Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Installation and Upgrade Guide - Windows
- Preinstallation and planning
- Installing the Veritas InfoScale products
- Upgrading to InfoScale products
- Performing the post upgrade tasks
- Administering the InfoScale product installation
- Uninstalling the InfoScale products
- Performing application upgrades in an InfoScale environment
- Upgrading Microsoft SQL Server
- Upgrading Oracle
- Upgrading application service packs in an InfoScale environment
- Appendix A. Services and ports
- Appendix B. Migrating from a third-party multi-pathing solution to DMP
Managing InfoScale licenses
After you have installed an InfoScale product, you may need to manage the product licenses to modify your license type.
You can manage your licenses by any of the following methods:
Using the Windows Add or Remove programs
Using the VMware vSphere Client
This method any can be used only if you have installed InfoScale Availability or InfoScale Enterprise in a VMware environment, and have installed the Symantec High Availability Console to administer the virtual machines.
Note the following points before you begin to manage the licenses:
You cannot manage licenses on a system that runs Server Core operating system. To manage licenses on these systems, you must uninstall the product and then install it again using the new licenses.
You can manage the licenses only on the local system.
You can manage the licenses only if you have installed the server components.
To manage licenses using the Windows Add or Remove programs
- Open the Windows Control Panel and click Programs and Features.
- Select the InfoScale product entry and click Change.
- On the Mode Selection panel, select Add or Remove and then click Next.
- On the System Selection panel, the wizard performs the verification checks and displays the applicable installation and product options. In case the verification checks have failed, review the details and rectify the issue. Before you choose to proceed with the installation click Re-verify to re-initiate the verification checks.
Note that the wizard proceeds only if the system passes the validation checks.
To manage the licenses, perform any of the following applicable task:
To change the license type, select the required license type from the License key drop-down list.
If you change your license type to "User entered license key", the License Details panel appears by default. Proceed through step 5 to add the license keys.
To add or remove the licenses, click Edit.
- On the License Details panel, enter the license key and then click Add.
The wizard validates the entered license key and displays the relevant error if the validation fails.
- On the License Details panel, click OK.
The wizard displays the applicable installation and product options on the System Selection panel.
- On the System Selection panel, select or clear the required product options and then click Next.
The wizard performs the verification checks and proceeds to the Pre-install Summary panel. In case the verification checks have failed, review the details and rectify the issue. Before you choose to proceed with the installation click Re-verify to re-initiate the verification checks.
Note that the wizard proceeds only if the verification checks are passed.
- On the Pre-install Summary panel, review the summary and click Next.
Note that the Automatically reboot systems after installer completes operation check box is selected by default. This will reboot all the selected remote systems immediately after the installation is complete on the respective system. If you do not want the wizard to initiate this auto reboot, clear the selection of Automatically reboot systems after installer completes operation check box.
- On the Installation panel, review the progress of installation and click Next after the installation is complete.
If an installation is not successful, the status screen shows a failed installation. Refer to the Post-install summary for more details. Rectify the issue and then proceed to re-install the component.
- On the Post-install Summary panel, review the installation result and click Next.
If the installation has failed, refer to the log file for details.
- On the Finish panel, click Finish.
If you had chosen to initiate the auto reboot, a confirmation message to reboot the local system appears. Click Yes to reboot immediately or No to reboot later.
In case you had not selected to initiate the auto reboot, ensure that you manually reboot these systems.
If you make any changes to the InfoScale Foundation, InfoScale Storage, or the InfoScale Enterprise licenses, the changes take effect when the vxsvc service starts again. If you remove all the licenses, the vxsvc service fails to start and the service recovery options are changed to "Take No Action". To start the service you must enter the licenses and then manually start the service and change the service recovery option to "Restart the Service".
If you make any changes to the InfoScale Availability licenses, you must restart Veritas High Availability Engine (HAD) service for the changes to take effect. If you remove all the licenses, HAD service fails to start. To start the HAD service, you must enter the required licenses and then run the hastart command or manually start the Veritas High Availability Engine service.
The following method any can be used only if you have installed InfoScale Availability or InfoScale Enterprise in a VMware environment, and have installed the Symantec High Availability Console to administer the virtual machines.
To manage the licenses through the vSphere Client menu
- Connect to the vCenter Server and navigate to Home > Solutions and Applications > Symantec High Availability
- Click the License Management tab.
- Select the desired virtual machines and click Next.
Only the machines that are running can be selected.
- Select a virtual machine and click Add License.
Use the CTRL key to select multiple virtual machines.
- On the Add License panel, enter the license key in the New License Key text box and click Validate Key.
The installer validates the license key. For successful validation the status reflects New license applied. In case of validation failure, the status is reflects Validation Failed. Enter a valid license key. Click Ok.
- Click Apply.
The specified license keys take effect immediately.
To view the details of the existing licenses, select the individual virtual machine. The details are displayed in the