NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector Installation Guide for Backup Manager

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup IT Analytics (11.0)
  1. Introduction
      Backup Manager Collection of Backup and Restore Data
  2. Pre-Installation setup for Commvault Simpana
      Architecture overview (Commvault Simpana)
      Prerequisites for adding Data Collectors (Commvault Simpana)
      Upgrade troubleshooting: Microsoft SQL Server and Java 11
      Installation overview (Commvault Simpana)
    6. Open TCP/IP access to the Commvault database
        Additional Static Port Configuration Steps
    7. Set up a read-only user in the CommServe server
        Option 1: Execute SQL commands in the CommServe database
        Option 2: Use MSSQL Management Studio
      Load historical data prior to initial data collection
      Add Commvault Simpana servers
      Add a Commvault Simpana Data Collector policy
  3. Pre-Installation setup for Cohesity DataProtect
      Prerequisites for adding Data Collectors (Cohesity DataProtect)
      Installation overview (Cohesity DataProtect)
      Add a Cohesity DataProtect Data Collector policy
  4. Pre-Installation setup for EMC Avamar
      Architecture overview (EMC Avamar)
      Prerequisites for adding Data Collectors (EMC Avamar)
      Installation overview (EMC Avamar)
      Add EMC Avamar servers
      Adding an EMC Avamar Data Collector policy
      Testing the collection
      Add/Configure an Avamar Server within the Data Collector policy window
    9. Import EMC Avamar server information
        CSV Format Specifications
        Import Notes
      Export EMC Avamar server information
  5. Pre-Installation setup for EMC Data Domain backup
      Architecture overview (EMC Data Domain Backup)
      Prerequisites for adding Data Collectors (EMC Data Domain Backup)
      Installation overview (EMC data domain Backup)
      Add EMC data domain servers
      Add an EMC data domain backup Data Collector policy
      Adding/Configuring an EMC data domain server within the Data Collector policy window
      Configure a data domain server for file-level compression collection
  6. Pre-Installation setup for EMC NetWorker
    2. Architecture overview (EMC NetWorker)
        EMC NetWorker Terminology
      Prerequisites for adding Data Collectors (EMC NetWorker)
      Installation overview (EMC NetWorker)
      Add EMC NetWorker servers
      Adding an EMC NetWorker Data Collector policy
      Adding/Editing a EMC NetWorker server within the Data Collector policy
      Configure a notification action in EMC NetWorker
  7. Pre-Installation setup for Dell EMC NetWorker backup & Recovery
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (Dell EMC NetWorker Backup & Recovery)
      Installation overview (Dell EMC Networker Backup & Recovery)
      Adding a Dell EMC Networker Backup & Recovery Data Collector policy
  8. Pre-Installation setup for generic backup
      Generic backup data collection
      Prerequisites for adding Data Collectors (Generic Backup)
      Installation overview (generic backup)
      Add generic backup servers
      Add a generic backup Data Collector policy
      Adding/Editing a generic backup server within the Data Collector policy
      Manually load the CSV file (generic backup)
    9. CSV format specification
        EXAMPLE: genericBackupJobs.csv
  9. Pre-Installation setup for HP Data Protector
    2. Architecture overview (HP Data Protector)
        Cell Manager
        Disk agent (backup agent)
        Media agent
        Client systems
        User interface (UI)
      Prerequisites for adding Data Collectors (HP Data Protector)
      Installation overview (HP Data Protector)
      Identify HP Data Protector collection requirements
      Cell Manager commands for data collection
      Preparing for centralized data collection on a remote Cell Manager
    8. Configure the Data Collector server in Cell Manager (HP Data Protector)
        Requirements for the Data Collector (Windows)
        Steps to Configure the Data Collector Server in Cell Manager
      Configure an HP Data Protector admin user
      Validate HP Data Protector setup
      Add HP Cell Manager servers to NetBackup IT Analytics
      Add an HP Data Protector Data Collector policy
      Add/Edit a HP Data Protector server within the Data Collector policy
      Tune the configuration
  10. Pre-Installation setup for IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM)
    2. Architecture overview (IBM Spectrum Protect -TSM)
        IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) - servers and instances defined
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (IBM Spectrum Protect - TSM)
      Installation overview (IBM Spectrum Protect - TSM)
      Add IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) servers
      Adding an IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) Data Collector policy
      Add/Configure an IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) server within the Data Collector policy
    8. Import IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) information
        CSV format specifications
      Export IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) server information
  11. Pre-Installation setup for NAKIVO Backup & Replication
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (NAKIVO Backup & Replication)
      Installation overview (NAKIVO Backup & Replication)
      Add a NAKIVO Backup & Replication Data Collector policy
  12. Pre-Installation setup for Veritas Backup Exec
      Architecture overview (Veritas Backup Exec)
      Backup Exec terminology
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (Veritas Backup Exec)
