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NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector Installation Guide for Backup Manager
Last Published:
NetBackup IT Analytics (11.0)
- Introduction
- Pre-Installation setup for Commvault Simpana
- Open TCP/IP access to the Commvault database
- Set up a read-only user in the CommServe server
- Pre-Installation setup for Cohesity DataProtect
- Pre-Installation setup for EMC Avamar
- Import EMC Avamar server information
- Pre-Installation setup for EMC Data Domain backup
- Pre-Installation setup for EMC NetWorker
- Architecture overview (EMC NetWorker)
- Pre-Installation setup for Dell EMC NetWorker backup & Recovery
- Pre-Installation setup for generic backup
- CSV format specification
- Pre-Installation setup for HP Data Protector
- Architecture overview (HP Data Protector)
- Configure the Data Collector server in Cell Manager (HP Data Protector)
- Pre-Installation setup for IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM)
- Architecture overview (IBM Spectrum Protect -TSM)
- Import IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) information
- Pre-Installation setup for NAKIVO Backup & Replication
- Pre-Installation setup for Veritas Backup Exec
- Pre-Installation setup for Veritas NetBackup
- Prerequisites to use SSH and WMI (Veritas NetBackup)
- Prerequisites for NetBackup collection over SSH (Kerberos option)
- Veritas NetBackup 8.1 (or later) requirements for centralized collection
- Configuring file analytics in NetBackup Data Collector policy
- Pre-Installation setup for Veritas SaaS backup
- Pre-Installation setup for Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN)
- Pre-Installation setup for Rubrik Cloud Data Management
- Pre-Installation setup for Veeam Backup & Replication
- Discovery policies for Veritas NetBackup
- About Discovery types
- About SNMP probes
- Installing the Data Collector software
- Validate data collection
- Manually start the Data Collector
- Uninstall the Data Collector
- Appendix A. Load historic events
- Load Veritas NetBackup events
- Appendix B. Firewall configuration: Default ports
Load historical data prior to initial data collection
This optional procedure is intended to be used only if you want to load the historical data from a CommServe database. This utility must be run prior to the first data collection. It prompts you for the number of hours to go back in time within the historical data and then configures data collection to capture that data.
To configure data collection to capture historical data, follow these steps.
At the command line, go to the database tools directory.
cd <HOME>\database\tools
Login to SQL Plus.
sqlplus portal/portal@//localhost:1521/scdb
Run the utility that configures the Data Collector to look for historical data. This utility only prompts you to enter hours and then configures data collection accordingly.
SQL> @cmv_update_max_lookback_hours.sql Enter value for hours:
old 1: UPDATE ptl_system_parameter SET param_value = &hours WHERE param_name=' CMV_MAX_LOOK_BACK_HRS' new 1: UPDATE ptl_system_parameter SET param_value = 12 WHERE param_name='CMV_ MAX_LOOK_BACK_HRS' Commit; 1 row updated. Commit complete.Exit SQL Plus.