NetBackup™ Upgrade Guide
- Introduction
- About changes in NetBackup 10.5
- Planning for an upgrade
- General upgrade planning information
- About upgrade tools
- Upgrade operational notes and limitations
- General upgrade planning information
- Primary server upgrade
- Media server upgrade
- MSDP upgrade for NetBackup
- Client upgrade
- NetBackup Deployment Management with VxUpdate
- Appendix A. Reference
- About pushing client software from a primary server to clients
Silently upgrading NetBackup primary server software on Linux
You can upgrade NetBackup Linux primary servers with native installers. You can use either the NetBackup install script or your preferred installer method.
For Linux: rpm, yum, etc.
A successful installation or upgrade is recorded in the /usr/openv/pack/install.history
Because of package name changes, native installer methods require additional steps to upgrade primary servers from NetBackup 7.7.3 and earlier to NetBackup 8.0 and later. You have two options to correctly upgrade your primary servers and convert to the Veritas packages. You can use the NetBackup installer to upgrade the primary server to the new Veritas packages. Or you can follow the native installers procedure and perform the conditional steps. More information is available.
See “To upgrade the Linux primary server binaries using native installers:”.
Both of these upgrade options result in the same outcome. Once you have successfully upgraded to the Veritas packages, you can perform future upgrades with the installer of your choice.
To upgrade the Linux primary server binaries using native installers:
- Log on as the root user on the server.
- If the NetBackup Administration Console is open, you must close it now.
- (Conditional) For clustered environments, perform the following tasks:
If necessary, edit the
and thevm.conf
files as follows:If a
entry exists, replace it with aCLUSTER_NAME
entry. Otherwise, add a newCLUSTER_NAME
entry. This entry should be defined as the virtual server name.For a primary server, make sure that the first
entry matches theCLUSTER_NAME
entry for thebp.conf
file.Take the NetBackup Group offline. Use the command shown:
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hares -offline
Freeze the NetBackup Group so that migrations do not occur while the inactive nodes are upgraded. Use the command shown:
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hagrp -freeze group -persistent
If you have a VCS cluster configured, you can freeze the NetBackup Group by using the Cluster Manager interface or the command line.
Before you proceed with a cluster upgrade, refer to the NetBackup Clustered Primary Server Administrator's Guide for other cluster upgrade requirements.
- NetBackup scripts that are not covered in Chapter 1 that you modified are removed when you run the upgrade script. More information about this topic is available.
See About automatic file changes from an upgrade.
Save any files that you have modified and want to keep.
- Please create the NetBackup installation answer file (
) in the primary server's temporary directory. That directory is usually the/tmp
directory. More information about the answer file and its contents is available. - You can add optional parameters to the
file. The parameters that are shown are examples of some of the parameters you can add. Veritas recommends that you review the NetBackup answer file section that is included in this documentation:LICENSE entries
LICENSE entries are only required on primary servers.
For upgrades from pre-NetBackup 10.3 to NetBackup 10.3 or later, the LICENSE entry is required. LICENSE=TEMP_PRODUCTION | license_file_path. If you have not downloaded your license from Veritas Entitlement management portal, you can use TEMP_PRODUCTION. More information is available:
For upgrades from NetBackup 10.3 or later releases, you don't need to provide a LICENSE entry if you already have valid and unexpired license installed.
SERVER entries
- (Conditional) If you want to assign RBAC security and backup administration roles to a user or a user group, populate
with the following required information:RBAC_DOMAIN_TYPE
Use this field to specify the domain type to which the user or the user group belongs. The following RBAC_DOMAIN_TYPE values are supported: NT, VX, UNIXPWD, LDAP.
Use this field to specify the name of the domain to which the user or the user group belongs.
Use this field to specify USER or USERGROUP.
Use this field to specify the user name or the user group.
More information about the RBAC_* options is available.
- Download the server package that matches your server platform to a system with sufficient space. Then extract the contents of the server package file.
Extract the contents of the server package file. Example:
For Linux RedHat:
tar -xzvf NetBackup_10.5_LinuxR_x86_64.tar.gz
For Linux SuSE:
tar -xzvf NetBackup_10.5_LinuxS_x86_64.tar.gz
- Change to the directory for your desired operating system and copy packages to the computer to be installed.
Operating system directory:
For Linux RedHat:
For Linux SuSE:
Copy packages to machine to be installed:
- (Conditional) If you are upgrading from pre-NetBackup 8.0, remove the old SYMC* packages. The example shown indicates the commands used to remove the SYMC RPM packages. This process preserves your NetBackup configuration.
rpm -e SYMCnbjava rpm -e SYMCpddea rpm -e SYMCnbclt rpm -e SYMCnbjre rpm -e SYMCnetbp rpm -e SYMCpddes
- (Conditional): If the upgrade is from NetBackup 10.1.1 or earlier and you want to install NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector; or if you have an unconfigured NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector you want to upgrade:
Create the /usr/openv/tmp directory with the mkdir -p /usr/openv/tmp command.
Copy the
tarball from the media's/catalog/anb/
directory to/usr/openv/tmp
.Verify the INSTALL_ITA_DATA_COLLECTOR value is set to YES in the
file.If you do not want to install IT Analytics Data Collector, make sure the INSTALL_ITA_DATA_COLLECTOR value is set to NO in the
- Install the files in the order that is shown with the commands that are shown:
RedHat Linux
rpm -U VRTSnbpck.rpm rpm -U VRTSpbx.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbclt.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbclibs.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbjre.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbjava.rpm rpm -U VRTSpddes.rpm rpm -U VRTSpddeu.rpm rpm -U VRTSpddea.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbcfg.rpm rpm -U VRTSpostgresql.rpm rpm -U VRTSnetbp.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbprimary.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbmqbrkr.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbweb.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbslibs.rpm
package is no longer delivered in NetBackup 10.5. Remove this rpm and installlibguestfs.rpm
if you want to continue to use Instant Access or malware scans of VM images.SuSE Linux
rpm -U VRTSnbpck.rpm rpm -U VRTSpbx.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbclt.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbclibs.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbjre.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbjava.rpm rpm -U VRTSpddeu.rpm rpm -U VRTSpddea.rpm rpm -U VRTSpddes.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbcfg.rpm rpm -U VRTSpostgresql.rpm rpm -U VRTSnetbp.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbprimary.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbmqbrkr.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbweb.rpm rpm -U VRTSnbslibs.rpm
- If you decide to install the Java GUI or the JRE after the installation completes, additional information is available.