      Upgrade troubleshooting: Microsoft SQL Server and Java 10
      Installation overview (Veritas Backup Exec)
      Enable TCP/IP for the SQL server
      Configure a Windows user
      Add Veritas Backup Exec servers
      Importing Backup Exec Server information
      Add a Veritas Backup Exec Data Collector policy
  13. Pre-Installation setup for Veritas NetBackup
      General prerequisites for adding data collectors (Veritas NetBackup)
      Centralized or distributed deployment (Veritas NetBackup)
      Centralized NetBackup data collection (Recommended)
    5. Prerequisites to use SSH and WMI (Veritas NetBackup)
        Configure NetBackup Access Control (NBAC) for NetBackup Data Collection
        Configure NetBackup sudo access for NetBackup data collection
        Configure NetBackup Appliances for Data Collection
        Configure NetBackup Flex Appliances for Data Collection
        Veritas NetBackup SSH: Changing the Linux Temporary Directory for Collection
    6. Prerequisites for NetBackup collection over SSH (Kerberos option)
        Enable Kerberos authentication for NetBackup SSH collection
      Prerequisites for centralized NetBackup data collection (using NetBackup software)
      Prerequisites for collection from Veritas NetBackup deployed as a Docker image
    9. Veritas NetBackup 8.1 (or later) requirements for centralized collection
        Required software
        Overview of centralized Data Collector steps
        Verify remote commands for centralized NetBackup data collection
      Distributed NetBackup data collection
      Enable access to the Veritas NetBackup Master Server
      Before you install the Data Collector (Veritas NetBackup)
      Collecting from NetBackup clusters
      Clustered NetBackup upgrade procedure
      Add a Veritas NetBackup Data Collector policy
      Add/Edit NetBackup Master Servers within the Data Collector policy
    17. Configuring file analytics in NetBackup Data Collector policy
        Prerequisites to configure File Analytics for NetBackup
        Data Collector and Portal sizing guidelines for File Analytics
        Configure File Analytics
        Export File Analytics data
  14. Pre-Installation setup for Veritas SaaS backup
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (Veritas SaaS Backup)
      Installation overview (Veritas SaaS Backup)
      Add a generic backup Data Collector policy
  15. Pre-Installation setup for Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN)
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (Oracle Recovery Manager - RMAN)
      Installation overview (Oracle Recovery Manager - RMAN)
      Add an Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) Data Collector policy
  16. Pre-Installation setup for Rubrik Cloud Data Management
      Prerequisites for adding Data Collectors (Rubrik Cloud Data Management)
      Installation overview (Rubrik Cloud Data Management)
      Add a Rubrik Cloud Data Management Data Collector policy
  17. Pre-Installation setup for Veeam Backup & Replication
      Prerequisites for adding data collectors (Veeam Backup & Replication)
      Verifying Data Collector servers can connect to Veeam servers
      Known issues and limitations (Veeam Backup & Replication)
      Installation overview (Veeam Backup & Replication)
      Add a Veeam Backup & Replication Data Collector policy
  18. Discovery policies for Veritas NetBackup
      Task overview: Configure and monitor discovery policies
      Discovery policies overview
    3. About Discovery types
        Client drive discovery
        Media server disk discovery
        Backup policy coverage
      Activate a Discovery license
      Exclude devices from Discovery policies
      Activate Discovery probes in the NetBackup Data Collector policy
      Monitor Discovery processes
      View client protection status
      Reset Discovery data
      Why enable SNMP?
    11. About SNMP probes
        First probe (sysObjectOID)
        Second probe (sysDescr OID)
      Example--Installing Net-SNMP
      Troubleshoot Net-SNMP installations
  19. Installing the Data Collector software
      Installing the WMI Proxy service (Windows host resources only)
      Testing WMI connectivity
      Considerations to install Data Collector on non-English systems
      Install Data Collector Software on Windows
      Install Data Collector software on Linux
      Install Data Collector in containerized environment
  20. Validate data collection
      Validation methods
      Data Collectors: Vendor-Specific validation methods
    3. Working with on-demand Data Collection
        View real-time logging during an on-demand collection
        Generating debug level logs during an on-demand collection
      Collect historic data on-demand
      Using the CLI check install utility
      List Data Collector configurations
  21. Manually start the Data Collector
  22. Uninstall the Data Collector
      Uninstall the Data Collector on Linux
      Uninstall the Data Collector on Windows
  23. Appendix A. Load historic events
      Load Commvault Simpana events
      Load EMC Avamar events
      Load EMC NetWorker events
      Load HP Data Protector events
      Load IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) events
      Load Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) events
      Load Veeam Backup & Replication events
    9. Load Veritas NetBackup events
        Load events for individual NetBackup clients
        Load events for a group of NetBackup clients
      Load Veritas Backup Exec events
      Corrections in duplication of clients
      Dell EMC NetWorker Backup & Recovery
  24. Appendix B. Firewall configuration: Default ports
      Firewall configuration: Default ports

