Veritas NetBackup™ Status Codes Reference Guide
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup status codes
- NetBackup KMS status codes
- NetBackup status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Media Manager status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device configuration status codes
- Device management status codes
- Device management status codes
- Device management status codes
- Robotic status codes
- Robotic status codes
- Robotic status codes
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- Robotic error codes
- Robotic error codes
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- Security services status codes
- Security services status codes
Robotic status code 202
An element of the robotic library device cannot be sensed. The cause can be any of the following:
The SCSI commands mode sense, mode select, or read element status (of slot, drive, transport, i/e element) may have failed.
A network API-controlled library inventory request may have failed.
The robotic daemon/process cannot initialize a robotic database file.
Recommended Action:
Check the configuration of the robot against the recommended configuration as indicated in the documentation for robot configuration.
Check the health of the robotic device by using a robot test utility, then close the test utility when finished.
Check for the existence and permissions of the temporary robotic database and the temporary database directory/folder, which is
(UNIX and Linux) orinstall_path\Volmgr\misc\robotic_db
(Windows). Create the directory/folder and adjust the permissions as needed so that the robotic daemon/process can create it or use it. Stop and restart ltid (the device daemon on UNIX and Linux or the NetBackup Device Manager service on Windows).