http:// or https:// URL of the data receiver.

    • Absolute path of Data Receiver Certificate file: Absolute path of the data receiver certificate file downloaded from NetBackup IT Analytics Portal.

    • Absolute path of the Data Collector key file: Absolute path of the Data Collector key file downloaded from the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal.

    • Proxy settings:

    • Portal IP address: IP address of the system hosting the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal.

    • Portal HostName: aptareportal.<DOMAIN> or itanalyticsportal.<DOMAIN>

    • Agent HostName: aptareagent.<DOMAIN> or  itanalyticsagent.<DOMAIN>

    • StorageClass Name: Name of the Kubernetes storage class to be used.

  • Obtain the itanalytics_k8s_artificats.tar from the Veritas Download Center. The tarball has the container image, operater image, set of .yaml files, and the scripts.

Deploy the Data Collector in Kubernetes environment

To deploy the Data Collector in Kubernetes environment:

  1. Login to the Kubernetes cluster.
  2. Run this command on the primary node and label the node on which you want to deploy the Data Collector.
    kubectl label node <worker_node_name> itaDcNodeKey=itaDcDeploymentNode
  3. From the itanalytics_k8s_artifacts.tar location, run this command to initiate the Data Collector installation.
    tar -xvf itanalytics_k8s_artifacts.tar scripts 

    This saves a scripts folder at the itanalytics_k8s_artifacts.tar file location,.

  4. From the scripts folder, run this script.
    cd scripts/


    The installation logs are saved to itanalytics_dc_installer_<time_stamp>.log.

  5. Provide the Data Collector configuration details when asked by the installer in the following order.
    • Registry

      The installer asks for a confirmation after providing the registry name to proceed with pushing the images. You need to enter y for a fresh installation. If for any reason, you are required to re-run the installation and this step was successfully completed anytime before for the same cluster node, you can enter n to avoid a rewrite and bypass this step.

    • Data Collector Name

    • Data Collector Passcode

    • Data Receiver URL

    • Absolute path of Data Receiver Certificate file (if you have set an https:// URL for the data receiver)

    • Absolute path of the Data Collector key file

    • Proxy settings

    • Portal IP address

    • Portal HostName

    • Agent HostName

    • StorageClass Name

  6. The installer asks to confirm the configuration details before proceeding with the installation. Enter y to proceed with the data collector installation

After a successful installation, verify whether the Data Collector status appears Online on the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal.

Connect to the pod instance

Run this command to connect to the pod instance and also to facilitate debugging when required.

# kubectl exec -it<pod ID> -- bash