Add a Veritas NetBackup Data Collector policy

The User ID and Passcode configured in this step will be used later when you install the Data Collector software on the Data Collector server. This configuration enables communication between the Portal and the Data Collector server.

  • Before adding the policy: A Data Collector must exist in the Portal, to which you will add Data Collector Policies.

    See Adding/Editing Data Collectors for more information.

    For specific prerequisites and supported configurations for a specific vendor, see the Certified Configurations Guide.

  • After adding the policy: For some policies, collections can be run on-demand using the Run button on the Collector Administration page action bar. The Run button is only displayed if the policy vendor is supported.

    On-demand collection allows you to select which probes and devices to run collection against. This action collects data the same as a scheduled run, plus logging information for troubleshooting purposes. For probe descriptions, refer to the policy.

To add the policy

  1. Select Admin > Data Collection > Collector Administration. Currently configured Portal Data Collectors are displayed.
  2. Search for a Collector if required.
  3. Select a Data Collector from the list.
  4. Click Add Policy, and then select the vendor-specific entry in the menu.
  5. Specify Data Collector Properties.
  6. Add or select the parameters. Mandatory parameters are denoted by an asterisk (*).
  7. Optionally, add/edit a NetBackup Master server from the policy screen. These operations can also be completed in the Inventory.

    See Table: Policy Parameters.

  8. Click OK to save the Policy.
  9. On the Data Collector server, install/update the Data Collector software.

Table: Policy Parameters



Collector Domain

The domain of the collector to which the collector backup policy is being added. This is a read-only field. By default, the domain for a new policy will be the same as the domain for the collector. This field is set when you add a collector.

Policy Domain

The Collector Domain is the domain that was supplied during the Data Collector installation process. The Policy Domain is the domain of the policy that is being configured for the Data Collector. The Policy Domain must be set to the same value as the Collector Domain.

The domain identifies the top level of your host group hierarchy. All newly discovered hosts are added to the root host group associated with the Policy Domain.

