NetBackup™ Upgrade Guide
- Introduction
- About changes in NetBackup 10.5
- Planning for an upgrade
- General upgrade planning information
- About upgrade tools
- Upgrade operational notes and limitations
- General upgrade planning information
- Primary server upgrade
- Media server upgrade
- MSDP upgrade for NetBackup
- Client upgrade
- NetBackup Deployment Management with VxUpdate
- Appendix A. Reference
- About pushing client software from a primary server to clients
NetBackup database user
As part of the NetBackup 10.2 upgrade, the NetBackup database is converted to a new database. That database operates under a user account with limited privileges. For Linux, this account must be a non-root user. The account must be on each primary server (or each node of a clustered primary server).
For security purposes, do not create an account with administrator or superuser privileges. Do not add the user to the sudoer list.
You can use numerous procedures to create this user. Some specific approaches are shown, but other methods may accomplish the same goal. The user must have sufficient permissions to run daemons. More information about this topic is available.
See Upgrade requirements for UNIX and Linux.
Be aware of the operating system-specific account requirements:
A separate database user account is required for Linux only if the service account is root. If the service account is non-root, you do not need to create an additional user.
In Linux clustered environments, make sure that the local accounts are defined consistently on all cluster nodes. The UID must be the same for each local account. You can use LDAP accounts on UNIX.
For Windows clustered primary servers, you must use a domain account. You can use a domain account for non-clustered environments, but it is not required.
The NetBackup primary server installation fails if these requirements are not met. On Windows, you are asked to provide the password for the user account as part of the installation process.
If the password associated with the account expires after initial configuration, NetBackup provides no notification the password has expired. This behavior is normal and expected, as the operating system manages the account and the password.
As long as the NetBackup catalog remains active, NetBackup continues to operate normally.
When you attempt to restart NetBackup, the restart fails due to the expired password. Navigate to the appropriate area in the operating system, supply the correct password, and restart the service.
To create the database user account
- Create a local user.
Linux: useradd -c 'NetBackup database user account' username
Windows: C:\>net user username strong_password /add
- (Conditional) For Windows only, grant the Log on as a service right to the user:
Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.
Under Security Settings, click Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
Right-click on Log on as a service and select Properties.
Add the local user.
Save your changes and close the Properties dialog for Log on as a service.