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Veritas InfoScale 7.3 Installation and Upgrade Guide - Windows
Last Published:
InfoScale & Storage Foundation (7.3)
Platform: Windows
- Preinstallation and planning
- Installing the Veritas InfoScale products
- Upgrading to InfoScale products
- Performing the post upgrade tasks
- Administering the InfoScale product installation
- Uninstalling the InfoScale products
- Performing application upgrades in an InfoScale environment
- Upgrading Microsoft SQL Server
- Upgrading Oracle
- Upgrading application service packs in an InfoScale environment
- Appendix A. Services and ports
- Appendix B. Migrating from a third-party multi-pathing solution to DMP
Configuring Oracle and listener services
Configuring the Oracle and Listener services involves the following tasks:
Making the Oracle and Netlsnr services manual.
Configuring log on properties for Oracle services.
Use the following procedures to configure Oracle and listener services.
To make services manual
- Open the Services applet from Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services or, on Windows 2012 operating systems, from the Apps menu in the Start screen.
Double-click the Oracle service. In the SCM, the following appears:
Oracle services appear as OracleServiceSID, where SID represents the database instance.
Listener services appear as OracleOra_HomeTNSListenerName, where Ora_Home represents the Oracle home directory and ListenerName is the name of the listener set during the installation.
- In the Properties window, click the General tab.
- From the Startup Type drop-down list, select Manual.
- Click OK.
To configure the log on properties for oracle services
- Open the Services applet from Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services or, on Windows 2012 operating systems, from the Apps menu in the Start screen.
- Double-click the Oracle service. In the SCM, the names of Oracle services appear as OracleServiceSID, where SID represents the database instance.
- In the General tab of the Properties window, click Stop to stop the service.
- Click the Log On tab.
- Choose This Account.
- Enter the credentials of the user in whose context Oracle was installed.
- Click the General tab and click Start to start the service with the new Log On properties. Click OK.