Typically, only one Policy Domain will be available in the drop-down list. If you are a Managed Services Provider, each of your customers will have a unique domain with its own host group hierarchy.

NetBackup Master Servers

Select the NetBackup Master Server(s) from which data will be collected. Multi-select is supported. Only available NetBackup Master Servers are displayed. For example, if a server has been decommissioned or it has been selected for use by another policy, it will not be displayed.


Click Add to add a NetBackup server. Added servers are also displayed in the Inventory.

See Add/Edit NetBackup Master Servers within the Data Collector policy.


If the hosts already exists, NetBackup IT Analytics displays a confirmation dialog box to update the Host Details (including the Host Type). Click Ok to update Host details / Host Type.


Select a server and click Edit to update the server values.

Backup Software Location on the Server (Data Collector or NetBackup Master)

Backup Software Location should point to a location on either the Data Collector server or the NetBackup Master Server. The location should either be the root folder or directory to the netbackup/volmgr folder(s) where the NetBackup software is installed.


If you are using the SSH/WMI remote collection method, this location is where the NetBackup software is installed on all the remote NetBackup Master Servers that are configured.

Default Backup Software Home location for NetBackup:

For Windows: C:\Program Files\Veritas.

For Linux: /usr/openv.

Collection Method

Select from NetBackup Software on a Data Collector Server (default) or SSH or WMI protocol to NetBackup Master Server. When NetBackup Software on Data Collector Server is selected, then the probe NetBackup Event Monitor is unselected, and following probes are selected: Storage Unit Details, Storage Lifecycle Policies, and Backup Policies.

When SSH or WMI protocol to NetBackup Master Server is selected, the probe NetBackup Event Monitor is unselected and disabled.

Remote Probe Login Details

These details are required for either of the following conditions:

  • The collector is centralized and the SLP Job Details, License Details, or Backup Policies probe is selected.

  • The collector is distributed and the Backup Policies probe is selected.

  • The Collection Method is SSH or WMI protocol to the NetBackup Master Server.

Master Server Domain

Specify the domain associated with the NetBackup Master Server User ID. For Windows Master Servers, this domain is used, in conjunction with the User ID, for the execution of the remote lifecycle policies utility (nbstlutil) by the SLP Job Details probe, when the Data Collector is not installed on the NetBackup Master Server; unused for remote Linux Master Servers. In addition, for NetBackup 7.7.3 only, this domain is used by the License Details probe to collect plugin information (bpstsinfo).

For NetBackup 8.3 and above, this domain is used by Backup Policies probe (FETB and Protection Plan collection) for REST API based authentication.

This field is required when the Collection Method is SSH or WMI protocol to the NetBackup Master Server and that Master Server is a Windows Server.

Master Server User ID

This field is required when the Collection Method is SSH or WMI protocol to the NetBackup Master Server.

Specify the user name with login rights on the selected NetBackup Master Server. The user name and password are used for the execution of the remote lifecycle policies utility (nbstlutil) by the SLP Job Details probe, when the Data Collector is not installed on the NetBackup Master Server. In addition, for NetBackup 7.7.3 only, the credentials are used by the License Details probe to collect plugin information (bpstsinfo). A Windows user name requires administrative privileges.

In case of NetBackup 8.3 and above, these credentials are also used by the Backup Policies probe for REST API based authentication. These credentials will be used for all Master Servers.

If SSH/WMI collection is specified, the username must have superuser privileges to run most NetBackup commands.

Master Server Password

This field is required when the Collection Method is SSH or WMI protocol to the NetBackup Master Server.

The password associated with the NetBackup Master Server User ID. The user name and password are used for the execution of the remote lifecycle policies utility (nbstlutil) by the SLP Job Details probe, when the Data Collector is not installed on the NetBackup Master Server. In addition, for NetBackup 7.7.3 only, the credentials are used by the License Details probe to collect plugin information (bpstsinfo).

