Veritas NetBackup™ Status Codes Reference Guide
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NetBackup status code: 2826
Explanation: A process on the master server cannot connect to a process on a host on the network. This error occurs when the process tries to initiate communication with the server that has the storage unit. This problem can occur during a restore in either a single or a multiple server configuration.
Recommended Action: Try the following possible solution in the order presented:
From the master server, ping the master and all media servers by using the host names in the storage unit configuration.
From each of the media servers, ping the master server by using the name that is specified in the NetBackup server list. On a UNIX or Linux server, this master is the first SERVER entry in the bp.conf file. On a Windows server, the master is designated on the Servers tab in the Master Server Properties dialog box.
Check that all of the services are running on the media server.
Click here to view technical notes and other information in the Veritas Knowledge Base about this status code.