In case of NetBackup 8.3 and above these credentials are also used by the Backup Policies probe for REST API based authentication. These credentials will be used for all Master Servers.

If password-based login to NetBackup Master Server is not allowed, for example in cloud deployment of NetBackup, then SSH private key can be specified here in the following format:

privateKey=<path-of-private-key>|password=<passphrase> where:

  • <path-of-private-key>| is the file path of the SSH private key.

  • <passphrase> is the password used while creating the SSH private key.

See Prerequisites for collection from Veritas NetBackup deployed as a Docker image.

WMI Proxy Address

Specify the IP address or hostname of the WMI Proxy. If this field is blank, will be used. This is used for remote nbstlutil execution of the SLP Job Details probe, when the Data Collector is not installed on the NetBackup Master Server. In addition, for NetBackup 7.7.3 only, this is used by the License Details probe to collect plugin information (bpstsinfo).

For NetBackup 8.3 and above, this domain is used by Backup Policies probe (FETB and Protection Plan collection) for REST API based authentication.

This field is required when the Collection Method is SSH or WMI protocol to the NetBackup Master Server and that Master Server is a Windows Server.

Active Probes

Tape Library & Drive Inventory

Select the check box to activate Tape Library data collection from your NetBackup environment.

The default polling frequency is every 12 hours. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available. Optimize performance by scheduling less frequent collection.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Tape Inventory

Select the check box to activate Tape data collection from your NetBackup environment.

The default polling frequency is every 18 hours. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available. Optimize performance by scheduling less frequent collection.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Drive Status

Select the check box to activate Tape Drive status collection from your NetBackup environment. The default polling frequency is every 20 minutes. This probe is selected by default. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Job Details

Select the check box to activate Job data collection from your NetBackup environment. The polling frequency would depend on the value of ENABLE_MINUS_T_OPTION advanced parameter.

Refer to Backup Manager advanced parameters section for more details on ENABLE_MINUS_T_OPTION parameter.

This probe is selected by default. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Duplication Jobs

Select the check box to activate Duplication Job data collection from your NetBackup environment. The default polling frequency is every 60 minutes. This probe is selected by default. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Backup Message Logs

Select the check box to activate Message Log (bperror) data collection from your NetBackup environment. The default polling frequency is every 60 minutes. This probe is selected by default. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

SLP Job Details

Select the check box to activate SLP Job Details collection from your NetBackup environment. The default polling frequency is every 6 hours.


When selecting this SLP Job Details option, if you are using centralized NetBackup data collection, you must also configure the settings in the Login Details for Remote Probes section of this Data Collector policy.

Clients Detail

Select the check box to activate Client Details data collection from your NetBackup environment. This probe connects directly to each NetBackup client to collect and persist environmental details. The default polling frequency is once a week.

This probe is selected by default.

Click the clock icon to modify the scheduled frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week, and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available. The default collection is scheduled to start on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Audit Events

The Audit Events probe collects the audit events such as user login success or failure, policy modification etc. from Netbackup Master server.

Select the check box to activate Audit Events data collection from your NetBackup environment. This probes connects directly to NetBackup Master server to collect and persist the audit details.

The default schedule is every 1 hour.

You can configure the Advanced parameter NBU_AUDIT_LOOKBACK_DAYS for the first time collection of the NetBackpup Audit events. By default, it collects events from last 3 days for the first time.

Change the value of this advanced parameter to collect events that are anything other than 3 days.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted

License Details

Select the check box to activate License Details data collection from your NetBackup environment. This probes collects and persists license key information for NetBackup. The default polling frequency is monthly. This probe is selected by default. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Client Exclude/Include List Details

Select the check box to activate Client Exclude/Include List Details data collection from your NetBackup environment. This probe collects from Linux/Unix and Windows NetBackup clients. This probe connects directly to each NetBackup client to collect and persist the NetBackup client exclude/include list of files and directories. The default polling frequency is monthly. This probe is selected by default. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

NetBackup Event Monitor

Collects events generated by the nb_monitor_util executable present in the NBU installation. Events include create/update/ delete for Backup Policies, Storage Unit Details, Storage Unit Groups and Storage Lifecycle Policies. This probe is selected by default for new installations.

NetBackup Event Monitor is disabled if WMI/SSH collection is enabled.

Storage Unit Details

Select the checkbox to activate Storage Unit data collection from your NetBackup environment. The default polling frequency is every 4 hours. This probe is selected by default. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Storage Lifecycle Policies

When selecting this option, you must also configure settings in the Login Details for Remote Probes section of this Data Collector policy. Select the check box to activate Storage Lifecycle Policy (SLP) collection from your NetBackup environment. The default polling frequency is every 8 hours. This probe is selected by default. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

Backup Policies

Performs Backup Policy data collection from your NetBackup environment. This probe also collects the FETB and protection plan data using REST APIs, provided the NetBackup version is 8.3 or later. You need to provide the REST API credentials under Remote Probe Login Details to allow the APIs to collect data. This probe is enabled by default and is not editable. The FETB data collected is also validated against the license entitlement of the subscription.

The default polling frequency is every 8 hours. Click the clock icon to create a schedule frequency for collecting data. You can schedule the collection frequency by minute, hour, day, week and month. Advanced use of native CRON strings is also available.

NetBackup IT Analytics supports VMware, Hyper-V, Oracle, MSSQL intelligent policies in NetBackup. As a part of Oracle and MSSQL intelligent policies, the instance details backed up by policy is displayed in NetBackup Policies Details report.


Explicit schedules set for a Collector policy are relative to the time on the Collector server. Schedules with frequencies are relative to the time that the Data Collector was restarted.

NetBackup Resources Monitor

Select the checkbox to activate NetBackup Resources data collection from your NetBackup environment. The probe does not have a default schedule. Once enabled, it collects data received from the NetBackup IT Analytics Exporter installed on the NetBackup Master Server. When you enable this probe, the NetBackup Master Server (Internal Name) is added to Compute Resources Data Collection Policy. If there is no existing policy, a new policy for Compute Resources is added.

Note that the Internal Name of the NetBackup Master server must match the instance (Hostname) of the NetBackup Master Server.

See the NetBackup IT Analytics Exporter Installation and Configuration Guide for details on exporter installation.


Enter or edit notes for your data collector policy. The maximum number of characters is 1024. Policy notes are retained along with the policy information for the specific vendor and displayed on the Collector Administration page as a column making them searchable as well.

Download SSL Certificate

Downloads the SSL certificate required to set up NetBackup IT Analytics Exporter on the NetBackup Master Server.

See the NetBackup IT Analytics Data Exporter Installation and Configuration Guide for details on exporter installation.

Test Connection

Test Connection initiates a Data Collector process that attempts to connect to the subsystem using the IP addresses and credentials supplied in the policy. This validation process returns either a success message or a list of specific connection errors. Test Connection requires that Agent Services are running.

Test Connection checks if the utility nb_monitor_util is installed. This is required to use the probe NetBackup Event Monitor.

It also checks if the REST APIs were successfully executed against the NetBackup Master. For REST APIs to succeed, you must provide the user credentials of the NetBackup Master that has REST API access. The FETB and Protection Plan collection fails in absence of the user credentials.

Several factors affect the response time of the validation request, causing some requests to take longer than others. For example, there could be a delay when connecting to the subsystem. Likewise, there could be a delay when getting the response, due to other processing threads running on the Data Collector.

You can also test the collection of data using the Run functionality available in Admin>Data Collection>Collector Administration. This On-Demand data collection run initiates a high-level check of the installation at the individual policy level, including a check for the domain, host group, URL, Data Collector policy and database connectivity. You can also select individual probes and servers to test the collection run.

See Veritas NetBackup SSH: Changing the Linux Temporary Directory for Collection.